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SAP C_S43_2022 Sample Question Answers
Question # 1
Which functions are available in the Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planners app?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Schedule and dispatch maintenance operations by shifts. B. Dispatch maintenance order operations C. Monitor maintenance order operations due in the next 4 weeks D. Print job papers from a maintenance order.
Answer: B,C
Explanation: The Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planners app allows you to
monitor important KPIs for your work centers, such as utilization, priority of due
maintenance orders, and unconfirmed maintenance orders. You can also use filters to
show the information that you are interested in. By clicking a card, you can access the
Manage Work Center Utilization app, where you can dispatch maintenance order
operations to your work centers. You cannot schedule and dispatch
maintenanceoperations by shifts or print job papers from a maintenance order in this app.
These functions are available in other apps, such as the Maintenance Scheduling Board
app and the Print Job Papers app. References: Resource Scheduling for Maintenance
Planners | SAP Help Portal and Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planners | SAP
Question # 2
What are characteristics of the structure indicator? Note: There are 2 correct answers to
this question
A. It limits the types of characters in the edit mask to Alpha and Numeric. B. It restricts the number of hierarchical levels to no more than 6 C. It defines the allowed characters for a functional location D. It sets the hierarchy levels of the functional location structure.
Answer: C,D
Explanation: The structure indicator is a key that defines the allowed characters and the
hierarchy levels of the functional location structure. It consists of an edit mask and a
hierarchy indicator. The edit mask defines the allowed characters for each position of the
functional location identification. The hierarchy indicator defines the hierarchy levels of the
functional location structure and the number of characters for each level. For example, a structure indicatorwith the edit mask ANNNN-NNNN and the hierarchy indicator 5-4 means
that the functional location identification can have up to 9 alphanumeric characters, divided
into two levels with 5 and 4 characters respectively, separated by a hyphen. The structure
indicator does not limit the types of characters to alpha and numeric, as it can also include
special characters, such as hyphens, slashes, or dots. Therefore, answer A is incorrect.
The structure indicator also does not restrict the number of hierarchical levels to no more
than 6, as it can have up to 10 levels. Therefore, answer B is also
incorrect. References: Explaining Technical Asset Structures - SAP
Learning and Organizational Elements and Structures | SAP Help Portal.
Question # 3
How does the work center influence cost calculation in the maintenance order? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Via cost center assigned to a personnel number B. Via cost center and activity type C. Via organizational unit and personal hourly rate D. Via activity type and hourly rate
Answer: B,D
Explanation: The work center influences cost calculation in the maintenance order via the
cost center and activity type, and via the activity type and hourly rate. The cost center and
activity type are assigned to the work center in the master data, and they determine the
planned costs of the work center. The activity type and hourly rate are used to calculate the
actual costs of the work center based on the actual hours reported for the maintenance
order operations.
Option A (Via cost center assigned to a personnel number) is incorrect, because the cost
center assigned to a personnel number is not relevant for the cost calculation of the work
center. Option C (Via organizational unit and personal hourly rate) is also incorrect,
because the organizational unit and personal hourly rate are not used to calculate the costs
of the work center.
Cost Centers and Activity Types
Work Center Utilization
Question # 4
How is Phase-based Maintenance Processing activated in the SAP system? Note: There
are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Through Best Practices scope items 4HH and 4HI. B. Phase-based maintenance is always active in all S/4HANA 2021 editions and above C. By installing the corresponding enhancement pack and activating the related business
function D. By manually activating the corresponding Business Feature in case Best Practices are
not used.
Answer: A,D
Explanation: Phase-based maintenance processing is a new concept that was introduced
in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2011 and SAP S/4HANA 2021. It allows you to track the life cycle
of the maintenance processes using predefined phases and sub-phases, instead of system
and user statuses. Phase-based maintenance processing is activated in the SAP system
through the following ways:
Through Best Practices scope items 4HH and 4HI. These are the new scope items
for reactive and proactive maintenance that use the phase model for maintenance
requests and orders. You can activate these scope items using the SAP Activate
methodology and the SAP Best Practices Explorer12.
By manually activating the corresponding Business Feature in case Best Practices
are not used. If you do not use the Best Practices scope items, you can still
activate the phase model for maintenance requests and orders by using the
Business Feature switch in the Customizing activity Define Settings for
Maintenance Processing34.
Phase-based maintenance processing is not always active in all S/4HANA 2021 editions
and above, as it depends on the scope items or the Business Feature switch. Therefore,
answer B is incorrect. Phase-based maintenance processing is not activated by installing
the corresponding enhancement pack and activating the related business function, as this
is the old way of activating new features in SAP ERP. Therefore, answer C is also
incorrect. References: SAP S/4HANA Cloud release of 2011 – Asset Management
(Maintenance … and Highlights for Asset Management in SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Blogs
Question # 5
Which default object type do you use to settle a refurbishment order?
A. The cost center B. The WBS element C. The fixed asset D. The material
Answer: C
Explanation: A refurbishment order is a type of maintenance order that is used to repair or
restore a damaged or defective material. The material is usually a fixed asset, such as a
machine or a vehicle, that belongs to the company. The refurbishment order allows you to
track the costs and activities involved in the refurbishment process, and to settle the costs
to the fixed asset. The fixed asset is the default object type for the settlement of a
refurbishment order, but you can also use other object types, such as the cost center or the
WBS element, depending on your business requirements. References: Alibaba Cloud
Academy - ACP Cloud Computing Certification Course - Chapter 9: Maintenance
Management - Section 9.2: Refurbishment Order
Question # 6
You want to set up a general maintenance task list for inspection rounds using the overall
time confirmation as a simplified way to record measurement documents. What do you
need to do? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Assign a measuring point as a production resources/tools (PRT) to a task list operation. B. Assign a piece of equipment with an allocated measuring point to a task list operation C. Assign an inspection lot to the task list header D. Assign an inspection document as a PRT to the task list operation.
Answer: A,B
Explanation: To set up a general maintenance task list for inspection rounds using the overall time confirmation as a simplified way to record measurement documents, you need
to do the following steps:
Assign a piece of equipment with an allocated measuring point to a task list
operation. This will allow you to inspect the equipment and record the
measurement readings for the measuring point during the inspection round. You
can assign the equipment either manually or automatically using the object list in
the task list header1.
Assign a measuring point as a production resources/tools (PRT) to a task list
operation. This will allow you to inspect the measuring point and record the
measurement readings for it during the inspection round. You can assign the
measuring point either manually or automatically using the PRT category 0010
(Measuring Point) in the task list operation1.
You do not need to assign an inspection lot to the task list header, as this is not
required for inspection rounds. Inspection lots are used for quality inspections that
are triggered by events such as goods receipt, production order, or sales order2.
You do not need to assign an inspection document as a PRT to the task list
operation, as this is not supported for inspection rounds. Inspection documents are
used for quality inspections that are based on inspection plans and inspection
characteristics2. References: PM - General maintenance task list and Set up your
SAP S/4HANA system for EAM Inspection Checklists in SAP Help Portal.
Question # 7
During the implementation project you need to define the organizational units relevant for
Plant Maintenance. Which of the following objects can you directly assign to a maintenance
plant? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Maintenance work center B. Maintenance planner group C. Organizational unit D. Storage location
Answer: A,D
Explanation: A maintenance plant is the organizational unit in which the technical objects
to be maintained are physically present. A maintenance plant can be directly assigned to
the following objects:
A maintenance work center, which is a location where maintenance tasks are
performed. A maintenance work center can be a person, a group of persons, or a
technical object, such as a machine or a vehicle. A maintenance work center is
defined by its capacity, availability, and cost rates1
A storage location, which is a place where spare parts and materials are stored
within a plant. A storage location can be a warehouse, a bin, or a shelf. A storage
location is defined by its address, stock type, and valuation area2
The other options are incorrect because:
A maintenance planner group, which is a group of planners who are responsible
for planning maintenance activities in a maintenance planning plant. A
maintenance planner group is not directly assigned to a maintenance plant, but to
a maintenance planning plant. A maintenance planning plant is the organizational
unit in which maintenance requirements are planned3
An organizational unit, which is a generic term for any unit of an organization that
performs a specific function or task. An organizational unit can be a company
code, a plant, a sales organization, a purchasing organization, etc. An
organizational unit is not directly assigned to a maintenance plant, but to a higherlevel
organizational unit, such as a company code or a controlling area.
References: 1: Maintenance Work Center | SAP Help Portal 2: Storage Location | SAP
Help Portal 3: Maintenance Planner Group | SAP Help Portal : Organizational Unit | SAP
Help Portal
Question # 8
Which of the following is a prerequisite for external refurbishment?
A. Define the order type for external refurbishment. B. Select the material group for externally refurbished materials. C. Assign an external work center to a maintenance order operation D. Activate the subcontracting indicator in an external activity.
Answer: D
Explanation: External refurbishment is the process of sending defective or worn-out spare
parts to an external vendor for repair or replacement. To carry out this process, you need to
create a maintenance order with an external operation that has the subcontracting indicator
activated. This indicator allows you to create a purchase requisition and a purchase order
for the external service. The external operation also requires an external work center, a
control key, and a material component with the valuation type of the defective part. The
order type for external refurbishment is not a prerequisite, but a configuration option that
can be used to differentiate the process from internal refurbishment. The material group for
externally refurbished materials is not relevant for the process, as the material master data
is not changed by the refurbishment. The assignment of an external work center to a
maintenance order operation is necessary, but not sufficient, for external refurbishment.
You also need to activate the subcontracting indicator in the external activity. References:
Explaining Refurbishment of Spare Parts, section “Refurbishing Spare Parts
Refurbishment of Repairable Spares: Integration between SAP-PM and SAP-MM,
section “4.2 External Refurbishment: Major Steps”
Question # 9
How do you set up the visible tiles for a specific user in SAP Fiori Launchpad? Note: There
are 2 correct answers to this question
A. By assigning a PFCG role with an SAP Fiori catalog B. By assigning a portal role with an SAP Fiori catalog C. By assigning a PFCG role with an SAP Fiori tile group D. By assigning the tiles directly
Answer: A,C
Explanation: The visible tiles for a specific user in SAP Fiori Launchpad are determined
by the PFCG roles that are assigned to the user. The PFCG roles contain the SAP Fiori
catalogs and tile groups that define the available and visible tiles for the user.
The steps to set up the visible tiles for a specific user are:
Create or use an existing PFCG role in the backend system that contains the SAP
Fiori catalogs and tile groups that are relevant for the user. The catalogs and tile
groups can be created or copied from the SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer app. The
catalogs contain the tiles and target mappings that represent the apps that can be
launched from the launchpad. The tile groups are collections of tiles that are
displayed on the launchpad home page.
Assign the PFCG role to the user in the backend system. The user can have
multiple PFCG roles assigned, depending on their business needs and
Log on to the SAP Fiori Launchpad with the user credentials. The user will see the
tiles that are assigned to them through the PFCG roles on the launchpad home
page. The user can also personalize the launchpad by adding, removing, or
rearranging the tiles and groups.
The other options are incorrect because:
Portal roles are not used to assign SAP Fiori catalogs and tile groups. Portal roles
are used to assign portal content, such as iViews and pages, to users in the SAP
Enterprise Portal.
Assigning the tiles directly to the user is not possible. The tiles are part of the
catalogs and tile groups that are assigned to the user through the PFCG roles.
Setting Up Launchpad Content | SAP Help Portal
Creating and Configuring Tiles | SAP Help Portal
SAP Fiori Launchpad Tiles Setup - Go Coding How to create Fiori Catalog, Group and custom Fiori tiles
Question # 10
What are characteristics of the Preparation and Scheduling phase within phase-based
maintenance? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. If you use the Resource Scheduling apps, you always dispatch orders and operations. B. The order moves to the Preparation phase once it is approved and released C. Maintenance Planning Buckets give you a list of non-approved notifications D. The configuration of the order type decides whether you use Resource Scheduling or not.
Answer: B,D
Explanation: The Preparation and Scheduling phase within phase-based maintenance is
the phase where the maintenance planner divides the maintenance effort into manageable
groups, levels out the workload over several weeks, determines the concrete time period
for the requested maintenance work, and checks the availability of all the resources, spare
parts and services needed1.
Option B (The order moves to the Preparation phase once it is approved and released) is
correct, because the approval and release of the order is the last step of the previous
phase (Approval phase)2. Once the order is approved and released, it is ready for
preparation and scheduling.
Option D (The configuration of the order type decides whether you use Resource
Scheduling or not) is also correct, because the order type determines whether the order is
relevant for resource scheduling or not2. Resource scheduling is an optional step in the
Preparation and Scheduling phase, where the planner can assign and dispatch the orders
and operations to the technicians using the Resource Scheduling apps2.
Option A (If you use the Resource Scheduling apps, you always dispatch orders and
operations) is incorrect, because the Resource Scheduling apps allow the planner to either
dispatch or assign the orders and operations2. Dispatching means that the planner assigns
a specific technician and a specific time slot for the order or operation, while assigning
means that the planner assigns only a technician or a team, but not a specific time slot2.
Option C (Maintenance Planning Buckets give you a list of non-approved notifications) is
also incorrect, because the Maintenance Planning Buckets app gives the planner a list of
approved and released orders that are ready for preparation and scheduling2. The nonapproved
notifications are handled in the previous phase (Screening phase)2.
References: Phase Model for the Maintenance Process
New Phase Model for the Maintenance Processes in S/4HANA Cloud
Explaining the Phase-based Process
Maintenance Process Phases
Question # 11
Which are the prerequisites for Inspection Checklist Processing? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. QM inspection plan with assigned inspection characteristics B. Inspection point type assigned to the task list header C. Master inspection characteristics assigned to PM task list operations D. Classification data assigned to a technical object
Answer: A,D
This is required to define the inspection scope and the checklist type for the
technical object. The inspection plan must be classified with the same class as the
technical object and have matching characteristic values1.
Classification data assigned to a technical object: This is required to identify the
relevant inspection plan and checklist type for the technical object. The technical
object must be classified with the same class as the inspection plan and have
matching characteristic values1.
The other options are not correct because:
Inspection point type assigned to the task list header: This is not a prerequisite for
inspection checklist processing, but an optional setting that allows the user to
define inspection points for the checklist items2.
Master inspection characteristics assigned to PM task list operations: This is not a
prerequisite for inspection checklist processing, but an optional setting that allows
the user to use master inspection characteristics as checklist items2.
1: Explaining Inspection Checklists - SAP Learning 2: Generating Inspection Checklists |
SAP Help Portal
Question # 12
What do you have to consider when planning maintenance work that is to be carried out by
an external company?
A. If you assign a control key for an external order operation, the actual values must always
be entered as a goods receipt in the system. B. In the control key assigned to the order operation, the "Service" indicator must always
be activated. C. If you assign a control key with indicator "Service" for an external service, you have to
enter the actual values via the service entry sheet. D. For the maintenance order type, you have to assign the Enhanced Procurement Mode.
Answer: C,D
Explanation: When planning maintenance work that is to be carried out by an external
company, you have to consider the following aspects:
If you assign a control key with indicator “Service” for an external service, you
have to enter the actual values via the service entry sheet. This is because the
service entry sheet is used to record the services performed by the external
company and to verify the invoice. The service entry sheet is linked to the
purchase order and the maintenance order operation.
For the maintenance order type, you have to assign the Enhanced Procurement
Mode. This is because the Enhanced Procurement Mode enables you to use lean
services and enhanced limits for external services. Lean services are intended for
the procurement of small or highly specialized services that are carried out by
external suppliers as part of an internal or external operation. They can be maintained in the material master as service products. Enhanced limits allow you
to define a maximum amount for the external service without specifying the service
specifications in advance.
If you assign a control key for an external order operation, the actual values must
always be entered as a goods receipt in the system. This is not true, because the
goods receipt is only required for external materials, not for external services. For
external services, the service entry sheet is used instead.
In the control key assigned to the order operation, the “Service” indicator must
always be activated. This is not true, because the “Service” indicator is only
required for external services, not for external operations. For external operations,
the “External Processing” indicator must be activated
instead. References: External Services Management (MM-SRV) | SAP Help
Portal, Highlights for Asset Management in SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Blogs.
Question # 13
What are the prerequisites for serializing a piece of equipment? Note: There are 3 correct
answers to this question
A. Add a serialized material to the equipment serial data view. B. Assign a serial number profile to an additional business view for equipment category C. Assign a serial number profile to the equipment category D. Assign a serial number profile to the related material master. E. Maintain a serial number for an existing equipment master.
Answer: C,D,E
Explanation: Serializing a piece of equipment means assigning a unique serial number to
identify and track the equipment throughout its lifecycle. The prerequisites for serializing a
piece of equipment are:
Assign a serial number profile to the equipment category. This defines the rules for
creating and managing serial numbers for the equipment, such as the number
range, the check digit, and the serial number usage. The serial number profile is
assigned in the Customizing activity Define Equipment Categories under Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service -> Master Data in Plant Maintenance and
Customer Service -> Technical Objects -> Equipment -> Equipment Categories.
Assign a serial number profile to the related material master. This ensures that the
material and the equipment have the same serial number profile and that the serial
number is automatically copied from the material to the equipment. The serial
number profile is assigned in the material master data in the Plant Data/Stor. 1
view under Serial Number Profile.
Maintain a serial number for an existing equipment master. This can be done
either manually or automatically. Manually, you can enter the serial number in the
equipment master data in the Serial Data view under Serial Number. Automatically, you can link the equipment with a serialized material and the serial
number will be copied from the material to the equipment. This linking can be done
either with a goods movement or manually.
The options that are not prerequisites for serializing a piece of equipment are:
Add a serialized material to the equipment serial data view. This is not a
prerequisite, but rather a possible way to link the equipment with a serialized
material and copy the serial number from the material to the equipment. However,
this can only be done if the serial number profile is already assigned to both the
equipment category and the material master.
Assign a serial number profile to an additional business view for equipment
category. This is not a valid option, as the serial number profile is assigned to the
equipment category itself, not to any additional business view.
Serial Number Management
Explaining Refurbishment of Spare Parts
Question # 14
What do you have to consider when setting up the refurbishment process?
A. Assign valuation type C to the order type. B. Assign a view profile for refurbishment to the order type. C. Assign a stock determination rule to the PM order type D. Mark the order type for refurbishment in customizing.
Answer: B,C
Explanation: To set up the refurbishment process, you have to consider the following steps:
Assign a view profile for refurbishment to the order type: A view profile determines
which fields and tabs are displayed in the order header and item. You can assign a
view profile for refurbishment to the order type in Customizing for Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service under Maintenance and Service Processing -
> Maintenance and Service Orders -> Functions and Settings for Order Types ->
Assign View Profiles to Order Types. The view profile for refurbishment enables
you to enter the material and serial number of the defective item, as well as the
valuation type and the target material for the refurbished item12.
Assign a stock determination rule to the PM order type: A stock determination rule
defines the sequence in which the system searches for available stock when you
create a reservation or a goods movement for a material. You can assign a stock
determination rule to the PM order type in Customizing for Plant Maintenance and
Customer Service under Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance
and Service Orders -> Functions and Settings for Order Types -> Assign Stock
Determination Rule to Order Type. The stock determination rule for refurbishment
allows you to specify the valuation type of the defective item that is to be
The other options are not correct for the following reasons: Assign valuation type C to the order type: Valuation type C is not a valid option for
the order type. Valuation type C is a valuation category that indicates that the
material is valuated by condition, such as new, refurbished, or defect. Valuation
type C is assigned to the material master, not to the order type3.
Mark the order type for refurbishment in customizing: There is no option to mark
the order type for refurbishment in customizing. The order type for refurbishment is
determined by the order category, which is 30 for refurbishment orders. The order
category is assigned to the order type in Customizing for Plant Maintenance and
Customer Service under Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance
and Service Orders -> Order Types -> Define Order Types3.
References: 3: Explaining Refurbishment of Spare Parts | SAP Learning 1: SAP
Refurbishment Process Tutorial - Free SAP PM Training - ERProof 2: Refurbishment
Process – in simple terms | SAP Blogs
Question # 15
Which operations are possible when you cancel the technical completion of a maintenanceorder? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Cancel status Released. B. Change the pronty C. Book a goods receipt. D. Change the estimated costs.
Answer: C,D
Explanation: When you cancel the technical completion of a maintenance order, you can
perform the following operations:
Book a goods receipt for the materials that were ordered for the maintenance
order. This operation is possible because canceling the technical completion
reverses the goods issue that was posted when the order was technically
completed. The materials are returned to the warehouse and can be received
again when the goods receipt is posted1
Change the estimated costs of the maintenance order. This operation is possible
because canceling the technical completion allows you to edit the cost elements
and values in the order header and operations. You can also change the
settlement rule and the budget of the order2 You cannot perform the following operations when you cancel the technical completion of a
maintenance order:
Cancel the status Released of the maintenance order. This operation is not
possible because the status Released is set when the order is created and cannot
be reversed. The status Released indicates that the order is ready for execution
and can be planned, scheduled, and confirmed2
Change the priority of the maintenance order. This operation is not possible
because the priority is determined by the notification that triggered the order and
cannot be changed in the order itself. The priority indicates the urgency and
importance of the maintenance task3
References: 1: SAP Help Portal - Year-End Closing 3: Exploring Resource Scheduling -
SAP Learning 2: Cancel Technical Completion | SAP Community
Question # 16
What are mandatory characteristics of orders with Operation Account Assignment (OAA)?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question
A. Overall costs are dynamically summed up on the header level. B. A technical object must be assigned to an order operation C. Costs are stored only for the operation object D. Purchase requisitions have the operation as account assignment. E. The settlement rule is maintained on the header level.
Answer: B,C,D
Explanation: Orders with Operation Account Assignment (OAA) are a special type of PM/CS orders that allow the detailed planning, capture and reporting of costs at the order operation level. The operations have their own settlement rules enabling more accurate cost updating of multiple assets maintained using a single PM/CS order. The mandatory characteristics of OAA orders are: A technical object must be assigned to an order operation. This ensures that the operation is linked to a specific asset and can be settled accordingly. The technical object can be an equipment, a functional location, or a material. Costs are stored only for the operation object. This means that the order header does not have any costs associated with it. The costs are allocated to the operations based on the actual postings of goods movements, confirmations, and
Purchase requisitions have the operation as account assignment. This means that
the purchase requisitions created from the order components are assigned to the
operation instead of the order header. This allows the tracking of costs at the
operation level.
The characteristics that are not mandatory for OAA orders are:
Overall costs are dynamically summed up on the header level. This is an optional
feature that can be activated by using the business function
LOG_EAM_SIMPLICITY_2. This allows the display of the total costs of the order
operations on the order header level.
The settlement rule is maintained on the header level. This is not a characteristic
of OAA orders, but rather a limitation. The settlement rule for OAA orders can only
be maintained on the operation level, not on the header level. This means that
each operation has its own settlement rule and can be settled to different
Operation Account Assignment
Operation Account Assignment 2
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