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The Open Group OG0-091 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Complete the sentence. The TOGAF risk categorization after the implementation of mitigating actions is known as the level of risk.

A. Critical
B. Initial
C. Intermediate
D. Residual
E. Unmitigated

Question # 2

Which ADM phase provides architectural oversight of the implementation?

A. Preliminary Phase
B. Phase A
C. Phase E
D. Phase G
E. Phase H

Question # 3

Which one of the following best describes the next step in an Architecture Compliance Review once the scope of the review has been determined?

A. Interview the project principals to obtain background information
B. Prepare the Architecture Compliance Review report
C. Schedule the Architecture Review meeting
D. Send the assessment report to the Architecture Review co-ordinator
E. Tailor the checklists to address business requirements

Question # 4

Complete the sentence. The Architecture Landscape is divided into three levels, Strategic, Segment and ____________.

A. Baseline
B. Capability
C. Solution
D. Target
E. Transition

Question # 5

Which of the following is a responsibility of an Architecture Board?

A. Allocating resources for architecture projects
B. Creating the Statement of Architecture Work
C. Enforcement of architecture compliance
D. Determining the scope of an architecture compliance review
E. Conducting assessments of the maturity level of architecture discipline within the organization

Question # 6

Which section of the TOGAF document contains a structured metamodel for architectural artifacts?

A. Part II: Architecture Development Method
B. Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques
C. Part IV: Architecture Content Framework
D. Part VI: TOGAF Reference Models
E. Part VII: Architecture Capability Framework

Question # 7

According to TOGAF, Which of the following best describes the purpose of an Architecture Definition Document?

A. To act as a deliverable container for artifacts created during a project
B. To ensure that architecture information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time
C. To govern the architecture throughout its implementation process
D. To provide a high-level view of the end architecture product
E. To show progression of change from the Baseline Architecture to the Target Architecture

Question # 8

Which of the following is described by the TOGAF Architecture Content Framework as a type of artifact that shows relationships between things?

A. Building Block
B. Catalog
C. Diagram
D. Matrix
E. Deliverable

Question # 9

Which one of the following best describes the purpose of a Change Request?

A. To act as a deliverable container for artifacts created during a project
B. To ensure that the results of a Compliance Assessment are distributed to the Architecture Board
C. To request a dispensation or to kick-start a further cycle of architecture work
D. The ensure that information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time
E. To review project progress and ensure the implementation is inline with the objectives

Question # 10

According to TOGAF, Which of the following is the reason why Business Architecture is recommended to be first architecture developed?

A. It contains a high level description of the business strategy for the organization
B. It is the key document describing how the new architecture capability will meet the business goals
C. It provides prerequisite knowledge for undertaking work in the other architecture domains
D. It mobilizes operations to support the ongoing business architecture development

Question # 11

Complete the sentence. In the Preliminary Phase, all of the following are part of preparing the organization to undertake successful enterprise architecture, except __________.

A. defining architecture principles
B. defining relationships between management frameworks
C. defining the enterprise
D. evaluating the enterprise architecture maturity
E. identifying stakeholders and their concerns

Question # 12

Complete the sentence. A gap analysis will enable the architect to do all of the following except _____.

A. identify building blocks that have been inadvertently omitted
B. identify building blocks that have been intentionally eliminated
C. identify building blocks to be carried over
D. identify new building blocks that are needed
E. identify potential vendors to provide new building blocks

Question # 13

Complete the sentence. TOGAF describes the role of an Architecture Contract as_______.

A. an agreement between development partners and sponsors on the architecture deliverables
B. a plan to ensure that architecture information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time
C. a set of general rules and guidelines to support development of the enterprise architecture
D. a timeline showing progression from the Baseline Architecture to the Target Architecture

Question # 14

Which of the following best describes the TOGAF classification in Phase H for a re-architecting change?

A. A change driven by a requirement to derive additional value from the existing investment
B. A change driven by a requirement to increase investment in order to create new value for exploitation
C. A change driven by a requirement to reduce costs
D. A change driven by a requirement to reduce investment
E. A change driven by a requirement to re-align with the business strategy

Question # 15

Complete the sentence. TOGAF 9 Part III provides a set of resources that can be used to adapt and modify the ____________.

A. Architecture Capability
B. Architecture Development Method
C. Architecture Landscape
D. Architecture Repository
E. Enterprise Continuum

Question # 16

Complete the sentence: Building Blocks that are viewed as being at the left-hand side of the Solutions Continuum are known as________.

A. Common Systems Solutions
B. Foundation Solutions
C. Industry Solutions
D. Organization-Specific Solutions
E. Strategic Solutions

Question # 17

Which one of the following is considered a relevant architecture resource in Phase D?

A. Generic application models relevant to the organization's industry sector
B. Generic business models relevant to the organization's industry sector
C. Generic data models relevant to the organization's industry sector
D. Generic technology models relevant to the organization's industry sector

Question # 18

TOGAF Part VII, Architecture Capability Framework recommends use of an ADM cycle for establishing an architecture practice. In this scenario which architecture would describe the organizational structure for the architecture practice?

A. Application Architecture
B. Business Architecture
C. Data Architecture
D. Technology Architecture

Question # 19

According to TOGAF, in which sequence should Application Architecture and Data Architecture be developed in Phase C?

A. Application Architecture should be developed first, then Data Architecture
B. Application Architecture should be developed concurrently with Data Architecture
C. Data Architecture should be developed first, then Application Architecture
D. Application Architecture and Data Architecture may be developed in either sequence

Question # 20

What technique does TOGAF recommend for evaluating the status of an organization to undergo change?

A. Business Transformation Readiness Assessment
B. Business Value Assessment Technique
C. Capability-Based Planning
D. Communications and Stakeholder Management
E. Gap Analysis

Question # 21

In which ADM Phase is the focus the creation of an Implementation and Migration Plan in co-operation with the portfolio and project managers?

A. Phase A
B. Phase F
C. Phase D
D. Phase G
E. Phase E

Question # 22

Complete the sentence by selecting the applicable pair of words. A/an _____is used in Phase A to help identify and understand business _____that the architecture has to address.

A. activity model, perspective
B. business scenario, requirements
C. use case, interconnections
D. view, concerns
E. business transformation readiness assessment, constraints

Question # 23

Which of the following best describes a purpose of the Business Scenarios technique?

A. To catch errors in a project architecture early
B. To guide decision making throughout the enterprise
C. To help identify and understand requirements
D. To highlight shortfalls between the baseline and target architectures
E. To mitigate risk when implementing an architecture project

Question # 24

According to TOGAF, Which of the following is a characteristic of a Foundation Architecture?

A. It contains only solution building blocks
B. It contains business functions and processes specific to a particular industry sector
C. It contains building blocks and their corresponding standards
D. It includes a model of application components and application services software, including brokering applications
E. It includes models for common high-level business functions, such as supply chain management

Question # 25

Complete the sentence. TOGAF covers the development of four architecture domains, Business, Data, Technology and ___________.

A. Application
B. Capability
C. Segment
D. Transition
E. Vision

Question # 26

Which of the following is a re-usable artifact that is used to create architecture models addressing stakeholder concerns?

A. Catalog
B. Matrix
C. Diagram
D. View
E. Viewpoint

Question # 27

Which of the following does the TOGAF ADM recommend for use in developing an Architecture Vision document?

A. Business Scenarios
B. Gap Analysis
C. Interoperability Analysis
D. Requirements Management
E. Architecture Principles

Question # 28

TOGAF Part VII describes how the ADM can be used to establish an Architecture Capability in an organization. Which architecture would describe the architecture processes and organization structure?

A. Technology Architecture
B. Data Architecture
C. Business Architecture
D. Transition Architecture
E. Application Architecture

Question # 29

In the Solutions Continuum, Which of the following is the correct order of solutions ranging from generic solution to enterprise specific solution?

A. Foundation, Common Systems, Industry, Organization-Specific
B. Industry, Foundation, Common Systems, Organization-Specific
C. Organization-Specific, Industry, Common Systems, Foundation
D. Organization-Specific, Industry, Foundation, Common Systems

Question # 30

What are the levels of the Architecture Landscape?

A. Foundation, Common and Solution Architectures
B. Business, Data, Applications and Technology Architectures
C. Capability, Segment and Strategic Architectures
D. Corporate EA, Project Team and Portfolio Team Architectures
E. Baseline, Transition and Target Architectures

Question # 31

According to TOGAF, Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Architecture Roadmap?

A. To ensure that architecture information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time
B. To evangelize the architecture to the end user community
C. To govern the architecture through to implementation
D. To keep the Architecture Review Board informed of changes to the architecture
E. To show progression of change from the Baseline Architecture to the Target Architecture

Question # 32

Which of the following describes an objective of Phase G: Implementation Governance?

A. Finalize the Implementation and Migration Plan
B. Establish the recourses for architecture governance
C. Ensure conformance for the target architecture
D. Operate the governance framework
E. Develop the Target Technology Architecture

Question # 33

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Architecture Definition Document?

A. To ensure that architecture information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time
B. To provide a high-level view of the end architecture product
C. To govern the architecture throughout its implementation process
D. To act as a deliverable container for artifacts created during a project
E. To show progression of change from the Baseline Architecture to the Target Architecture

Question # 34

Which of the following is an objective of Phase B, Business Architecture?

A. To confirm the ability of the enterprise to undergo change
B. To demonstrate how stakeholder concerns are addressed in the Business Architecture
C. To develop a Target Technology Architecture to support the business
D. To finalize the Architecture Vision and Architecture Definition documents
E. To maximize the business value from the architecture

Question # 35

In which section of the TOGAF template for Architecture Principles would a reader find the answer to the question of 'How does this affect me"?

A. Implications
B. Name
C. Rationale
D. Statement

Question # 36

What is part of the approach in the ADM Preliminary Phase?

A. Developing an Architecture Contract
B. Extending the business scenario with business modeling
C. Preparing a consolidated Gap Analysis
D. Defining the enterprise
E. Creating the Architecture Vision deliverable

Question # 37

Which of the following best completes the sentence? The Architecture Repository ________.

A. is used to store different classes of architectural output created by the ADM
B. is a categorisation mechanism for classifying architecture and solution artifacts
C. is a detailed model of architectural work products, including deliverables and artifacts
D. is an architecture of generic functions and services
E. is a set of resources to help establish an architecture capability within an organization

Question # 38

Complete the sentence. According to the TOGAF document, a ___________ is a representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of _______________.

A. viewpoint, views
B. viewpoint, stakeholders
C. view, concerns
D. view, stakeholders
E. view, requirements

Question # 39

Which of the following does TOGAF describe as "a formal description of a system, or a detailed plan of the system at component level to guide its implementation"?

A. Architecture
B. Artifact
C. Deliverable
D. Model
E. View

Question # 40

Complete the sentence. According to TOGAF, a ______________is a representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of_____________.

A. view, concerns
B. viewpoint, views
C. view, requirements
D. view, stakeholders

Question # 41

Which does TOGAF standard define as “the structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles guiding their design and evolution over time”?

A. An architecture view
B. An artifact
C. An architecture
D. A deliverable
E. A model

Question # 42

Which of the following statements about TOGAF Building Blocks and their use in the ADM cycle is correct?

A. Building Blocks become more implementation-specific in Phase E
B. Building Blocks in phases D, E and F are evolved to a common pattern of steps
C. Building Blocks should be identified in abstract form as part of the Preliminary Phase
D. Building Blocks should be first selected in Phase D

Question # 43

According to TOGAF, Which of the following best describes an Architecture Pattern?

A. A detailed description of the interfaces between building blocks
B. An implementation specific solution building block
C. A package of functionality defined to meet the business needs of the organization.
D. A way to put building blocks together into context
E. A work product describing an aspect of an architecture

Question # 44

Which one of the following best describes the purpose of ADM Phase E?

A. To define the initial implementation plans
B. To define the scope, identifying stakeholders and obtaining approvals
C. To develop the Technology Architecture
D. To manage requirements throughout the ADM
E. To perform architectural oversight for the implementation

Question # 45

In which ADM phase does the value and change management process determine the circumstances under which the Architecture Development Cycle will be initiated to develop a new architecture?

A. Phase H
B. Phase F
C. Phase E
D. Preliminary Phase
E. Phase G

Question # 46

Which phase of the ADM establishes a set of Principles?

A. Preliminary Phase
B. Phase A
C. Phase D
D. Phase G
E. Phase H

Question # 47

What part of the TOGAF document discusses the processes, skills and roles to operate an architecture function within an enterprise?

A. TOGAF Reference Models
B. Architecture Content Framework
C. Architecture Capability Framework
D. Enterprise Continuum & Tools
E. Architecture Development Method

Question # 48

Complete the sentence. According to TOGAF, all of the following are responsibilities of an Architecture Board, except ______________________.

A. Ensuring consistency between sub-architectures
B. Ensuring flexibility of the enterprise architecture to meet business needs
C. Improving the maturity of the organization's architecture discipline
D. Monitoring of architecture contracts
E. Preparing architecture review reports

Question # 49

According to TOGAF, which of the following best describes an Architecture Pattern?

A. A detailed description of the interfaces between building blocks
B. A way to identify combinations of building blocks that have been proven to deliver solutions
C. A package of functionality defined to meet the business needs the organization
D. A work product describing an aspect of an architecture
E. An implementation specific solution building block

Question # 50

In Phases B, C, and D which is the final step in each phase?

A. Conduct formal stakeholder review
B. Create Architecture Definition Document
C. Define Roadmap components
D. Perform gap analysis
E. Select reference models, viewpoints and tools

Question # 51

A key step in validating a proposed target architecture is to consider what may have been forgotten. What technique does TOGAF recommend to address this issue?

A. Business Transformation Readiness Assessment
B. Business Value Assessment Technique
C. Capability-Based Planning
D. Communications and Stakeholder Management
E. Gap Analysis

Question # 52

Which one of the following is an objective of Phase A, Architecture Vision?

A. Defining architecture principles
B. Defining relationships between management frameworks
C. Defining the enterprise
D. Evaluating the enterprise architecture maturity
E. Identifying stakeholders and their concerns

Question # 53

In which part of the ADM cycle do building block gaps become associated with work packages that will address the gaps?

A. Preliminary Phase and Phase A
B. Phases B, C, and D
C. Phase E
D. Phase F
E. Phases G and H

Question # 54

Which part of the TOGAF standard provides a full description of each architecture phase?

A. ADM Guidelines and Techniques
B. Architecture Capability Framework
C. Enterprise Continuum & Tools
D. Architecture Development Method

Question # 55

What level of risk is the risk categorization prior to determining and implementing mitigating actions?

A. Marginal
B. Residual
C. Low
D. Initial
E. Critical

Question # 56

According to TOGAF, in which phase of the ADM should an initial assessment of business transformation readiness occur?

A. Preliminary Phase
B. Phase A
C. Phase B
D. Phase F
E. Phase G

Question # 57

Which section of the TOGAF template for Architecture Principles should highlight the business benefits for adhering to the principle?

A. Implications
B. Name
C. Rationale
D. Statement

Question # 58

Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of enterprise architecture?

A. To allow an enterprise to exploit the latest trends in technology
B. To enable the CIO to take effective control of the business units across an enterprise
C. To ensure compliance in an enterprise to corporate auditing standards
D. To optimise an enterprise into an environment that is responsive to business needs
E. To provide a set of standards that all actors must adhere to within an enterprise

Question # 59

Which of the following does the TOGAF standard classify as catalogs, matrices and diagrams?

A. Building Blocks
B. Application Platform Interfaces
C. Deliverables
D. Frameworks
E. Artifacts

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