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- Updated On February 10, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Which type of manual code review technique is being used when the reviewer starts at aninput control and traces its value through the application to each of the value's outputs?
A. Risk analysis
B. Control flow analysis
C. Data flow analysis
D. Threat analysis
Question # 2
The software security group is conducting a maturity assessment using the Open WebApplication Security Project Software Assurance Maturity Model (OWASP OpenSAMM).They are currently focused on reviewing design artifacts to ensure they comply withorganizational security standards.Which OpenSAMM business function is being assessed?
A. Construction
B. Deployment
C. Verification
D. Governance
Question # 3
Which secure coding best practice says to require authentication before allowing any filesto be uploaded and to limit the types of files to only those needed for the businesspurpose?
A. File management
B. Communication security
C. Data protection
D. Memory management
Question # 4
The scrum team decided that before any change can be merged and tested, it must belooked at by the learns lead developer, who will ensure accepted coding patterns are beingfollowed and that the code meets the team's quality standards.Which category of secure software best practices is the team performing?
A. Architecture analysis
B. Penetration testing
C. Code review
D. Training
Question # 5
Which secure coding best practice says to assume all incoming data should be considereduntrusted and should be validated to ensure the system only accepts valid data?
A. General coding practices
B. Input validation
C. Session management
D. System configuration
Question # 6
What sitsbetween a browser and an internet connection and alters requests and responsesin a way thedeveloper did not intend?
A. Load testing
B. Input validation
C. Intercept proxy
D. Reverse engineering
Question # 7
The security team has a library of recorded presentations that are required viewing tor allnew developers in the organization. The video series details organizational security policiesand demonstrates how to define, test for. and code tor possible threats.Which category of secure software best practices does this represent?
A. Attack models
B. Training
C. Architecture analysis
D. Code review
Question # 8
Senior IT staff has determined that a new product will be hosted in the cloud and willsupport web and mobile users. Developers will need to deliver secure REST services.Android and IOS mobile apps. and a web application. Developers are currently determininghow to deliver each part of the overall product.Which phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) is being described?
A. Maintenance
B. End of life
C. Deployment
D. Design
Question # 9
What is a best practice of secure coding?
A. Planning
B. Session management
C. User acceptance testing
D. Microservices
Question # 10
Which mitigation technique can be used to light against a threat where a user may gainaccess to administrator level functionality?
A. Encryption
B. Quality of service
C. Hashes
D. Run with least privilege
Question # 11
Which threat modeling step collects exploitable weaknesses within the product?
A. Analyze the target
B. Rate threats
C. Identify and document threats
D. Set the scope
Question # 12
A recent vulnerability scan uncovered an XML external entity (XXE) Haw that could allowattackers to return the contents of a system file by including a specificpayloadin an XMLrequest.How should the organization remediate this vulnerability?
A. Ensure audit trails exist for all sensitive transactions
B. Disable resolution of external entities in the parsing library
C. Enforce role-based authorization in all application layers
D. Ensure authentication cookies are encrypted
Question # 13
Which design and development deliverable contains the results of each type of evaluationthat was performed and the type and number of vulnerabilities discovered?
A. Security test execution report
B. Security testing reports
C. Privacy compliance report
D. Remediation report
Question # 14
While performing functional testing of the new product from a shared machine, a QAanalyst closed their browser window but did not logout of the application. A different QAanalyst accessed the application an hour later and was not prompted to login. They thennoticed the previous analyst was still logged into the application.How should existing security controls be adjusted to prevent this in the future?
A. Ensure no sensitive information is stored in plain text in cookies
B. Ensure user sessions timeout after short intervals
C. Ensure role-based access control is enforced for access to all resources
D. Ensure strong password policies are enforced
Question # 15
Which privacy impact statement requirement type defines processes to keep personalinformation updated and accurate?
A. Access requirements
B. Collection of personal information requirements
C. Data integrity requirements
D. Personal information retention requirements
Question # 16
Which design and development deliverable contains the types of evaluations that wereperformed, how many times they were performed, and how many times they were reevaluated?
A. Privacy compliance report
B. Remediation report
C. Security testing reports
D. Security test execution report
Question # 17
The software security team is performing security testing on a new software product usinga testing tool that scans the running application for known exploit signatures.Which security testing technique is being used?
A. Automated vulnerability scanning
B. Penetration testing
C. Properly-based testing
D. Source-code analysis
Question # 18
Which SDL security goal is defined as ensuring timely and reliable access to and use ofinformation?
A. Information security
B. Confidentiality
C. Availability
D. Integrity
Question # 19
Which software control test examines the internal logical structures of a program and stepsthrough the code line by line to analyze the program for potential errors?
A. White box testing
B. Reasonableness testing
C. Black box testing
D. Dynamic testing
Question # 20
A company is moving forward with a new product. Product scope has been determined,teams have formed, and backlogs have been created. Developers areactively writing codefor the new product, with one team concentrating on delivering data via REST services,one Team working on the mobile apps, and a third team writing the web application.Which phase of the software developmentlifecycle(SDLC) is being described?
A. Deployment
B. Design
C. Implementation
D. Requirements
Question # 21
What are the three primary goals of the secure software development process?
A. Performance, reliability, and maintainability
B. Cost, speed to market, and profitability
C. Redundancy, scalability, and portability
D. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability
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