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Amazon DVA-C02 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

A company has an application that runs across multiple AWS Regions. The application isexperiencing performance issues at irregular intervals. A developer must use AWS X-Ray to implement distributed tracing for the application to troubleshoot the root cause of theperformance issues.What should the developer do to meet this requirement?

A. Use the X-Ray console to add annotations for AWS services and user-defined services
B. Use Region annotation that X-Ray adds automatically for AWS services Add Regionannotation for user-defined services
C. Use the X-Ray daemon to add annotations for AWS services and user-defined services
D. Use Region annotation that X-Ray adds automatically for user-defined servicesConfigure X-Ray to add Region annotation for AWS services

Question # 2

A company is using AWS CloudFormation to deploy a two-tier application. The applicationwill use Amazon RDS as its backend database. The company wants a solution that willrandomly generate the database password during deployment. The solution also mustautomatically rotate the database password without requiring changes to the application.What is the MOST operationally efficient solution that meets these requirements'?

A. Use an AWS Lambda function as a CloudFormation custom resource to generate androtate the password.
B. Use an AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store resource with the SecureString datatype to generate and rotate the password.
C. Use a cron daemon on the application s host to generate and rotate the password.
D. Use an AWS Secrets Manager resource to generate and rotate the password.

Question # 3

A developer is designing a serverless application for a game in which users register andlog in through a web browser The application makes requests on behalf of users to a set ofAWS Lambda functions that run behind an Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIThe developer needs to implement a solution to register and log in users on theapplication's sign-in page. The solution must minimize operational overhead and mustminimize ongoing management of user identities.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Create Amazon Cognito user pools for external social identity providers Configure 1AMroles for the identity pools.
B. Program the sign-in page to create users' 1AM groups with the 1AM roles attached tothe groups
C. Create an Amazon RDS for SQL Server DB instance to store the users and manage thepermissions to the backend resources in AWS
D. Configure the sign-in page to register and store the users and their passwords in anAmazon DynamoDB table with an attached IAM policy.

Question # 4

A developer needs to build an AWS CloudFormation template that self-populates the AWSRegion variable that deploys the CloudFormation templateWhat is the MOST operationally efficient way to determine the Region in which thetemplate is being deployed?

A. Use the AWS:.Region pseudo parameter
B. Require the Region as a CloudFormation parameter
C. Find the Region from the AWS::Stackld pseudo parameter by using the Fn::Split intrinsic function
D. Dynamically import the Region by referencing the relevant parameter in AWS SystemsManager Parameter Store

Question # 5

An Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue serves as an event source for anAWS Lambda function In the SQS queue, each item corresponds to a video file that theLambda function must convert to a smaller resolution The Lambda function is timing out onlonger video files, but the Lambda function's timeout is already configured to its maximumvalueWhat should a developer do to avoid the timeouts without additional code changes'?

A. Increase the memory configuration of the Lambda function
B. Increase the visibility timeout on the SQS queue
C. Increase the instance size of the host that runs the Lambda function.
D. Use multi-threading for the conversion.

Question # 6

A company needs to deploy all its cloud resources by using AWS CloudFormationtemplates A developer must create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)automatic notification to help enforce this rule. The developer creates an SNS topic andsubscribes the email address of the company's security team to the SNS topic.The security team must receive a notification immediately if an 1AM role is created withoutthe use of CloudFormation.Which solution will meet this requirement?

A. Create an AWS Lambda function to filter events from CloudTrail if a role was createdwithout CloudFormation Configure the Lambda function to publish to the SNS topic. Createan Amazon EventBridge schedule to invoke the Lambda function every 15 minutes
B. Create an AWS Fargate task in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) tofilter events from CloudTrail if a role was created without CloudFormation Configure theFargate task to publish to the SNS topic Create an Amazon EventBridge schedule to runthe Fargate task every 15 minutes
C. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance that includes a script to filter events from CloudTrail ifa role was created without CloudFormation. Configure the script to publish to the SNStopic. Create a cron job to run the script on the EC2 instance every 15 minutes.
D. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule to filter events from CloudTrail if a role was createdwithout CloudFormation Specify the SNS topic as the target of the EventBridge rule.

Question # 7

A company has an application that is hosted on Amazon EC2 instances The applicationstores objects in an Amazon S3 bucket and allows users to download objects from the S3bucket A developer turns on S3 Block Public Access for the S3 bucket After this change,users report errors when they attempt to download objects The developer needs to implement a solution so that only users who are signed in to the application can accessobjects in the S3 bucket.Which combination of steps will meet these requirements in the MOST secure way? (SelectTWO.)

A. Create an EC2 instance profile and role with an appropriate policy Associate the rolewith the EC2 instances
B. Create an 1AM user with an appropriate policy. Store the access key ID and secretaccess key on the EC2 instances
C. Modify the application to use the S3 GeneratePresignedUrl API call
D. Modify the application to use the S3 GetObject API call and to return the object handleto the user
E. Modify the application to delegate requests to the S3 bucket.

Question # 8

A company runs a payment application on Amazon EC2 instances behind an ApplicationLoad Balance The EC2 instances run in an Auto Scaling group across multiple AvailabilityZones The application needs to retrieve application secrets during the application startup and export the secrets as environment variables These secrets must be encrypted at restand need to be rotated every month.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST development effort?

A. Save the secrets in a text file and store the text file in Amazon S3 Provision a customermanaged key Use the key for secret encryption in Amazon S3 Read the contents of thetext file and read the export as environment variables Configure S3 Object Lambda torotate the text file every month
B. Save the secrets as strings in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and use thedefault AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key Configure an Amazon EC2 userdata script to retrieve the secrets during the startup and export as environment variablesConfigure an AWS Lambda function to rotate the secrets in Parameter Store every month.
C. Save the secrets as base64 encoded environment variables in the applicationproperties. Retrieve the secrets during the application startup. Reference the secrets in theapplication code. Write a script to rotate the secrets saved as environment variables.
D. Store the secrets in AWS Secrets Manager Provision a new customer master key Usethe key to encrypt the secrets Enable automatic rotation Configure an Amazon EC2 userdata script to programmatically retrieve the secrets during the startup and export asenvironment variables

Question # 9

A developer is creating a simple proof-of-concept demo by using AWS CloudFormation andAWS Lambda functions The demo will use a CloudFormation template to deploy anexisting Lambda function The Lambda function uses deployment packages anddependencies stored in Amazon S3 The developer defined anAWS Lambda Functionresource in a CloudFormation template. The developer needs to add the S3 bucket to theCloudFormation template.What should the developer do to meet these requirements with the LEAST developmenteffort?

A. Add the function code in the CloudFormation template inline as the code property
B. Add the function code in the CloudFormation template as the ZipFile property.
C. Find the S3 key for the Lambda function Add the S3 key as the ZipFile property in theCloudFormation template.
D. Add the relevant key and bucket to the S3Bucket and S3Key properties in theCloudFormation template

Question # 10

A company has a web application that is hosted on Amazon EC2 instances The EC2instances are configured to stream logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs The company needsto receive an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification when thenumber of application error messages exceeds a defined threshold within a 5-minuteperiodWhich solution will meet these requirements?

A. Rewrite the application code to stream application logs to Amazon SNS Configure anSNS topic to send a notification when the number of errors exceeds the defined thresholdwithin a 5-minute period
B. Configure a subscription filter on the CloudWatch Logs log group. Configure the filter tosend an SNS notification when the number of errors exceeds the defined threshold within a5-minute period.
C. Install and configure the Amazon Inspector agent on the EC2 instances to monitor forerrors Configure Amazon Inspector to send an SNS notification when the number of errorsexceeds the defined threshold within a 5-minute period
D. Create a CloudWatch metric filter to match the application error pattern in the log data. Set up a CloudWatch alarm based on the new custom metric. Configure the alarm to sendan SNS notification when the number of errors exceeds the defined threshold within a 5-minute period.

Question # 11

A developer designed an application on an Amazon EC2 instance The application makesAPI requests to objects in an Amazon S3 bucketWhich combination of steps will ensure that the application makes the API requests in theMOST secure manner? (Select TWO.)

A. Create an IAM user that has permissions to the S3 bucket. Add the user to an 1AMgroup
B. Create an IAM role that has permissions to the S3 bucket
C. Add the IAM role to an instance profile. Attach the instance profile to the EC2 instance.
D. Create an 1AM role that has permissions to the S3 bucket Assign the role to an 1AMgroup
E. Store the credentials of the IAM user in the environment variables on the EC2 instance

Question # 12

A developer is using AWS Step Functions to automate a workflow The workflow defineseach step as an AWS Lambda function task The developer notices that runs of the StepFunctions state machine fail in the GetResource task with either anUlegalArgumentException error or a TooManyRequestsException errorThe developer wants the state machine to stop running when the state machine encountersan UlegalArgumentException error. The state machine needs to retry the GetResourcetask one additional time after 10 seconds if the state machine encounters aTooManyRequestsException error. If the second attempt fails, the developer wants thestate machine to stop running.How can the developer implement the Lambda retry functionality without addingunnecessary complexity to the state machine'?

A. Add a Delay task after the GetResource task. Add a catcher to the GetResource task.Configure the catcher with an error type of TooManyRequestsException. Configure thenext step to be the Delay task Configure the Delay task to wait for an interval of 10 secondsConfigure the next step to be the GetResource task.
B. Add a catcher to the GetResource task Configure the catcher with an error type ofTooManyRequestsException. an interval of 10 seconds, and a maximum attempts value of1. Configure the next step to be the GetResource task.
C. Add a retrier to the GetResource task Configure the retrier with an error type ofTooManyRequestsException, an interval of 10 seconds, and a maximum attempts value of1.
D. Duplicate the GetResource task Rename the new GetResource task to TryAgain Add acatcher to the original GetResource task Configure the catcher with an error type ofTooManyRequestsException. Configure the next step to be TryAgain.

Question # 13

A developer creates a static website for their department The developer deploys the staticassets for the website to an Amazon S3 bucket and serves the assets with AmazonCloudFront The developer uses origin access control (OAC) on the CloudFront distributionto access the S3 bucketThe developer notices users can access the root URL and specific pages but cannotaccess directories without specifying a file name. For example, /products/index.html works,but /products returns an error The developer needs to enable accessing directories withoutspecifying a file name without exposing the S3 bucket publicly.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Update the CloudFront distribution's settings to index.html as the default root object isset
B. Update the Amazon S3 bucket settings and enable static website hosting. Specify indexhtml as the Index document Update the S3 bucket policy to enable access. Update theCloudFront distribution's origin to use the S3 website endpoint
C. Create a CloudFront function that examines the request URL and appends index.htmlwhen directories are being accessed Add the function as a viewer request CloudFrontfunction to the CloudFront distribution's behavior.
D. Create a custom error response on the CloudFront distribution with the HTTP error codeset to the HTTP 404 Not Found response code and the response page path to /index htmlSet the HTTP response code to the HTTP 200 OK response code

Question # 14

A company has an existing application that has hardcoded database credentials Adeveloper needs to modify the existing application The application is deployed in two AWSRegions with an active-passive failover configuration to meet company’s disaster recoverystrategyThe developer needs a solution to store the credentials outside the code. The solution mustcomply With the company's disaster recovery strategyWhich solution Will meet these requirements in the MOST secure way?

A. Store the credentials in AWS Secrets Manager in the primary Region. Enable secretreplication to the secondary Region Update the application to use the Amazon ResourceName (ARN) based on the Region.
B. Store credentials in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store in the primary Region.Enable parameter replication to the secondary Region. Update the application to use theAmazon Resource Name (ARN) based on the Region.
C. Store credentials in a config file. Upload the config file to an S3 bucket in me primaryRegion. Enable Cross-Region Replication (CRR) to an S3 bucket in the secondary region.Update the application to access the config file from the S3 bucket based on the Region.
D. Store credentials in a config file. Upload the config file to an Amazon Elastic File System(Amazon EFS) file system. Update the application to use the Amazon EFS file systemRegional endpoints to access the config file in the primary and secondary Regions.

Question # 15

A developer must use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access data in an Amazon S3 bucket that is in another AWS account. Which AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS)API operation should the developer use with the MFA information to meet thisrequirement?

A. AssumeRoleWithWebidentity
B. GetFederationToken
C. AssumeRoleWithSAML
D. AssumeRole

Question # 16

A developer is working on an ecommerce platform that communicates with several thirdpartypayment processing APIs The third-party payment services do not provide a testenvironment.The developer needs to validate the ecommerce platform's integration with the third-partypayment processing APIs. The developer must test the API integration code withoutinvoking the third-party payment processing APIs.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Set up an Amazon API Gateway REST API with a gateway response configured forstatus code 200 Add response templates that contain sample responses captured from thereal third-party API.
B. Set up an AWS AppSync GraphQL API with a data source configured for each thirdpartyAPI Specify an integration type of Mock Configure integration responses by usingsample responses captured from the real third-party API.
C. Create an AWS Lambda function for each third-party API. Embed responses capturedfrom the real third-party API. Configure Amazon Route 53 Resolver with an inboundendpoint for each Lambda function's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
D. Set up an Amazon API Gateway REST API for each third-party API Specify anintegration request type of Mock Configure integration responses by using sampleresponses captured from the real third-party API

Question # 17

An AWS Lambda function requires read access to an Amazon S3 bucket and requiresread/write access to an Amazon DynamoDB table The correct 1AM policy already existsWhat is the MOST secure way to grant the Lambda function access to the S3 bucket andthe DynamoDB table?

A. Attach the existing 1AM policy to the Lambda function.
B. Create an 1AM role for the Lambda function Attach the existing 1AM policy to the roleAttach the role to the Lambda function
C. Create an 1AM user with programmatic access Attach the existing 1AM policy to theuser. Add the user access key ID and secret access key as environment variables in theLambda function.
D. Add the AWS account root user access key ID and secret access key as encryptedenvironment variables in the Lambda function

Question # 18

A company hosts a client-side web application for one of its subsidiaries on Amazon S3.The web application can be accessed through Amazon CloudFront fromhttps://www.example.com. After a successful rollout, the company wants to host three moreclient-side web applications for its remaining subsidiaries on three separate S3 buckets.To achieve this goal, a developer moves all the common JavaScript files and web fonts to acentral S3 bucket that serves the web applications. However, during testing, the developernotices that the browser blocks the JavaScript files and web fonts.What should the developer do to prevent the browser from blocking the JavaScript files andweb fonts?

A. Create four access points that allow access to the central S3 bucket. Assign an accesspoint to each web application bucket.
B. Create a bucket policy that allows access to the central S3 bucket. Attach the bucketpolicy to the central S3 bucket.
C. Create a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration that allows access to thecentral S3 bucket. Add the CORS configuration to the central S3 bucket.
D. Create a Content-MD5 header that provides a message integrity check for the centralS3 bucket. Insert the Content-MD5 header for each web application request.

Question # 19

A company runs an application on AWS The application stores data in an AmazonDynamoDB table Some queries are taking a long time to run These slow queries involve anattribute that is not the table's partition key or sort keyThe amount of data that the application stores in the DynamoDB table is expected toincrease significantly. A developer must increase the performance of the queries.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Increase the page size for each request by setting the Limit parameter to be higher thanthe default value Configure the application to retry any request that exceeds theprovisioned throughput.
B. Create a global secondary index (GSI). Set query attribute to be the partition key of theindex
C. Perform a parallel scan operation by issuing individual scan requests in the parametersspecify the segment for the scan requests and the total number of segments for the parallelscan.
D. Turn on read capacity auto scaling for the DynamoDB table. Increase the maximumread capacity units (RCUs).

Question # 20

A developer is creating an AWS Lambda function that searches for items from an AmazonDynamoDB table that contains customer contact information- The DynamoDB table itemshave the customer's email_address as the partition key and additional properties such ascustomer_type, name, and job_tltle.The Lambda function runs whenever a user types a new character into the customer_typetext input The developer wants the search to return partial matches of all theemail_address property of a particular customer_type The developer does not want torecreate the DynamoDB table.What should the developer do to meet these requirements?

A. Add a global secondary index (GSI) to the DynamoDB table with customer_type as thepartition key and email_address as the sort key Perform a query operation on the GSI byusing the begvns_wth key condition expression With the email_address property
B. Add a global secondary index (GSI) to the DynamoDB table With ernail_address as thepartition key and customer_type as the sort key Perform a query operation on the GSI byusing the begins_wtth key condition expression With the email_address property.
C. Add a local secondary index (LSI) to the DynamoDB table With customer_type as thepartition key and email_address as the sort key Perform a query operation on the LSI byusing the begins_wlth key condition expression With the email_address property
D. Add a local secondary Index (LSI) to the DynamoDB table With job_tltle as the partitionkey and emad_address as the sort key Perform a query operation on the LSI by using thebegins_wrth key condition expression With the email_address property

Question # 21

A company is creating an application that processes csv files from Amazon S3 A developerhas created an S3 bucket The developer has also created an AWS Lambda function toprocess the csv files from the S3 bucketWhich combination of steps will invoke the Lambda function when a csv file is uploaded toAmazon S3? (Select TWO.)

A. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule Configure the rule with a pattern to match the S3object created event
B. Schedule an Amazon EventBridge rule to run a new Lambda function to scan the S3bucket.
C. Add a trigger to the existing Lambda function. Set the trigger type to EventBridge Selectthe Amazon EventBridge rule.
D. Create a new Lambda function to scan the S3 bucket for recently added S3 objects
E. Add S3 Lifecycle rules to invoke the existing Lambda function

Question # 22

A developer is creating a service that uses an Amazon S3 bucket for image uploads. Theservice will use an AWS Lambda function to create a thumbnail of each image Each timean image is uploaded the service needs to send an email notification and create thethumbnail The developer needs to configure the image processing and email notifications setup.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic Configure S3 eventnotifications with a destination of the SNS topic Subscribe the Lambda function to the SNStopic Create an email notification subscription to the SNS topic
B. Create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. Configure S3 eventnotifications with a destination of the SNS topic. Subscribe the Lambda function to the SNStopic. Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue Subscribe the SQSqueue to the SNS topic Create an email notification subscription to the SQS queue.
C. Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue Configure S3 eventnotifications with a destination of the SQS queue Subscribe the Lambda function to theSQS queue Create an email notification subscription to the SQS queue.
D. Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. Send S3 eventnotifications to Amazon EventBridge. Create an EventBndge rule that runs the Lambdafunction when images are uploaded to the S3 bucket Create an EventBridge rule thatsends notifications to the SQS queue Create an email notification subscription to the SQSqueue

Question # 23

A company has a web application that runs on Amazon EC2 instances with a customAmazon Machine Image (AMI) The company uses AWS CloudFormation to provision theapplication The application runs in the us-east-1 Region, and the company needs to deploythe application to the us-west-1 RegionAn attempt to create the AWS CloudFormation stack in us-west-1 fails. An error messagestates that the AMI ID does not exist. A developer must resolve this error with a solutionthat uses the least amount of operational overheadWhich solution meets these requirements?

A. Change the AWS CloudFormation templates for us-east-1 and us-west-1 to use an AWSAMI. Relaunch the stack for both Regions.
B. Copy the custom AMI from us-east-1 to us-west-1. Update the AWS CloudFormationtemplate for us-west-1 to refer to AMI ID for the copied AMI Relaunch the stack
C. Build the custom AMI in us-west-1 Create a new AWS CloudFormation template tolaunch the stack in us-west-1 with the new AMI ID
D. Manually deploy the application outside AWS CloudFormation in us-west-1.

Question # 24

A company built an online event platform For each event the company organizes quizzesand generates leaderboards that are based on the quiz scores. The company stores theleaderboard data in Amazon DynamoDB and retains the data for 30 days after an event iscomplete The company then uses a scheduled job to delete the old leaderboard dataThe DynamoDB table is configured with a fixed write capacity. During the months whenmany events occur, the DynamoDB write API requests are throttled when the scheduleddelete job runs.A developer must create a long-term solution that deletes the old leaderboard data andoptimizes write throughputWhich solution meets these requirements?

A. Configure a TTL attribute for the leaderboard data
B. Use DynamoDB Streams to schedule and delete the leaderboard data
C. Use AWS Step Functions to schedule and delete the leaderboard data.
D. Set a higher write capacity when the scheduled delete job runs

Question # 25

A company has an analytics application that uses an AWS Lambda function to processtransaction data asynchronously A developer notices that asynchronous invocations of theLambda function sometimes fail When failed Lambda function invocations occur, thedeveloper wants to invoke a second Lambda function to handle errors and log details.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Configure a Lambda function destination with a failure condition Specify Lambdafunction as the destination type Specify the error-handling Lambda function's AmazonResource Name (ARN) as the resource
B. Enable AWS X-Ray active tracing on the initial Lambda function. Configure X-Ray tocapture stack traces of the failed invocations. Invoke the error-handling Lambda function byincluding the stack traces in the event object.
C. Configure a Lambda function trigger with a failure condition Specify Lambda function asthe destination type Specify the error-handling Lambda function's Amazon Resource Name(ARN) as the resource
D. Create a status check alarm on the initial Lambda function. Configure the alarm toinvoke the error-handling Lambda function when the alarm is initiated. Ensure that thealarm passes the stack trace in the event object.

Question # 26

A company's developer has deployed an application in AWS by using AWSCloudFormation The CloudFormation stack includes parameters in AWS Systems ManagerParameter Store that the application uses as configuration settings. The application canmodify the parameter valuesWhen the developer updated the stack to create additional resources with tags, thedeveloper noted that the parameter values were reset and that the values ignored the latestchanges made by the application. The developer needs to change the way the companydeploys the CloudFormation stack. The developer also needs to avoid resetting theparameter values outside the stack.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST development effort?

A. Modify the CloudFormation stack to set the deletion policy to Retain for the ParameterStore parameters.
B. Create an Amazon DynamoDB table as a resource in the CloudFormation stack to holdconfiguration data for the application Migrate the parameters that the application ismodifying from Parameter Store to the DynamoDB table
C. Create an Amazon RDS DB instance as a resource in the CloudFormation stack. Createa table in the database for parameter configuration. Migrate the parameters that theapplication is modifying from Parameter Store to the configuration table
D. Modify the CloudFormation stack policy to deny updates on Parameter Storeparameters

Question # 27

A developer created an AWS Lambda function that performs a series of operations thatinvolve multiple AWS services. The function's duration time is higher than normal. Todetermine the cause of the issue, the developer must investigate traffic between theservices without changing the function codeWhich solution will meet these requirements?

A. Enable AWS X-Ray active tracing in the Lambda function Review the logs in X-Ray
B. Configure AWS CloudTrail View the trail logs that are associated with the Lambdafunction.
C. Review the AWS Config logs in Amazon Cloud Watch.
D. Review the Amazon CloudWatch logs that are associated with the Lambda function.

Question # 28

A developer is working on a web application that uses Amazon DynamoDB as its datastore The application has two DynamoDB tables one table that is named artists and onetable that is named songs The artists table has artistName as the partition key. The songstable has songName as the partition key and artistName as the sort keyThe table usage patterns include the retrieval of multiple songs and artists in a singledatabase operation from the webpage. The developer needs a way to retrieve thisinformation with minimal network traffic and optimal application performance.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Perform a BatchGetltem operation that returns items from the two tables. Use the list ofsongName artistName keys for the songs table and the list of artistName key for the artiststable.
B. Create a local secondary index (LSI) on the songs table that uses artistName as thepartition key Perform a query operation for each artistName on the songs table that filtersby the list of songName Perform a query operation for each artistName on the artists table
C. Perform a BatchGetltem operation on the songs table that uses thesongName/artistName keys. Perform a BatchGetltem operation on the artists table thatuses artistName as the key.
D. Perform a Scan operation on each table that filters by the list of songName/artistNamefor the songs table and the list of artistName in the artists table.

Question # 29

A developer uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy an Amazon API Gateway API and anAWS Step Functions state machine The state machine must reference the API GatewayAPI after the CloudFormation template is deployed The developer needs a solution thatuses the state machine to reference the API Gateway endpoint.Which solution will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?

A. Configure the CloudFormation template to reference the API endpoint in theDefinitionSubstitutions property for the AWS StepFunctions StateMachme resource.
B. Configure the CloudFormation template to store the API endpoint in an environmentvariable for the AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine resourc Configure the state machine toreference the environment variable
C. Configure the CloudFormation template to store the API endpoint in a standard AWS:SecretsManager Secret resource Configure the state machine to reference the resource
D. Configure the CloudFormation template to store the API endpoint in a standardAWS::AppConfig;:ConfigurationProfile resource Configure the state machine to referencethe resource.

Question # 30

A developer deployed an application to an Amazon EC2 instance The application needs toknow the public IPv4 address of the instanceHow can the application find this information?

A. Query the instance metadata from http./M69.254.169.254. latestmeta-data/.
B. Query the instance user data from http '169 254.169 254. latest/user-data/
C. Query the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) information from
D. Check the hosts file of the operating system

Question # 31

A company runs a batch processing application by using AWS Lambda functions andAmazon API Gateway APIs with deployment stages for development, user acceptancetesting and production A development team needs to configure the APIs in the deploymentstages to connect to third-party service endpoints.Which solution will meet this requirement?

A. Store the third-party service endpoints in Lambda layers that correspond to the stage
B. Store the third-party service endpoints in API Gateway stage variables that correspondto the stage
C. Encode the third-party service endpoints as query parameters in the API Gatewayrequest URL.
D. Store the third-party service endpoint for each environment in AWS AppConfig

Question # 32

A developer is creating an AWS Lambda function in VPC mode An Amazon S3 event willinvoke the Lambda function when an object is uploaded into an S3 bucket The Lambdafunction will process the object and produce some analytic results that will be recorded intoa file Each processed object will also generate a log entry that will be recorded into a file.Other Lambda functions. AWS services, and on-premises resources must have access tothe result files and log file. Each log entry must also be appended to the same shared logfile. The developer needs a solution that can share files and append results into an existingfile.Which solution should the developer use to meet these requirements?

A. Create an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system. Mount the EFS filesystem in Lambda. Store the result files and log file in the mount point. Append the logentries to the log file.
B. Create an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Multi-Attach enabled volumeAttach the EBS volume to all Lambda functions. Update the Lambda function code to download the log file, append the log entries, and upload the modified log file to AmazonEBS
C. Create a reference to the /tmp local directory. Store the result files and log file by usingthe directory reference. Append the log entry to the log file.
D. Create a reference to the /opt storage directory Store the result files and log file by usingthe directory reference Append the log entry to the log file

Question # 33

A company has built an AWS Lambda function to convert large image files into output filesthat can be used in a third-party viewer application The company recently added a newmodule to the function to improve the output of the generated files However, the newmodule has increased the bundle size and has increased the time that is needed to deploychanges to the function code.How can a developer increase the speed of the Lambda function deployment?

A. Use AWS CodeDeploy to deploy the function code
B. Use Lambda layers to package and load dependencies.
C. Increase the memory size of the function.
D. Use Amazon S3 to host the function dependencies

Question # 34

A developer is creating an Amazon DynamoDB table by using the AWS CLI TheDynamoDB table must use server-side encryption with an AWS owned encryption keyHow should the developer create the DynamoDB table to meet these requirements?

A. Create an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer managed key. Providethe key's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the KMSMasterKeyld parameter duringcreation of the DynamoDB table
B. Create an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) AWS managed key Provide thekey's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the KMSMasterKeyld parameter during creation ofthe DynamoDB table
C. Create an AWS owned key Provide the key's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in theKMSMasterKeyld parameter during creation of the DynamoDB table.
D. Create the DynamoDB table with the default encryption options

Question # 35

A developer is working on an ecommerce website The developer wants to review serverlogs without logging in to each of the application servers individually. The website runs onmultiple Amazon EC2 instances, is written in Python, and needs to be highly availableHow can the developer update the application to meet these requirements with MINIMUMchanges?

A. Rewrite the application to be cloud native and to run on AWS Lambda, where the logscan be reviewed in Amazon CloudWatch
B. Set up centralized logging by using Amazon OpenSearch Service, Logstash, andOpenSearch Dashboards
C. Scale down the application to one larger EC2 instance where only one instance isrecording logs
D. Install the unified Amazon CloudWatch agent on the EC2 instances Configure the agentto push the application logs to CloudWatch

Question # 36

A developer is creating a serverless application that uses an AWS Lambda function Thedeveloper will use AWS CloudFormation to deploy the application The application will writelogs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs The developer has created a log group in aCloudFormation template for the application to use The developer needs to modify theCloudFormation template to make the name of the log group available to the application atruntimeWhich solution will meet this requirement?

A. Use the AWS:lnclude transform in CloudFormation to provide the log group's name tothe application
B. Pass the log group's name to the application in the user data section of theCloudFormation template.
C. Use the CloudFormation template's Mappings section to specify the log group's namefor the application.
D. Pass the log group's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) as an environment variable to theLambda function

Question # 37

A company is planning to use AWS CodeDeploy to deploy an application to AmazonElastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) During the deployment of a new version of theapplication, the company initially must expose only 10% of live traffic to the new version ofthe deployed application. Then, after 15 minutes elapse, the company must route all theremaining live traffic to the new version of the deployed application.Which CodeDeploy predefined configuration will meet these requirements?

A. CodeDeployDefault ECSCanary10Percent15Minutes
B. CodeDeployDefault LambdaCanary10Percent5Minutes
C. CodeDeployDefault LambdaCanary10Percent15Minutes
D. CodeDeployDefault ECSLinear10PercentEvery1 Minutes

Question # 38

A developer is creating an AWS Lambda function. The Lambda function needs an externallibrary to connect to a third-party solution The external library is a collection of files with atotal size of 100 MB The developer needs to make the external library available to theLambda execution environment and reduce the Lambda package spaceWhich solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Create a Lambda layer to store the external library Configure the Lambda function touse the layer
B. Create an Amazon S3 bucket Upload the external library into the S3 bucket. Mount theS3 bucket folder in the Lambda function Import the library by using the proper folder in themount point.
C. Load the external library to the Lambda function's /tmp directory during deployment ofthe Lambda package. Import the library from the /tmp directory.
D. Create an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) volume. Upload the externallibrary to the EFS volume Mount the EFS volume in the Lambda function. Import the libraryby using the proper folder in the mount point.

Question # 39

A developer is investigating an issue in part of a company's application. In the applicationmessages are sent to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue The AWSLambda function polls messages from the SQS queue and sends email messages by usingAmazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) Users have been receiving duplicate emailmessages during periods of high traffic.Which reasons could explain the duplicate email messages? (Select TWO.)

A. Standard SQS queues support at-least-once message delivery
B. Standard SQS queues support exactly-once processing, so the duplicate emailmessages are because of user error.
C. Amazon SES has the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) authentication incorrectlyconfigured
D. The SQS queue's visibility timeout is lower than or the same as the Lambda function'stimeout.
E. The Amazon SES bounce rate metric is too high.

Question # 40

A company developed an API application on AWS by using Amazon CloudFront. AmazonAPI Gateway, and AWS Lambda. The API has a minimum of four requests every second Adeveloper notices that many API users run the same query by using the POST method.The developer wants to cache the POST request to optimize the API resources.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Configure the CloudFront cache Update the application to return cached content basedupon the default request headers.
B. Override the cache method in me selected stage of API Gateway Select the POSTmethod.
C. Save the latest request response in Lambda /tmp directory Update the Lambda functionto check the /tmp directory
D. Save the latest request m AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store Modify the Lambdafunction to take the latest request response from Parameter Store

Question # 41

A company hosts its application on AWS. The application runs on an Amazon ElasticContainer Service (Amazon ECS) cluster that uses AWS Fargate. The cluster runs behindan Application Load Balancer The application stores data in an Amazon Aurora database Adeveloper encrypts and manages database credentials inside the applicationThe company wants to use a more secure credential storage method and implementperiodic credential rotation.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Migrate the secret credentials to Amazon RDS parameter groups. Encrypt theparameter by using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key Turn on secretrotation. Use 1AM policies and roles to grant AWS KMS permissions to access AmazonRDS.
B. Migrate the credentials to AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Encrypt theparameter by using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key. Turn on secretrotation. Use 1AM policies and roles to grant Amazon ECS Fargate permissions to accessto AWS Secrets Manager
C. Migrate the credentials to ECS Fargate environment variables. Encrypt the credentialsby using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key Turn on secret rotation. Use1AM policies and roles to grant Amazon ECS Fargate permissions to access to AWSSecrets Manager.
D. Migrate the credentials to AWS Secrets Manager. Encrypt the credentials by using anAWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key Turn on secret rotation Use 1AM policiesand roles to grant Amazon ECS Fargate permissions to access to AWS Secrets Managerby using keys.

Question # 42

A developer is building a microservices-based application by using Python on AWS andseveral AWS services The developer must use AWS X-Ray The developer views theservice map by using the console to view the service dependencies. During testing, thedeveloper notices that some services are missing from the service mapWhat can the developer do to ensure that all services appear in the X-Ray service map?

A. Modify the X-Ray Python agent configuration in each service to increase the samplingrate
B. Instrument the application by using the X-Ray SDK for Python. Install the X-Ray SDK forall the services that the application uses
C. Enable X-Ray data aggregation in Amazon CloudWatch Logs for all the services that theapplication uses
D. Increase the X-Ray service map timeout value in the X-Ray console

Question # 43

A company is using Amazon API Gateway to invoke a new AWS Lambda function Thecompany has Lambda function versions in its PROD and DEV environments. In eachenvironment, there is a Lambda function alias pointing to the corresponding Lambdafunction version API Gateway has one stage that is configured to point at the PROD aliasThe company wants to configure API Gateway to enable the PROD and DEV Lambdafunction versions to be simultaneously and distinctly availableWhich solution will meet these requirements?

A. Enable a Lambda authorizer for the Lambda function alias in API Gateway RepublishPROD and create a new stage for DEV Create API Gateway stage variables for the PRODand DEV stages. Point each stage variable to the PROD Lambda authorizer to the DEVLambda authorizer.
B. Set up a gateway response in API Gateway for the Lambda function alias. RepublishPROD and create a new stage for DEV. Create gateway responses in API Gateway forPROD and DEV Lambda aliases
C. Use an environment variable for the Lambda function alias in API Gateway. RepublishPROD and create a new stage for development. Create API gateway environmentvariables for PROD and DEV stages. Point each stage variable to the PROD Lambdafunction alias to the DEV Lambda function alias.
D. Use an API Gateway stage variable to configure the Lambda function alias RepublishPROD and create a new stage for development Create API Gateway stage variables forPROD and DEV stages Point each stage variable to the PROD Lambda function alias andto the DEV Lambda function alias

Question # 44

A company is preparing to migrate an application to the company's first AWS environmentBefore this migration, a developer is creating a proof-of-concept application to validate amodel for building and deploying container-based applications on AWS.Which combination of steps should the developer take to deploy the containerized proof-ofconceptapplication with the LEAST operational effort? (Select TWO.)

A. Package the application into a zip file by using a command line tool Upload the packageto Amazon S3
B. Package the application into a container image by using the Docker CLI. Upload theimage to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)
C. Deploy the application to an Amazon EC2 instance by using AWS CodeDeploy.
D. Deploy the application to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) on AWSFargate
E. Deploy the application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) on AWSFargate

Question # 45

A developer is building a serverless application that is based on AWS Lambda. Thedeveloper initializes the AWS software development kit (SDK) outside of the Lambdahandcar function.What is the PRIMARY benefit of this action?

A. Improves legibility and systolic convention
B. Takes advantage of runtime environment reuse
C. Provides better error handling
D. Creates a new SDK instance for each invocation

Question # 46

A company has a social media application that receives large amounts of traffic User postsand interactions are continuously updated in an Amazon RDS database The data changesfrequently, and the data types can be complex The application must serve read requestswith minimal latencyThe application's current architecture struggles to deliver these rapid data updatesefficiently The company needs a solution to improve the application's performance.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Use Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) in front of the RDS database to provide acaching layer for the high volume of rapidly changing data
B. Set up Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration on the RDS database to enhance the speed ofdata transfer from the databases to the application.
C. Add an Amazon CloudFront distribution in front of the RDS database to provide acaching layer for the high volume of rapidly changing data
D. Create an Amazon ElastiCache for Redis cluster. Update the application code to use awrite-through caching strategy and read the data from Redis.

Question # 47

Users are reporting errors in an application. The application consists of several microservices that are deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Serves (Amazon ECS) with AWSFargate.When combination of steps should a developer take to fix the errors? (Select TWO)

A. Deploy AWS X-Ray as a sidecar container to the micro services. Update the task rolepolicy to allow access to me X -Ray API.
B. Deploy AWS X-Ray as a daemon set to the Fargate cluster. Update the service role policy to allow access to the X-Ray API.
C. Instrument the application by using the AWS X-Ray SDK. Update the application to usethe Put-XrayTrace API call to communicate with the X-Ray API.
D. Instrument the application by using the AWS X-Ray SDK. Update the application tocommunicate with the X-Ray daemon.
E. Instrument the ECS task to send the stout and spider- output to Amazon CloudWatchLogs. Update the task role policy to allow the cloudwatch Putlogs action.

Question # 48

A company has developed a new serverless application using AWS Lambda functions thatwill be deployed using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) CLI.Which step should the developer complete prior to deploying the application?

A. Compress the application to a zip file and upload it into AWS Lambda.
B. Test the new AWS Lambda function by first tracing it m AWS X-Ray.
C. Bundle the serverless application using a SAM package.
D. Create the application environment using the eb create my-env command.

Question # 49

A company notices that credentials that the company uses to connect to an externalsoftware as a service (SaaS) vendor are stored in a configuration file as plaintext.The developer needs to secure the API credentials and enforce automatic credentialsrotation on a quarterly basis.Which solution will meet these requirements MOST securely?

A. Use AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt the configuration file.Decrypt the configuration file when users make API calls to the SaaS vendor. Enablerotation.
B. Retrieve temporary credentials from AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) every 15minutes. Use the temporary credentials when users make API calls to the SaaS vendor.
C. Store the credentials in AWS Secrets Manager and enable rotation. Configure the API tohave Secrets Manager access.
D. Store the credentials in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and enable rotation.Retrieve the credentials when users make API calls to the SaaS vendor.

Question # 50

A developer is testing an application that invokes an AWS Lambda functionasynchronously. During the testing phase the Lambda function fails to process after tworetries.How can the developer troubleshoot the failure?

A. Configure AWS CloudTrail logging to investigate the invocation failures.
B. Configure Dead Letter Queues by sending events to Amazon SQS for investigation.
C. Configure Amazon Simple Workflow Service to process any direct unprocessed events.
D. Configure AWS Config to process any direct unprocessed events.

Question # 51

A developer is preparing to begin development of a new version of an application. Theprevious version of the application is deployed in a production environment. The developerneeds to deploy fixes and updates to the current version during the development of thenew version of the application. The code for the new version of the application is stored inAWS CodeCommit.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. From the main branch, create a feature branch for production bug fixes. Create asecond feature branch from the main branch for development of the new version.
B. Create a Git tag of the code that is currently deployed in production. Create a Git tag forthe development of the new version. Push the two tags to the CodeCommit repository.
C. From the main branch, create a branch of the code that is currently deployed inproduction. Apply an IAM policy that ensures no other other users can push or merge to thebranch.
D. Create a new CodeCommit repository for development of the new version of theapplication. Create a Git tag for the development of the new version.

Question # 52

A developer is planning to migrate on-premises company data to Amazon S3. The datamust be encrypted, and the encryption Keys must support automate annual rotation. Thecompany must use AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt the data. When type of keys should the developer use to meet these requirements?

A. Amazon S3 managed keys
B. Symmetric customer managed keys with key material that is generated by AWS
C. Asymmetric customer managed keys with key material that generated by AWS
D. Symmetric customer managed keys with imported key material

Question # 53

A developer has code that is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. The code must be deployedas an AWS Lambda function across multiple accounts in the same AWS Region as the S3bucket an AWS CloudPormation template that runs for each account will deploy theLambda function.What is the MOST secure way to allow CloudFormaton to access the Lambda Code in theS3 bucket?

A. Grant the CloudFormation service role the S3 ListBucket and GetObject permissions.Add a bucket policy to Amazon S3 with the principal of "AWS" (account numbers)
B. Grant the CloudFormation service row the S3 GetObfect permission. Add a Bucketpolicy to Amazon S3 with the principal of "'"
C. Use a service-based link to grant the Lambda function the S3 ListBucket and GetObjectpermissions by explicitly adding the S3 bucket's account number in the resource.
D. Use a service-based link to grant the Lambda function the S3 GetObject permission Adda resource of "** to allow access to the S3 bucket.

Question # 54

Users are reporting errors in an application. The application consists of several microservices that are deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Serves (Amazon ECS) with AWSFargate.When combination of steps should a developer take to fix the errors? (Select TWO

A. Deploy AWS X-Ray as a sidecar container to the micro services. Update the task rolepolicy to allow access to me X -Ray API.
B. Deploy AWS X-Ray as a daemon set to the Fargate cluster. Update the service rolepolicy to allow access to the X-Ray API.
C. Instrument the application by using the AWS X-Ray SDK. Update the application to usethe Put-XrayTrace API call to communicate with the X-Ray API.
D. Instrument the application by using the AWS X-Ray SDK. Update the application tocommunicate with the X-Ray daemon.
E. Instrument the ECS task to send the stout and spider- output to Amazon CloudWatchLogs. Update the task role policy to allow the cloudwatch Putlogs action.

Question # 55

A company uses a custom root certificate authority certificate chain (Root CA Cert) that is10 KB in size generate SSL certificates for its on-premises HTTPS endpoints. One of thecompany’s cloud based applications has hundreds of AWS Lambda functions that pull datefrom these endpoints. A developer updated the trust store of the Lambda executionenvironment to use the Root CA Cert when the Lambda execution environment isinitialized. The developer bundled the Root CA Cert as a text file in the Lambdasdeployment bundle.After 3 months of development the root CA Cert is no longer valid and must be updated.The developer needs a more efficient solution to update the Root CA Cert for all deployedLambda functions. The solution must not include rebuilding or updating all Lambdafunctions that use the Root CA Cert. The solution must also work for all development,testing and production environment. Each environment is managed in a separate AWSaccount.When combination of steps Would the developer take to meet these environments MOSTcost-effectively? (Select TWO)

A. Store the Root CA Cert as a secret in AWS Secrets Manager. Create a resource-basedpolicy. Add IAM users to allow access to the secret
B. Store the Root CA Cert as a Secure Sting parameter in aws Systems ManagerParameter Store Create a resource-based policy. Add IAM users to allow access to thepolicy.
C. Store the Root CA Cert in an Amazon S3 bucket. Create a resource- based policy toallow access to the bucket.
D. Refactor the Lambda code to load the Root CA Cert from the Root CA Certs location.Modify the runtime trust store inside the Lambda function handler.
E. Refactor the Lambda code to load the Root CA Cert from the Root CA Cert's location.Modify the runtime trust store outside the Lambda function handler.

Question # 56

A developer at a company needs to create a small application mat makes the same APIcall once each flay at a designated time. The company does not have infrastructure in theAWS Cloud yet, but the company wants to implement this functionality on AWS.Which solution meets these requirements in the MOST operationally efficient manner?

A. Use a Kubermetes cron job that runs on Amazon Elastic Kubemetes Sen/ice (AmazonEKS)
B. Use an Amazon Linux crontab scheduled job that runs on Amazon EC2
C. Use an AWS Lambda function that is invoked by an Amazon EventBridge scheduledevent.
D. Use an AWS Batch job that is submitted to an AWS Batch job queue.

Question # 57

A developer warns to add request validation to a production environment Amazon APIGateway API. The developer needs to test the changes before the API is deployed to theproduction environment. For the lest the developer will send test requests to the APIthrough a testing tool.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Export the existing API to an OpenAPI file. Create a new API Import the OpenAPI fileModify the new API to add request validation. Perform the tests Modify the existing API toadd request validation. Deploy the existing API to production.
B. Modify the existing API to add request validation. Deploy the updated API to a new APIGateway stage Perform the tests Deploy the updated API to the API Gateway productionstage.
C. Create a new API Add the necessary resources and methods including new requestvalidation. Perform the tests Modify the existing API to add request validation. Deploy theexisting API to production.
D. Clone the exiting API Modify the new API lo add request validation. Perform the testsModify the existing API to add request validation Deploy the existing API to production.

Question # 58

An online food company provides an Amazon API Gateway HTTP API 1o receive ordersfor partners. The API is integrated with an AWS Lambda function. The Lambda functionstores the orders in an Amazon DynamoDB table.The company expects to onboard additional partners Some to me panthers requireadditional Lambda function to receive orders. The company has created an Amazon S3bucket. The company needs 10 store all orders and updates m the S3 bucket for futureanalysisHow can the developer ensure that an orders and updates are stored to Amazon S3 withthe LEAST development effort?

A. Create a new Lambda function and a new API Gateway API endpoint. Configure thenew Lambda function to write to the S3 bucket. Modify the original Lambda function to postupdates to the new API endpoint.
B. Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to create a new data stream. Modify the Lambdafunction to publish orders to the oats stream Configure in data stream to write to the S3bucket.
C. Enable DynamoDB Streams on me DynamoOB table. Create a new lambda function.Associate the stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with the Lambda FunctionConfigure the Lambda function to write to the S3 bucket as records appear in the table’sstream.
D. Modify the Lambda function to punish to a new Amazon. Simple Lambda functionreceives orders. Subscribe a new Lambda function to the topic. Configure the new Lambdafunction to write to the S3 bucket as updates come through the topic.

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