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  • Updated On February 04, 2025

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  • Integrated-Physical-Sciences Practice Questions
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  • Updated On February 04, 2025
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Frequently Asked Questions

WGU Integrated-Physical-Sciences Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Which planet has had the greatest role in protecting Earth from comets?

A. Saturn
B. Neptune
C. Jupiter
D. Uranus

Question # 2

A system of underground pipes heated by Earth s hot interior creates steam from water,which generates heat for a building.Which type of energy source is harnessed in this scenario?

A. Hydropower
B. Geothermal
C. Biomass
D. Tidal power

Question # 3

The United States is located in the northern hemisphere. Which point in the diagram represents Earth's location at the time of year when the United States experiences the most direct sunlight?

A. C
B. A
C. B
D. D

Question # 4

Which type of wave travels faster through water than through air?

A. Visible light waves
B. Sound waves
C. Radio waves
D. Gamma waves

Question # 5

A truck is brought to a stop when its brakes are applied.What type of energy conversion takes place?

A. Chemical potential energy is converted into gravitational potential energy.
B. Elastic potential energy is converted into chemical potential energy.
C. Gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
D. Kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy.

Question # 6

When the universe first formed, it consisted mainly of hydrogen atoms. Over time, thehydrogen atoms began to collect together to form large balls of hydrogen gas. Thehydrogen atoms continued to attract each other, moving closer together. Eventually,pressure and temperature at the center of the cloud of hydrogen became high enough fornuclear fusion to begin. This formed the first generation of stars in the universe.What caused these early stars to form?

A. Gravitational force between hydrogen atoms
B. Pressure from the expanding universe
C. Magnetic force between hydrogen atoms
D. Momentum from the big bang

Question # 7

Which graph represents the mass versus the acceleration of objects with different masses pulled by the same net force?  

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 8

Two identical cars travel one behind the other The rear car is traveling faster and stakes the front car in a rear end collision as shown in the figure below What happens to the velocities of the two cars, assuming that the collision is completely elastic?

A. q Both cars slow down.
B. Both cars speed up.
C. The front car slows down and the rear car speeds up.
D. The front car speeds up and the rear car slows down.

Question # 9

A person near a campfire may feel warmth from the fire even though the heated air abovethe fire does not reach her.Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum transfers most of the energy that warms her?

A. Infrared radiation
B. Microwaves
C. X-rays
D. Ultraviolet radiation

Question # 10

The following graph shows the speed of a sound wave versus frequency in a room at a constant temperature. What does the graph indicate about the relationship between the speed of the sound and frequency?

A. The speed is inversely proportional to frequency.
B. The speed is not correlated to frequency.
C. The speed is directly proportional to frequency.
D. The speed is quadratically related to frequency.

Question # 11

Which question would be appropriate for an observational study?

A. Does adding salt to water affect how fast the water evaporates?
B. How does the mass of an object affect the strength of its gravitational field?
C. Which type of metal conducts electricity best?
D. What types of rocks are found at a convergent boundary?

Question # 12

Which location has high risk of earthquakes but low risk of volcanic activity?

A. B
B. C
C. D
D. A

Question # 13

A scientist wants to determine how the speed of flowing water affects the size of sedimentparticles it can carry. The scientist places a mix of sediment particles in the bottom of atrough and runs water through the trough. The scientist varies the speed of the water andmeasures the sizes of the particles that the water carries away.Which type of investigation is the scientist using?

A. Field study
B. Controlled experiment
C. Computational model
D. Observational study

Question # 14

Which of these is an example of climate change caused by human activity?

A. A change in temperature from an approaching cold front
B. A decrease in temperature from a change in wind direction
C. A decrease in temperature because of increased cloud cover
D. A change in average temperature from methane released by farming

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