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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
The Net-Net 4000 host subsystem processes which two of the following types of traffic?
C. H.245
D. G.711 RTP
Question # 2
When installing a Net-Net Operating System named sd400p9.gz on your Net-Net 4000, youshould FTP the OS to the Net-Net 4000 internal bootWhen installing a Net-Net OperatingSystem named sd400p9.gz on your Net-Net 4000, you should FTP the OS to the Net-Net4000? internal boot flash memory and use which of the strings below in the file name fieldof the boot parameters?
A. sd400p9.gz
B. /tffs0/sd400p9.gz
C. /boot/sd400p9
D. /boot/sd400p9.gz
Question # 3
Of the following configured local policy preferences that the Net-Net 4000 sorts through,which one of the four preference discriminators listed below would be ranked the secondhighest priority?
A. codec
B. lowest cost
C. next hop
D. realm
Question # 4
You configure the _____________and _____________elements to use the Net-Net 4000 to perform load balancing between two downstream SIP proxies.
A. realm steering pool
B. local policy session agent group
C. session router session router group
D. proxy proxy pool
Question # 5
Best current practice for the initial turn-up of a secondary node in a highly available (HA) pair calls for the acquire-config command targeting the ____________________interface on the primary node.
A. Wancom0
B. Wancom1
C. Wancom2
D. Wancom3
Question # 6
Which two of the following statements about realms are TRUE?
A. You must have a minimum of three realms in any configuration as one realm must be designated as the home realm.
B. All endpoints within a realm must reside within the same subnet as the Net-Net 4000.
C. Although you can use both TCP and UDP concurrently as the transport protocol, you can only have one SIP-interface per realm.
D. You can associate multiple realms with a single network interface.
Question # 7
The default baud rate for console connections to the Net-Net 4000 is ____________.
A. 115200
B. 2400
C. 9600
D. 56600
Question # 8
The __________ field value in the network interface configuration is used as the source IP address for ARP requests from the secondary Net-Net 4000 in a highly available pair when in the standby role.
A. sec-utility-address
B. pri-utility-addr
C. ip-address
D. arp-address
Question # 9
Before activating a configuration, you should use the ___________ ACLI command toverify the integrity of associated configuration objects.
A. verify-config
B. check-integrity
C. verify-objects
D. verify-integrity
Question # 10
The boot parameters, passwords and licensing information are stored in __________.
C. Flash
Question # 11
When SIP sessions are terminated and re-originated as they flow through the Net-Net 4000, the ____________ is rewritten to force all session related media to be routed through Net-Net 4000.
A. Via
B. From
D. Contact
Question # 12
You have copied a new Net-Net OS to the Net-Net 4000 and changed the boot parameters according to the display below. On reboot, the Net-Net 4000 is in a boot loop. training1# check-space-remaining boot boot: 0/29702144 bytes (0%) remaining training1# configure terminal training1(configure)# bootparam '.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; q = quit boot device : wancom0 processor number : 0 host name : file name : /tffs0/sd200p23.gz /tffs0/sd400q10.gzinet on ethernet (e) : inet on backplane (b) : host inet (h) : gateway inet (g) : (u) : anonymous ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh) : anonymous flags (f) : 0x80008 target name (tn) : training1startup script (s) : other (o) : NOTE: These changed parameters will not go into effect until reboot. Also, be aware thatsome boot parameters may also be changed through PHY and Network Interface Configurations. training1(configure)# exit training1# reboot force Based on the information above, which three of the following scenarios could be the causeof the boot loop?
A. You did not copy the Net-Net OS file into the /boot directory.
B. The Net-Net OS file was truncated while being copied to the /boot directory due to lack of file space.
C. You mistyped the name of the Net-Net OS file in the file name property of the boot parameters.
D. The Net-Net 4000 was reset using the reboot force command without saving and activating the configuration changes first.
Question # 13
A __________ is a logical definition on the Net-Net Session Director of a network or groupof networks composed partly of devices that provide real-time communication sessionsmade up of signaling messages and potentially media flows.
A. realm
B. steering pool
C. session agent group
D. session agent
Question # 14
When configuring the SIP interface for a realm, the __________ field indicates how often a User Agent (UA) located behind a NAT should reREGISTER with the Net-Net 4000.
A. nat-interval
B. nat-traversal
C. registration-interval
D. nat-mode
Question # 15
The __________ is software that controls the bootup.
A. bootloader
B. Net-Net OS
C. Diagnostic Image
D. nPsoft
Question # 16
When configuring a network interface on the Net-Net 4000, the __________ feature allows you to set parameters for gateway failure detection.
A. utility address
B. redundancy next hop
C. gateway failure message
D. gateway heartbeat
Question # 17
In an H.323 network, a __________ provides translation services and communication between dissimilar networks.
A. gatekeeper
B. gateway
C. multipoint control unit
D. codec
Question # 18
__________ is the Net-Net 4000 internal SIP proxy, responsible for processing the SIP header addressing information and passing the signaling to the egress realm
A. Sipd
B. Mbcd
C. Algd
D. Sipp
Question # 19
The Net-Net 4000 supports __________ VLANs per physical interface.
A. 1024
B. 6000
C. 999
D. 4095
Question # 20
To enable the Net-Net 4000 to provide next hop signaling load balancing, which two of thefollowing licenses must be installed?
A. session agent group
B. load balancing
C. routing
D. local policy
Question # 21
How many simultaneous Telnet sessions does the Net-Net 4000 support in configuration mode in standard Net-Net OS version 2.x and above?
A. 5
B. 2
C. 1
D. 10
Question # 22
The __________ field indicates whether or not an H.323 stack runs as a gateway.
A. isgatekeeper
B. mode
C. gw-identifier
D. isgateway
Question # 23
When associating network interfaces to a physical interface on the Net-Net 4000, the___________ fields must contain the same unique ID.
A. sub-port-id
B. name
C. unique-id
D. identifier
Question # 24
The ____________feature instructs the Net-Net 4000 whether to locally store all bindingsfor endpoints not located behind a NAT.
A. Registration caching
B. Reverse latching
C. Adaptive NAT traversal
D. Hairpinning
Question # 25
In a high availability (HA) cluster, a network administrator could trigger a system switchovermanually from the __________ Net-Net 4000 by issuing the notify berpd force command.
A. Standby or Active
B. Active only
C. Standby only
D. Active node that no longer has a heartbeat
Question # 26
When configuring the allow-anonymous parameter in the SIP port element, a value of __________ may be configured to allow access only from user agents who have previously registered through the Net-Net 4000 or who are configured as session agents.
A. registered
B. agents-only
C. realm-prefix
D. prev-registered
Question # 27
Which three of the following are NAPT mappings that are pulled by the Standby nodeduring media state checkpointing in high availability (HA) architectures?
A. Source port
B. Protocol ID
C. Route
D. Ingress Interface
Question # 28
Upon issuing the done command, you get an Error 409. What does this error indicate?
A. The element you are creating is corrupted.
B. The element you are trying to save doesn't exist.
C. You are trying to create an element with a unique identifier that already exists.
D. There is an internal server error.
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