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HP HPE6-A66 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Refer to the exhibit. When planning the use of Cat7 cabling for a SmartRate connection between an ArubaOS AP and an ArubaOS switch, which sections should be considered when calculating distance? 

A. A + C
B. A + B
C. A + B + C + D
D. A + B + C

Question # 2

NewStellar has a main corporate campus in a business park with two adjacent buildings that are 150 feet apart (46 meters). This is an open campus with no obstructions between the two buildings Each building has three floors and each floor is 322 x 175 feet (98 x 53 meters) for 56,350 square feet (5,235 square meters) total, which results in a total of 338,100 feet (31,410 square meters) for the entire building space. The ceiling for  This floor has a central main corridor with washrooms, stairs, elevators and supply, and network cabinets.There are cubicles around the perimeter of the floor. The central part main corridor's dimensions contain 9,350square feet (870 square meters).The company has determined that Wi-Fi coverage will not include the central area of each floor, whichincludes the washrooms, stairs, elevators and supply and network cabinets. Based on a capacity design,approximately how many APs should a network architect add to each floor to plan the design in VisuaiRF?

A. 40
B. 10
C. 20
D. 30

Question # 3

A network architect is given the task to design a new network solution for NewStellar Company, Inc. NewSteiiar has a main corporate campus in a business park with two adjacent buildings. The network architect has given one floor to analyze, Building 1 Floor 2, shown in the attached exhibit.  Each building has three floors and each floor is 322 x 175 feet (98 x 53 meters) for 56,350 square feet (5,235square meters) total, which results in a total of 338,100 feet (31,410 square meters) for the entire buildingspace. Each floor has a central main corridor with washrooms, stairs, elevators and supply and networkcabinets. There are cubicles around the perimeter of the floor. The central part main corridor's dimensionscontain 9,350 square feet {870 square meters).Because of security concerns, video cameras will be installed throughout the facility. There are 16 of these perfloor, 8 per wiring closet. The cameras are non-WiFi capable and require POE 802.3af-capable switch portsfrom which to draw power.A wireless capacity design is required. Assuming that wireless coverage is required across the Building 1,Floor 2, including the central area, and that half the required APs will connect to each wiring closet,approximately how many POE+ ports will be required per wiring closet for all devices that have POE or POE+needs?

A. 30
B. 22
C. 42
D. 8

Question # 4

NewStellar has a main corporate campus in a business park with two adjacent buildings. Each building has three floors and each floor is 322 x 175 feet (98 x 53 meters) for 56,350 square feet (5,235 square meters) total. The ceiling for each floor is 12 feet (3.6 meters) high with a drop-down ceiling at 10 feet (3 meters). The network architect has given you one floor to analyze, Building 1 Floor 2, shown in the attached exhibit. This floor has a central main corridor with washrooms, stairs, elevators and supply and network cabinets. There are cubicles around the perimeter of the floor. The central part main corridor's dimensions contain 9,350 square feet (870 square meters). Assuming that wireless coverage is not required in the central area, which square footage (square meter) value should a network architect use when determining the number of APs in a capacity design for each floor? 

A. 55.750 square feet {5,175 square meters)
B. 56.350 square feet {5,235 square meters)
C. 47.000 square feet {4,365 square meters)
D. 338,100 feet {31,410 square meters)

Question # 5

A network architect is designing a new wired and wireless solution for for a company. The company has twobuildings on a campus, which each building has three floors. The campus core will be placed in the basementof Building 1. Each wiring closet has eight strands of multi-mode OM3 grade fiber that connect to a wiringcloset of the first floor of the building it is contained, referred to as a main distribution frame (MDF). Themaximum distance between a floor's wiring closet and the MDF is 100 feet (30 meters). The maximumdistance between the two MDFs and the campus core is no more than 150 feet (45 meters). There are eightstrands of multi-mode OM3 grade fiber from these two MDF closets to the campus core.Based on this information, which type of design should be used and what is the maximum speeds supported alluplinks for the existing the multi-mode fiber?

A. three-tier and 10 Gbps
B. three-tier and 40 Gbps
C. two-tier and 10 Gbps
D. two-tier and 40 Gbps

Question # 6

A company has chosen an Aruba mobility controller solution for the redesign of their wireless network Thedesign will have two 7205 controllers in a cluster for campus employees and a single VMC-50 virtualcontroller for remote access via a DMZ. A Mobility Master (MM) is used for centralized license and controllermanagement. All controllers will minimally run ArubaOS 8 4 or later Currently the company has 1.000employees. There are 30 branch offices that will use RAPs to connect to the DMZ controller. A peak of 100users concurrently using the VIA client will also connect to the DMZ controller.How many Aruba LIC-VIA licenses does the company need to purchase for this solution?

A. 100
B. 1
C. 1,030
D. 130

Question # 7

Which IRIS option will automatically create a project with a blank preconfigured Site-1 ?

A. New Campus
B. New Express Mode
C. New Project
D. New Site

Question # 8

A high-end theater venue will be implementing an Aruba wireless solution using ceiling- and wall-mountedAPs. The venue wants to ensure the the APs blend into the ceiling and wall environments. What solutionshould the customer use to ensure that wireless coverage is not hampered?

A. Place the APs above the ceiling and behind the walls
B. Place a strip of tape over the LEDs
C. Order Aruba AP covers for the APs
D. Paint the APs to match the ceilings or walls

Question # 9

A customer requires a campus core virtualization solution that supports a dual control and management planes,as well as active-active forwarding paths. Which solution would meet the customer's requirements?

A. Mesh stacking
C. Backplane stacking

Question # 10

Which must you perform in IRIS to assign a device to a Design Group?

A. Right-click the device and select Set Layer Membership
B. Right-click the device and select Set Design Group
C. Drag and drop the device into the Site
D. Drag and drop the device into the Design Group

Question # 11

A network architect is replacing an old wireless implementation based on 802.11 a with a new wirelesssolution. The company has a lot of money invested in legacy wireless barcode scanners and will not bereplacing them. However, the bandwidth that the company expects each AP to have less than 700 Mbps inbandwidth, and this is not expected to change in the future.Which wireless solution would best meet this company's needs and be the most cost-effective?

A. 802.11n
B. 802.11ax
C. 802.11g
D. 802.11ac

Question # 12

NewRocket requires a wireless capacity design 30 Aruba 510 APs will be connected to each wiring closetusing SmartRate connections. Wireless coverage needs to be provided even if a POE+ switch loses powerBecause of security concerns, wired video cameras were recently installed throughout the facility. There are 12of these per floor. 6 per wiring closet. The cameras are 802.11n WiFi capable and have power injectors fromwhich to draw power.Based on the POE+ needs of the mentioned devices, which solution would meet the POE+ requirements whilestill providing a redundant and cost-effective Wi-Fi solution for the devices that require POE+ for Building 1,Floor 2?

A. One 3810M 40G 8 HPE Smart Rate switch
B. Two 2930F 24-port POE+ switches
C. Two 2930M 24-port POE+ switches
D. One 2930M 48-port POE+ switch

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