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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- AND-801 Question Answers
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- Updated On February 04, 2025
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- AND-801 Practice Questions
- 45 Questions
- Updated On February 04, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
The following Android code will show the small popup message "Message saved as draft" for 3.5 seconds, and then automatically disappears: Toast.makeText(this, "Message saved as draft". Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
A. True
B. False
Question # 2
Fill in the blank space in the following sentence with the correct choice: The..................... to arranges widgets in positions relative each other.
A. RelativeLayout
B. Table Layout
C. Linear Layout
D. ConstraintLayout
Question # 3
What is the main role of adding the following permission tag to AndroidManifest.xml file in an Android app?
A. Allow the Android app to download Google map database.
B. Allow this app to snare internal Google map database with another applications.
C. Allow the Android app to access the user's precise (exact) location.
D. This tag is not enough, you still need to add another tag which includes the user name and password to upload the user's location coordinates to Google map database.
Question # 4
You have an Android application that consists of two activities (MainActivity and SecondActivity) and you want to pass data in text field (ID: FirstNameJD) of MainAcitivity to SecondActivity. The passed data will appear in SecondActivity inside a TextView widget with Id: HelloMessageJD. You will use Intent to pass this data from MainActivity to SecondActivity. The Following two images include the Android code which will be written in MainActivity.kt and SecondActivity.kt files. Your data will not pass from MainActivity to SecondActivity due to a mistake in the code in SecodActivity.kt. Which of the following choices is a correct solution to make this app run correctly?
A. Add startActivity(intent) to Secondryactivity.kt
B. Replace getStringExtra("name") with putSiringExtra( "name") in SecondActiy.kt file
C. You need to add an if statement to solve this issue in the two files
D. Replace ''name'' with ''pass'' in intent.getSt4ingExtra( ''name'')
Question # 5
The Android library code is organized in such a way that it can be used by multiple Android applications.
A. True
B. False
Question # 6
You can embed a web browser inside your application using the WebView class.
A. True
B. False
Question # 7
The following image includes Android code for creating a Date Picker. The date will appear in TextView which has id: dateText. Which of the following choices is correct about why you must add T to the month as illustrated in the code highlighted in brown?
A. Because the month starts from 0 until 11; therefore, adding 1 gives the correct montn value.
B. No value will be added to the month, it is date style only.
C. This a part of me loop.
D. To avoid any conflict due to difference in the time zone.
Question # 8
Which of the below choices is the best answer to fill the empty space in the following sentence? If you want to give all text widgets in an app the same format such as font color, font size, and font family, you should add the style attribute to the TextView XML tags in layout file and set the attribute value to the same style name. You should define that style by adding a new style tag "style name-style_name" inside...............................
A. AadroiddManifest-xml file
B. activity_main.xml file
C. stytes.xml file
D. MainActivity.java or MainActivity.kt file
Question # 9
To add a Google map to an Android app, you should to use map fragments.
A. False
B. True
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