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Oracle 1z0-819 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Given:  This code results in a compilation error.Which code should be inserted on line 1 for a successful compilation?

A. Consumer consumer = msg -> { return System.out.print(msg); };
B. Consumer consumer = var arg > {System.out.print(arg);};
C. Consumer consumer = (String args) > System.out.print(args);
D. Consumer consumer = System.out::print;

Question # 2

Which set of commands is necessary to create and run a custom runtime image from Java source files? 

A. java, jdeps
B. javac, jlink
C. jar, jlink
D. javac, jar

Question # 3

Given:  Which three actions implement Java SE security guidelines? (Choose three.)

A. Change line 7 to return names.clone();.
B. Change line 4 to this.names = names.clone();.
C. Change the getNames() method name to get$Names().
D. Change line 6 to public synchronized String[] getNames() {.
E. Change line 2 to private final String[] names;.
F. Change line 3 to private Secret(String[] names) {.
G. Change line 2 to protected volatile String[] names;.

Question # 4

Analyze the code:  Which two options can you insert inside println method to produce Global:namescope?(Choose two.)

A. Test.prefix+Test.name
B. new Test().prefix+new Test().name
C. Test.prefix+Test.getName()
D. Test.getName+prefix
E. prefix+Test.name
F. prefix+name

Question # 5

Which statement about a functional interface is true? 

A. It must be defined with the public access modifier.
B. It must be annotated with @FunctionalInterface.
C. It is declared with a single abstract method.
D. It is declared with a single default method.
E. It cannot have any private methods and static methods.

Question # 6

Which two statements are true about the modular JDK? (Choose two.) 

A. The foundational APIs of the Java SE Platform are found in the java.base module.
B. An application must be structured as modules in order to run on the modular JDK.
C. It is possible but undesirable to configure modules’ exports from the command line.
D. APIs are deprecated more aggressively because the JDK has been modularized.

Question # 7

Which two statements are true about Java modules? (Choose two.) 

A. Modular jars loaded from --module-path are automatic modules.
B. Any named module can directly access all classes in an automatic module.
C. Classes found in –classpath are part of an unnamed module.
D. Modular jars loaded from –classpath are automatic modules.
E. If a package is defined in both the named module and the unnamed module, then thepackage in the unnamed module is ignored.

Question # 8

Given:List<String> longlist = List.of(“Hello”,”World”,”Beat”);List<String> shortlist = new ArrayList<>();Which code fragment correctly forms a short list of words containing the letter “e”?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 9

Given:  Which two methods modify field values? (Choose two.)

A. setAllCounts
B. setACount
C. setGCount
D. setCCount
E. setTCount

Question # 10

Given:  Assume the file on path does not exist. What is the result?

A. The compilation fails.
B. /u01/work/filestore.txt is not deleted.
C. Exception
D. /u01/work/filestore.txt is deleted.

Question # 11

Given:  Which code, when inserted at one or more marked positions, would allow classes B and C to compile?

A. @Override // position 3void x () {} // position 3@Override // position 3public void z() { } //position 3
B. @Override // position 2public void z() { } // position 3
C. implements A // position 1@Override // position 2
D. public void z() { } // position 3

Question # 12

Consider this method declaration:  A) “SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION “ + userB) “SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION “ + stmt.enquoteIdentifier(user)Is A or B the correct replacement for <EXPRESSION> and why?

A. A, because it sends exactly the value of user provided by the calling code.
B. B, because enquoting values provided by the calling code prevents SQL injection.
C. A and B are functionally equivalent.
D. A, because it is unnecessary to enclose identifiers in quotes.
E. B, because all values provided by the calling code should be enquoted.

Question # 13

Given:  Which two lines cause compilation errors? (Choose two.)

A. line 12
B. line 6
C. line 9
D. line 8
E. line 7

Question # 14

Given:  Which code, when inserted on line 10, prints the number of unique localities from the rosterlist?

A. .map(Employee::getLocality).distinct().count();
B. map(e > e.getLocality()).count();
C. .map(e > e.getLocality()).collect(Collectors.toSet()).count();
D. .filter(Employee::getLocality).distinct().count();

Question # 15

A bookstore's sales are represented by a list of Sale objects populated with the name ofthe customer and the books they purchased.public class Sale {private String customer;private List<Book> items;// constructor, setters and getters not shown}public class Book {private String name;private double price;// constructor, setters and getters not shown}Given a list of Sale objects, tList, which code fragment creates a list of total sales for eachcustomer in ascending order?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D 

Question # 16

Given an application with a main module that has this module-info.java file:  Which two are true? (Choose two.)

A. A module providing an implementation of country.CountryDetails can be compiled andadded without recompiling the main module.
B. A module providing an implementation of country.CountryDetails must have a requiresmain; directive in its module-info.java file.
C. An implementation of country.countryDetails can be added to the main module.
D. To compile without an error, the application must have at least one module in themodule source path that provides an implementation of country.CountryDetails.
E. To run without an error, the application must have at least one module in the modulepath that provides an implementation of country.CountryDetails.

Question # 17

A company has an existing sales application using a Java 8 jar file containing packages:com.company.customer;com.company.customer.orders;com.company.customer.info;com.company.sales;com.company.sales.leads;com.company.sales.closed;com.company.orders;com.company.orders.pending;com.company.orders.shipped.To modularize this jar file into three modules, customer, sales, and orders, which moduleinfo.java would be correct?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C 
D. Option D

Question # 18


A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D 

Question # 19

Given:  Which two statements are valid to be written in this interface? (Choose two.)

A. public abstract void methodB();
B. final void methodG(){System.out.println(“G”);}
C. private abstract void methodC();
D. public String methodD();
E. public int x; 
F. final void methodE();
G. public void methodF(){System.out.println(“F”);}

Question # 20

Given:  Which two lines inserted in line 1 will allow this code to compile? (Choose two.)

A. protected void walk(){}
B. void walk(){}
C. abstract void walk();
D. private void walk(){}
E. public abstract void walk();

Question # 21

Given:  And the command:java Main HelloworldWhat is the result ?

A. Input: Echo:
B. Input: Helloworld Echo: Helloworld
C. Input:Then block until any input comes from System.in.
D. Input:Echo: Helloworld
E. A NullPointerException is thrown at run time.

Question # 22

Given:  What is the result? 

A. 42  
B. The compilation fails due to an error in line 4.
C. 17
D. The compilation fails due to an error in line 3.
E. The compilation fails due to an error in line 2.
F. The compilation fails due to an error in line 1.
G. The compilation fails due to an error in line 5.

Question # 23

Given:  What is known about the Sportscar class?

A. The Sportscar class is a subclass of Automobile and inherits its methods.
B. The Sportscar subclass cannot override setTurbo method from the superclassAutomobile.
C. The Sportscar class is a superclass that has more functionality than the Automobileclass.
D. The Sportscar class inherits the setTurbo method from the superclass Automobile.

Question # 24

Given:  What is the result?

A. is it 1
B. An IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown at runtime.
C. is it 0
D. this is it 2
E. this is it 3

Question # 25

Given:  Which is true?

A. System.out is the standard output stream. The stream is open only when System.out iscalled.
B. System.in cannot reassign the other stream.
C. System.out is an instance of java.io.OutputStream by default.
D. System.in is the standard input stream. The stream is already open.

Question # 26

Given: 'What is the result?

A. JoeMarry
B. Joenull
C. nullnull
D. nullMary

Question # 27

Which is the correct order of possible statements in the structure of a Java class file? 

A. class, package, import
B. package, import, class
C. import, package, class
D. package, class, import
E. import, class, package

Question # 28

Given:  What is the result?

A. ab cd ef
B. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown at runtime.
C. The compilation fails.
D. abc def
E. ad be cf

Question # 29

Given the code fragment:  What is the result?

A. ab cd ef
B. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown at runtime.
C. The compilation fails.
D. abc def
E. ad be cf

Question # 30

Given:  What will secure this code from a potential Denial of Service condition?

A. After Line 4, add indexReader.close().
B. On Line 3, enclose processData(dataReader) with try with resources.
C. After Line 3, add dataReader.close().
D. On Line 1, use try with resources when opening each dataReader.
E. Before Line 1, check the size of dataFiles to make sure it does not exceed a threshold.

Question # 31

Given the code fragment:  What is the result?

A. 01
B. 0
C. 1
D. The program prints nothing.
E. It prints 1 in the infinite loop.

Question # 32

Given:  and omitting the throws FooException clause results in a compilation error.Which statement is true about FooException?

A. FooException is a subclass of RuntimeError.
B. FooException is unchecked.
C. The body of foo can only throw FooException.
D. The body of foo can throw FooException or one of its subclasses.

Question # 33


A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
F. Option F

Question # 34

Which code fragment prints 100 random numbers? 

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 35

Given:  Which two methods facilitate valid ways to read instance fields? (Choose two.)

A. getTCount
B. getACount
C. getTotalCount
D. getCCount
E. getGCount

Question # 36

Which two are successful examples of autoboxing? (Choose two.) 

A. String a = “A”;
B. Integer e = 5;
C. Float g = Float.valueOf(null);
D. Double d = 4;
E. Long c = 23L;
F. Float f = 6.0;

Question # 37

Which three annotation uses are valid? (Choose three.) 

A. Function func = (@NonNull x) > x.toUpperCase();  
B. var v = “Hello” + (@Interned) “World”
C. Function<String, String> func = (var @NonNull x) > x.toUpperCase();
D. Function<String, String> func = (@NonNull var x) > x.toUpperCase();
E. var myString = (@NonNull String) str;
F. var obj = new @Interned MyObject();

Question # 38

Given:  When run and all three files exist, what is the state of each reader on Line 1?

A. All three readers are still open.
B. All three readers have been closed.
C. The compilation fails.
D. Only reader1 has been closed.

Question # 39

Given:  Which two statements are true if the method is added to Bar? (Choose two.)

A. public Collection<String> foo(Collection<String> arg) { ... } overrides Foo.foo.
B. public <T> Collection<T> foo(Stream<T> arg) { ... } overloads Foo.foo.
C. public <T> List<T> foo(Collection<T> arg) { ... } overrides Foo.foo.
D. public <T> Collection<T> foo(Collection<T> arg) { ... } overloads Foo.foo.
E. public <T> Collection<T> bar(Collection<T> arg) { ... } overloads Foo.foo.
F. public <T> Iterable<T> foo(Collection<T> arg) { ... } overrides Foo.foo.

Question # 40

Assuming the Widget class has a getPrice method, this code does not compile:  Which two statements, independently, would allow this code to compile? (Choose two.)

A. Replace line 5 with widgetStream.filter(a > ((Widget)a).getPrice() > 20.00).
B. Replace line 1 with List<Widget> widgetStream = widgets.stream();.
C. Replace line 5 with widgetStream.filter((Widget a) > a.getPrice() > 20.00).
D. Replace line 4 with Stream<Widget> widgetStream = widgets.stream();.

Question # 41

Assume ds is a DataSource and the EMP table is defined appropriately. What does executing this code fragment do? 

A. inserts two rows (101, 'SMITH', 'HR') and (102, 'JONES', NULL)
B. inserts two rows (101, 'SMITH', 'HR') and (102, 'JONES', 'HR')
C. inserts one row (101, 'SMITH', 'HR')
D. throws a SQLException

Question # 42

Given:  Which is true?

A. The code compiles but does not print any result.
B. The code prints 25.
C. The code does not compile.
D. The code throws an exception at runtime.

Question # 43

Given:  What is the result? 

A. b1
B. 2
C. b2 
D. 1
E. b3
F. 3
G. The compilation fails due to an error in line 1.

Question # 44

Given What is the result?

A. 5
B. 3
C. 23 
D. 25
E. 11

Question # 45

Given:  What is the output?

A. null
B. A NoSuchElementException is thrown at run time.
C. Duke
D. A NullPointerException is thrown at run time.

Question # 46

Given:  Which code fragment on line 1 makes the s1 set contain the names of all employees born before January 1, 1989?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 47

Which two are functional interfaces? (Choose two.) 

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E

Question # 48

Given:  Which two constructors will compile and set the class field strings? (Choose two.) 

B. Option B
C. Option C
E. Option E

Question # 49

Given:  Which three are true? (Choose three.) 

A. b1.foo(c) prints Bonjour le monde!
B. f1.foo(c) prints Hello world!
C. f1.foo(c) prints Olá Mundo!
D. b1.foo(c) prints Hello world!E. f2.foo(c) prints Olá Mundo!
F. b1.foo(c) prints Olá Mundo!
G. f2.foo(c) prints Bonjour le monde!
H. f2.foo(c) prints Hello world!
I. f1.foo(c) prints Bonjour le monde!

Question # 50


A. A NullPointerException is thrown at run time.
B. The compilation fails.
C. 1Nullnull
D. 111
E. A ClassCastException is thrown at run time.

Question # 51

Given:  Which two statements can be added at line 1 in Bar to successfully compile it? (Choose two.)

A. public List<Integer> foo(Set<CharSequence> m) { ... }
B. public ArrayList<Number> foo(Set<CharSequence> m) { ... }
C. public List<Integer> foo(TreeSet<String> m) { ... }
D. public List<Integer> foo(Set<String> m) { ... }
E. public List<Object> foo(Set<CharSequence> m) { ... }
F. public ArrayList<Integer> foo(Set<String> m) { ... }

Question # 52

Given: What is the result?

A. 9
B. An exception is thrown at runtime.
C. 3
D. 6

Question # 53

Given:  What is the result?

A. The compilation fails.
B. 1.99,2.99,0
C. 1.99,2.99,0.0
D. 1.99,2.99

Question # 54

Which interface in the java.util.function package will return a void return type? 

A. Supplier
B. Predicate
C. Function
D. Consumer

Question # 55

Given the code fragment:var pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);Future outcome = pool.submit(() > 1);Which type of lambda expression is passed into submit()?

A. java.lang.Runnable
B. java.util.function.Predicate
C. java.util.function.Function
D. java.util.concurrent.Callable
Answer: D

Question # 56

Which code fragment compiles? 

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

Question # 57

Given:  What is the output?

A. 300
B. Exception
C. 200
D. 100

Question # 58

Given:var fruits = List.of(“apple”, “orange”, “banana”, “lemon”);You want to examine the first element that contains the character n. Which statement willaccomplish this?

A. String result = fruits.stream().filter(f > f.contains(“n”)).findAny();
B. fruits.stream().filter(f > f.contains(“n”)).forEachOrdered(System.out::print);
C. Optional<String> result = fruits.stream().filter(f > f.contains (“n”)).findFirst ();
D. Optional<String> result = fruits.stream().anyMatch(f > f.contains(“n”));

Question # 59

Given:  Which loop incurs a compile time error?

A. the loop starting line 11
B. the loop starting line 7
C. the loop starting line 14
D. the loop starting line 3

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