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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
The Product Backlog ismaintainedby:
A. The Scrum Master
B. The Development Team
C. The Product Owner
D. The Product Owner and Scrum Master
Question # 2
What happens when the Sprint is cancelled?
A. The Scrum Team disbands immediately
B. The complete Sprint Backlog is put back to the Product Backlog
C. The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are discarded
D. The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release and incomplete items are put back to the Product Backlog
Question # 3
What is the maximum time that Scrum recommends the team spend in the daily scrum (daily standup)?
A. Fifteen minutes
B. Thirty minutes
C. One hour
D. Four hours
E. As long as ittakes
Question # 4
Which of the following is not a Product Owner responsibility?
A. Maintaining the Product Backlog with current information
B. Working with stakeholders to determine and detail product features
C. Assigning tasks to team members
D. Prioritizing the Product Backlog
Question # 5
How could the team and other stakeholders know if a product backlog item is done?
A. They should ask to the member'sdevelopmentteam
B. They should compare what was done, against the definition of Done established by the Scrum Team
C. Ask to the Product Owner
D. Ask to the Manager
Question # 6
Which of the following is NOT part of the Sprint?
A. The product is released to customers after each Sprint
B. The principal goal for a Sprint is to produce release-quality increments in functionality
C. Releases usually incorporate the result of multiple Sprints
D. Occur at times dictated by customer and business needs
Question # 7
_____________ can change the priority of items in the _________ backlog at any time.
A. The Team; Product
B. The Product Owner(s); Sprint
C. The Product Owner(s); Product
D. The Scrum Master; Sprint
Question # 8
You are the Scrum Master and your Development Team of 6 members has completed six Sprints with the following information:Sprint 1: 10 pontosSprint 2: 11 pontosSprint 3: 15 pontosSprint 4: 14 pontosSprint 5: 15 pontosSprint 6: 10 pontos The remaining story points for product development total 42. What is the approximate number of Sprint required to complete product development?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
Question # 9
More than one Scrum Team is working on a single project or release. How should the Product Backlog bearranged?
A. A separate Product Backlog is constructed for each Scrum Team. All of the increments are integrated at theend in an integration Sprint
B. All Scrum Teams work from a common Product Backlog and integrate their work every sprint
C. Only one Scrum Team should work on Scrum project
D. Scrum Teams should have their separate Product Backlogs
Question # 10
Which of the following is not a Scrum cycle activity?
A. Sprint retrospective
B. Daily scrum
C. Weekly inspection
D. Sprint planning
Question # 11
Which of the following is reflected in a Sprint Burndown Chart?
A. Team Members Name
B. Number of Product Backlog Items Completed
C. Number of Tasks Remaining
D. Work Hours Remaining
Question # 12
Which of the following activities do not occur at the end of the Sprint?
A. Software development
B. Release deployment
C. Sprint review meeting
D. Quality assurance testing
Question # 13
Is Scrum Master a "management" position?
A. Yes
B. No
Question # 14
On a new Scrum Team, the Development Team tell the Scrum Master that they don't feel the need for retrospectives. Which answer incorrect?
A. Discuss with product owner
B. Start doing retrospectives
C. None of above
Question # 15
Under what circumstances should the Product Backlog be reprioritized?
A. The Scrum Master should reprioritize the Product Backlog only at the end of a new Sprint
B. The Scrum Master should reprioritize the Product Backlog only at the beginning of a new Sprint
C. The Team should reprioritize the Product Backlog only at the end of a new Sprint.
D. The Product Owner should reprioritize the Product Backlog whenever new information is learned
Question # 16
You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining16 hours with the exception ofthree tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are requiredto complete one Product Backlogitem and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How shouldthe development team handle the remaining three tasks?
A. The development team should negotiate with the Product Owner on the definition of "done".
B. The development team should work the extra 8 hours to complete their commitment to the Product Owner
C. The development team should place the two Product Backlog items back onto the Product Backlog
D. The development team should keep the three tasks on the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint and completethose tasks first
Question # 17
What is the Release Burndown?
A. A graph indicating what has been completed by the Scrum Team
B. A measure of the remaining Product Backlog across the time of a release plan
C. What has been completed by the Scrum Team to date
D. The work remaining to be completed by the Product Owner
Question # 18
________________ constitute the Sprint Backlog and are often estimated in hours?
A. User Stories
B. Use Cases
C. Features
D. Tasks
Question # 19
What happens when allcommitteditems(requirements) are not completed at the end of the Sprint?
A. The Sprint duration is extended
B. The tasks are determined to be unnecessary
C. They return to the product backlog
D. None of the above
Question # 20
The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:
A. Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to the Product Owner.
B. Turn the Product Backlog it selects into an increment of potentially shippable product functionality.
C. Do all of the development work, but not the types of testing that require specialized testing, tools, andenvironments.
Question # 21
What is the primary objective of the daily scrum?
A. To share with the team what each member has completed in the Sprint, what each member will work onnext, and to report progress roadblocks
B. To give a status report to the Product Owner on what each member has completed in the Sprint, what eachmember will work on next, and to report progress roadblocks.
C. To discuss work details with the team since every team member must attend the meeting
D. To give a status report to the Scrum Master on what each member has completed in the Sprint, what eachmember will work on next, and to report progress roadblocks.
Question # 22
Which two are properties of the Daily Scrum? (Choose 2)
A. It is fifteen minutes or less in duration.
B. It is facilitated by the team lead.
C. It consists of the Scrum Master asking the Team members the three questions.
D. Its location and time should remain constant.
Question # 23
What does the Sprint Backlog consist of?
A. User Stories, only.
B. Use Cases
C. Selected Backlog Items and Tasks
D. Test cases
Question # 24
What is the maximum amount of time a sprint retrospective should take?
A. 1 hour
B. 1 and half hour
C. 3 hours, for an 30 days Sprint
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