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Frequently Asked Questions

FSMTB MBLEx Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Assisting a client with a movement during a palpation assessment is Available Choices (select all choices that are correct)

A. active ROM
B. active-assisted ROM
C. passive ROM
D. resistive ROM

Question # 2

The tendinoperiosteal junction is located between the muscle and tendon.


Question # 3

Systole refers to the force needed to contract blood out of the heart.


Question # 4

Which of the following valves is between the stomach and the small intestine?

A. Pyloric
B. Mitral
C. Ileocecal
D. Eustachian

Question # 5

Metabolic effects of massage therapy upon the body are a combination of reflexive and mechanical effects.


Question # 6

Which condition would include an issue with the flexor carpi radialis muscle?

A. medial epicondylitis
B. thoracic outlet syndrome
C. lateral epicondylitis
D. cubital tunnel syndrome

Question # 7

During the objective portion of a massage intake, what information will the therapist gather from a functional assessment?

A. Muscular deviations
B. Restricted and painful movement patterns
C. Tissue texture and temperature
D. Cause of soft tissue injuries

Question # 8

The radial nerve divides into a deep branch called the _________________ nerve?

A. musculocutaneous
B. anterior interosseous
C. palmar digital
D. posterior interosseous

Question # 9

ABCDE is used as a guideline to detect changes in the _______________.

A. eyes
B. muscles
C. skin
D. mouth

Question # 10

When a client’s skin is discolored with a bluish tint, this would be an indication of whichbody system dysfunction?

A. Skin
B. Nervous
C. Muscular
D. Cardiovascular

Question # 11

What does a sulcus refer to?

A. A passage or canal
B. The meeting point where bones are joined together
C. A narrow groove
D. A knob like process

Question # 12

A 27 year old male client enters a massage therapy office for a treatment holding his righthand along the pinky and ring finger. He complains of numbness and weakness in the twoaffected digits. He states the condition has been progressing over the last few weeks. Heworks in IT for a database company and works normal hours and is not very stressed at work. He is a daily commuter cyclist and also enjoys playing disc golf. Deep tissuemassage is recommended to treat this condition.


Question # 13

A client with cancer is in a disagreement with a doctor’s orders to avoid massage for thenext two months. The client has made a special request for massage and is willing to takeall responsibility for any adverse effects that may arise due to the massage. Choose thebest protocol to proceed.

A. Massage as normal using both light and deep pressure.
B. Massage as normal using only lighter massage techniques. i.e, Swedish.
C. Massage using only MLD.
D. No massage. Follow the orders of the medical doctor.

Question # 14

Which cells are responsible for generating the electrical impulses that control heart rate?

A. Myocytes
B. Glial
C. Epithelial
D. Merkel

Question # 15

What is another name for the alimentary canal?

A. Ear canal
B. Digestive tract
C. Hepatic portal vein
D. Nasal cavity

Question # 16

As a self-employed sole proprietor or independent contractor, how often are you required to file form 1040ES with the IRS?

A. Bi-monthly
B. Quarterly
C. Bi-yearly
D. Yearly

Question # 17

What is the primary reason for keeping all records safe and protected?

A. To insure you are paid from insurance
B. To protect against being sued
C. Client confidentiality
D. Personal reasons

Question # 18

A regular client has recently complained of pain in the arches of their feet. Which of thefollowing healthcare providers should you refer your client to?

A. Physical Therapist
B. Chiropractor
C. Orthopedist
D. Podiatrist

Question # 19

Which of the following best describes HIPAA?

A. (Therapeutic relationship
B. Patient rights
C. Office safety
D. Credentialinq

Question # 20

Which of the following determines the necessary certifications and educationalrequirements for licensure?

A. State regulations
B. AMTA quidelines
C. HIPAA requlations
D. Federal agency

Question # 21

A client is complaining of tension headaches focused along the temporal region. Whatshould the massage therapist instruct the client to do to help locate and palpate thetemporalis muscle?

A. Client clench and relax their jaw
B. Client open mouth and relax their jaw
C. Pinch closed and open eyes
D. Rotate head from side to side

Question # 22

A client can experience phantom pain if they have _______________.

A. a psychological disorder
B. diabetes
C. lost a limb
D. a neurological dysfunction

Question # 23

Lateral epicondylitis affects the outside of the knee joint.


Question # 24

A hip joint that feels restricted and lacking in movement is considered hypermobile.


Question # 25

Which of the following choices best describes the function of P, in the acronym S.O.A.P.?

A. Future visits
B. Evaluation
C. Summary of findings
D. Initial complaint

Question # 26

There are two main roles between a therapist and a client. The first role is as a massagetherapist and the second role is as ___________________.

A. an instructor
B. a counselor
C. a professional
D. a confidant

Question # 27

A client presents with tendinitis pain that is experienced after an activity but not before or during the activity. What injury classification grade does the client exhibit?

A. Grade 1
B. Grade 2
C. Grade 3
D. Grade 4

Question # 28

A crush or loving interest from a client is a natural occurrence.


Question # 29

Neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils are types of __________________.

A. eukocytes
B. myocytes
C. pathogens
D. enzymes

Question # 30

Which would lead to a condition of sepsis?

A. Excess iron in the blood
B. A bacterial infection
C. Insufficient carbohydrate intake
D. Lowered glucose levels in the blood

Question # 31

How many joints are part of the shoulder girdle?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Question # 32

Which of the following functions does the pineal gland help regulate?

A. Movement
B. Digestion
C. Blood pressure
D. Sleep patterns

Question # 33

Hacking, tapping and pounding with loose fists are examples of _______________.

A. Petrissaqe
B. Deep tissue
C. Effleuraqe
D. Tapotement

Question # 34

Which heart valve is the mitral valve?

A. Tricuspid
B. Bicuspid
C. Pulmonary semilunar
D. Aortic semilunar

Question # 35

What does the term meiosis relate to?

A. Cell division
B. Milk production
C. Muscle deterioration
D. Voluntary contractions

Question # 36

Which of the following would be a possible concern for a new client?

A. A detailed and thorough intake
B. Low lighting in the treatment room
C. Soft music played throughout the office
D. Locked door for privacy

Question # 37

Which of the following cells are important to blood clotting?

A. Erythrocytes
B. Leukocytes
C. Phagocytes
D. Thrombocytes

Question # 38

Which best describes mitosis?

A. Cell division
B. Cell death
C. Muscle infection
D. Inflammation

Question # 39

An epiphyseal line on a bone indicates what?

A. The bone has begun a new growth phase.
B. The bone was previously fractured in that location.
C. The bone has stopped growing.
D. The bone has reached its adult length.

Question # 40

What do boundaries clarify?

A. Our needs and desires
B. Our need to protect ourselves
C. Our need to protect our
D. Our personal limits and expectations

Question # 41

A 43 year old female client presents with pain in the right hand with episodes of pins andneedles and occasional numbness. Upon inspection you notice a slight bluish discolorationof her arm and sensitivities of her right anterior neck. She claims to be under a lot of stressat work and she has been working overtime lately at a desk job typing 8-10 hours a day.What nerve bundle is the root of the cause?

A. Sciatic
B. Brachial plexus
C. Radial
D. Peroneal nerve

Question # 42

Your last client of the day asks to treat you to a few drinks. What is the correct response?

A. Suggest another time
B. Say "yes" as long as it is not too expensive
C. End your professional relationship with them
D. Decline the invitation in order to keep the relationship professional

Question # 43

What does the acronym TART relate to in the therapeutic environment?

A. Soft tissue assessment protocol
B. Massage treatment protocol
C. Indication or contraindication evaluation
D. Pathological skin detection

Question # 44

Having a discussion with a client about the positive and potentially negative effects ofmassage for a certain condition is an example of _______________.

A. informed consent
B. ethics
C. framework
D. personal boundaries

Question # 45

A small, rough protuberance on a bone is called a _______________.

A. Tuberosity
B. Condyle
C. Trochanter
D. Spine

Question # 46

Which of the following ethical principles is being followed when a massage therapist isconscientious about keeping clients updated with informed consent?

A. Healthcare services
B. Client autonomy
C. Professional maintenance
D. Confidentiality

Question # 47

On a unique occasion, a client appears depressed and mentions suicide as a possible option for dealing with life. Suggesting the client seek professional help is considered _______________.

A. inappropriate
B. beyond the scope of practice
C. a personal preference
D. a professional obligation

Question # 48

Pulmonary circulation distributes blood, nutrients and gases throughout the body.

B. False

Question # 49

Which muscle does the radial nerve innervate?

A. Biceps femoris
B. Triceps
C. Flexor diqitorum lonqus
D. Pectorals major

Question # 50

A trigger point that only produces pain while palpated is _______________.

A. active trigger point
B. primary trigger point
C. secondary trigger point
D. latent trigger point

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