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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
The following user story has been written: As a paying hotel guest I want to see the charges that have been added to my bill So that I can monitor my expenditure and know In advance how much I will have to paywhen I check outThe notes that have been added to It mention that It must be possible for the guest to get aprintout of the bill, see It In a variety of currencies and set a flag in the hotel's billing systemagainst any Item that they wish to challenge.The following acceptance criteria have been defined:1.The user shall be able to choose from the most commonly-used currencies.2.The application must be accessible on most mobile platforms as well as on the hotelroom's smart TV.3.The hotel manager must be notified whenever a bill item is flagged by a hotel guest.4.End-to-end response time for any individual request submitted by a user must not exceed7 seconds.Applying the INVEST technique to this user story, including its acceptance criteria, which ofthe following statements is correct?SELECT ONE OPTION
A. The Testable and Negotiable criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied
B. The Testable and Small criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied
C. The INVEST criteria have all been satisfied by this epic
D. The Negotiable and Small criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied
Question # 2
Which of the following best describes the reason why poorly written code is usually moredifficult to maintain than well written code?
A. It tends to run more slowly, causing performance issues that may be difficult to fix
B. It tends to contain security issues that may require maintenance releases
C. It tends to be difficult for a developer to locate and accurately fix a problem
D. It tends to have a lot of internal documentation
Question # 3
Which of the following are activities that the Technical Test Analyst performs when settingup a test automation project?1.Schedule the manual testing2.Define interface requirements between tools3.Perform a code review on the functional specifications4.Determine whether to use a rule-dnven approach5.Tram the test analysts to use and supply the data
A. 1.2
B. 3. 5
C. 1.4
D. 2,5
Question # 4
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding tools that support component testingand the build process?
A. Both are used to examine source code before a program is executed. This is done byanalysing a section of code against a set (or multiple sets) of coding rules.
B. Both are used to reduce the costs of test environments by replacing real devices.
C. Both provide run-time information on the state of the software code, e.g., unassignedpointers and the use and de-allocation of memory.
D. Both provide an environment for unit testing in which a component can be tested inisolation with suitable stubs and drivers.
Question # 5
You are working on an internet banking project. Your company is offering this product tothe financial market. For each new customer, some customization will typically be needed.To make the product successful there is a strong focus during development on a reliableand maintainable architecture. To support architectural reviews, a checklist will bedeveloped. Within the checklist specific sections will be attributed to reliability andmaintainability.Which question from the list below should you include in the maintainability section of thearchitectural review checklist?
A. Will the system use n-version programming for critical components?
B. Will the user interface be implemented independently from the other software modules?
C. Does the system have user-friendly error messages?
D. Does the password protection of the system adhere to the latest regulations?
Question # 6
Within the world of consumer electronics, the amount of embedded software is growingrapidly. The amount of software in high-end television sets has increased by a factor ofabout eight over the last six years. In addition, the market of consumer electronics hasbeen faced with a 5 -10% price erosion per year. The price of a product is, among anumber of other things, determined by the microcontroller used. Therefore, the use of ROMand RAM remains under high pressure in consumer electronic products, leading to severerestrictions on code size.Within a new high-end TV project, it has been decided to apply dynamic analysis.Which of the quality goals listed below is MOST appropriate to the project context?
A. Prevent failures from occurring by detecting wild pointers and loss of system memory.
B. Analyse system failures which cannot easily be reproduced.
C. Evaluate network behaviour.
D. Improve system performance by providing information on run-time system behaviour.
Question # 7
A software company based in Spain that develops mobile applications expects many small updates in the future, e.g., due to changing configurations and customer feedback. The company also wants to focus on being able to change the software effectively and efficiently during initial development without introducing new defects. Which maintainability sub-characteristic should be covered by the test approach during the initial development?
A. Analysability
B. Modifiability
C. Modularity
D. Re-usability
Question # 8
Which statement about test automation is TRUE? SELECT ONE OPTION
A. Increasing test automation levels may decrease the frequency at which continuousdeployments to production can be made
B. Increasing test automation levels will eliminate the need for manual testing duringcontinuous deployment
C. Increasing test automation levels to increase the frequency of continuous deploymentshould always be an objective
D. Minimizing the test suite by selecting, preparing and running only a subset of tests byusing risk analysis should always be an objective
Question # 9
Which statement about test automation being applied to a reactive test approach, isCORRECT’SELECT ONE OPTION
A. Automation of test execution in exploratory test sessions can lead to increased efficiency and wider coverage of user stories
B. BDD can be used within a reactive testing approach by producing automated tests in parallel with the implementation of the user story
C. For projects that must comply with externally defined regulations, the automated tests and their results must be traceable back to requirements
D. An increase in automated test coverage can lead to a greater degree of exploratory testing addressing high risk areas
Question # 10
In order to create a shareable testing service from server or network traffic log data, whichof the following types of tool would you use?SELECT ONE OPTION
A. A service virtualization tool
B. A hardware emulator
C. a parallel development tool
D. An integrated development environment
Question # 11
You are ar teviemng the fdbwng Java furxton that deteimates whether a curb*. rput by theuser. * Even or Odd Public da»s Oddorfven {public state void mair^Strcg [ | args) (Scarcer read - new ScanrerfSystem injeSystem out prim (’Pease enter a rxmber'i;int Number • reader nextfntO,if(Number^2»»0)System out prrrtln "your input number 'Number * is even ).elseSystem out prntirfyour input number 'Number * is odd*);)}You are Qj>ded by ’.he following checklist•All variables must start with a Capital letter•All output messages must start with a Capita letter•There must De a comment bne e« pla ning the purpose of the dessHow many checklist items Mve been fuelled7SELECT ONE OPTION
A. 3
B. None
C. 1
D. 2
Question # 12
What is the common name for a type of automated testing technique that separates testinput data and expected test results from the control script used to execute all of the tests?
A. Data-based testing
B. Keyword-driven testing
C. Model-driven testing
D. Behavior-based testing
Question # 13
Consider the pseudo code for the Price program: Which of the following statements about the Price program describes a control flowanomaly to be found in the program?
A. The Price program contains no control flow anomalies.
B. The Price program contains unreachable code.
C. The Price program contains data flow defects.
D. The Price program contains an infinite loop.
Question # 14
which statement about test approaches is TRUE7SELECT ONE OPTION
A. Test automation is not suitable when taking a Process-compliant test approach
B. A Regression-averse test approach requires an ever-growing set of automated regression tests
C. in a Model-based test approach, tests can be created automatically
D. When taking a Reactive test approach, Increased test automation will reduce the time available for exploratory testing
Question # 15
You are asked to provide a practical and pragmatic testing solution for a commercialsystem where the main user interface is via the Internet. It is critical that the company’sexisting good name and market profile are not damaged in any way. Time to market is nota critical issue when appropriate testing solutions are identified to mitigate business risks.A product risk assessment has revealed the following product risk:• Abnormal application termination due to connection failure of the main interface.Which of the following is the appropriate test type to address this risk?
A. Performance efficiency testing
B. Portability testing
C. Reliability testing
D. Operability testing
Question # 16
A component has been analysed during a risk-assessment and rated as highly critical.Which of the following white-box test techniques provides the highest level of coverage andcould therefore be used to test this component?
A. Decision testing
B. Statement testing
C. Multiple condition testing
D. Modified condition/decision testing
Question # 17
Which of the following is a valid reason for including security testing in a test approach?
A. There is a threat of unauthorized copying of applications or data.
B. To provide measurements from which an overall level of availability can be obtained.
C. To evaluate the ability of a system to handle peak loads at or beyond the limits of itsanticipated or specified workloads
D. Software changes will be frequent after it enters production.
Question # 18
Within an embedded software project, the maintainability of the software is considered tobe critical. It has been decided to use static analysis on each delivered softwarecomponent.Which of the following metrics is NOT a maintainability metric typically used with staticanalysis?
A. Number of Lines of Code (LOG)
B. Number of Function Calls
C. Mean Time Between Failures
D. Comment Frequency
Question # 19
As a technical test analyst, you are involved in a risk analysis session using the FailureMode and Effect Analysis technique. You are calculating risk priorities. Which of thefollowing are the major factors in this exercise?
A. Severity and priority
B. Functionality, reliability, usability, maintainability, efficiency and portability
C. Likelihood and impact
D. Financial damage, frequency of use and external visibility
Question # 20
The following characteristics were identified during an early product risk-assessment for asoftware system:• the software system needs to manage synchronization between various processes• microcontrollers will be used that will limit product performance • the hardware that will be used will make use of timeslots• the number of tasks supported in parallel by the software system is large and are oftenhighly complex.Based on the information provided, which of the following non-functional test types isMOST appropriate to be performed?
A. Maintainability testing
B. Security testing
C. Time-behaviour testing
D. Portability testing
Question # 21
Consider the following section of pseudo code and associated test Input data:If withdrawal-amount <= amount-on-deposit then Set authorize-transaction = trueElseIf withdrawal-amount <= S100 AND preferred-customer = true then Set authorizetransaction= trueElseSet authorize-transaction = falseEndifEndifInput data set #1withdrawal-amount = 160amount-on-deposit = 100preferred-customer = trueInput data set #2withdrawal-amount = 500amount-on-deposit = 500preferred-customer = false Input data set #3withdrawal-amount = 50amount-on-deposit = 500preferred-customer = falseWhat would be the decision coverage achieved if each of these test input data sets wererun once?
A. 100%
B. 50%
C. 0%
D. 33%
Question # 22
You are working on the first release or an online dating service product Market researchhas shown that the site can expect to experience its heaviest usage during the months ofJanuary March June October. November and December During these months usage canbe 2 to 10 times higher than dunng other times it has also been determined that people winnot tolerate a wait time higher than 2 seconds for queries made regarding potential dateswho have selected their profile Extensive usability studies have been done by themarketing department, including work with focus groups and comparative analysis of othersimilar sites The analysis on the project have provided detailed Ul mockupsin reading the design documents, you have discovered that the marketing team plans torun reports to analyze usage patterns to improve the advertising What item on thearchitecture review checklist will be important to verify to ensure these reports don’t impactthe user response time?
A. Connection pooling
B. Load balancing
C. Process isolation between OLTP and OLAP
D. Lazy Instantiation
Question # 23
The following user story has been developed:As a customer of Alpha Airways who has booked a flightI want to access the flight reservationSo that I can update the booking detailsWhich BDD scenario written in Gherkin format correctly applies to this user story?SELECT ONE OPTION
A.Given that the logged-on user is a customer of Alpha AirwaysWhen that user enters their surname correctlyThen they are able to see all flights currently booked so that they can select which flightthey want to update
B.Given that a customer has booked a flight with Alpha AirwaysWhen that customer enters their surname AND enters the flight number for this reservationThen the booking details for that flight are displayed
C.Given that a customer has booked a flight with Alpha Airways When that customer enters the correct surname and flight number for this reservationThen the booking details for that flight are displayedELSE an appropriate error message is presented
DGiven that a customer has booked a flight with Alpha AirwaysWhen that customer enters their surname and the flight number OR enters their customerID and the flight number for this reservation Then they are taken to the booking details forthat flight so that they can update the booking details
Question # 24
You are testing software that requires you to enter defined order numbers and either add,delete or update the information associated with that order number, which of the followingis the minimum set of columns you should see in your keyword-driven input table?
A. Action, Expected Result, Error Message
B. Action, Order ID
C. Action, Order ID, Expected Result
D. Order ID. Expected Result
Question # 25
The requirements specification of a product begins with this sentence:"The xyz system will provide many new user functions. These must be easy for ouroperators to use and tolerant of user input errors. These new functions must also be easyto learn. Because of very high transaction rates and limited processing power, the softwaredesign must be very efficient. The system must be available as close to 24x7 as possible.Which three ISO 25010 major quality characteristics should be tested for possible defectswith this implementation?
A. Functional suitability, interoperability, learnability
B. Usability, fault tolerance, operability
C. Stability, security, accessibility
D. Reliability, usability, performance efficiency
Question # 26
The following epic has been written:As a vehicle driverI want to find an available space In a car parkSo that I can pay in advance to reserve that spaceThis epic will be used to develop user stories for a new National Car Parking applicationBoth public and private car park owners will be able to utilise the system, allowing drivers ofall kinds to guarantee an available car parking space on arrival at their chosen car park,according to the kind of vehicle that they may driveThere will be multiple stakeholders including different car park owners, different usergroups including disabled drivers and different vehicle types such as car. van andmotorbike.From this epic, multiple user stories will be written. The following acceptance criteria havebeen written for the epic, and will be applicable to all user stories (each user story will alsohave its own acceptance cntena):1.End-to-end response time for any individual request submitted by a user must not exceed5 seconds2.All correspondence with stakeholders must be via email and text message3.The application must be accessible on most mobile technology4.A user cannot submit a form unless all mandatory fields are entered5.Payment method can be made using the most popular electronic optionsApplying the INVEST technique to this epic, including its acceptance criteria, which of thefollowing statements is correct?SELECT ONE OPTION
A. The Testable and Valuable criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied
B. The invest criteria have all been satisfied by this epic
C. The Independent and Small criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied
D. The Testable and Small criteria of INVEST have not been satisfied
Question # 27
You are involved in testing a system in the medical domain. Testing needs to comply withthe FDA requirements and is rated as being safety critical. A product risk assessment hasbeen performed and various mitigation actions have been identified. Reliability testing isone of the test types that needs to be performed throughout the development lifecycle.Based on the information provided, which of the following activities would need to beaddressed in the test plan?
A. Perform a vulnerability scan.
B. Design and execution of specific tests that evaluate the software's tolerance to faults in terms of handling unexpected input values.
C. Design and execution of test cases for scalability.
D. Testing whether the installation/de-installation can be completed.
Question # 28
You have identified existing test cases that require re-factoring, Which is the NEXT taskyou should perform?SELECT ONE OPTION
A. Adjust the observable behavior of the tests to meet the user stories
B. Re run the tests to ensure that the test results remain the same
C. Analyze the Impact of the functionality of the current iteration on the existing regression tests
D. Make changes to the internal structure of the tests to improve maintainability
Question # 29
Consider the following section of code:If ((A > B) or (C > D)) and (E = F) thenprint A:EndifWhich of the following sets of test data can be used to achieve Modified Condition/DecisionCoverage with the least number of tests?
A. Set 3
B. Set 4
C. Set 2
D. Set 1
Question # 30
Your team is now accountable for the support and enhancement of a payroll system thathas been in production for many years and modified by many different developers. It hasbeen noticed by management that small functional enhancements take much longer thanequivalent changes on more recently developed systems. You have been tasked withimplementing improved testing approaches that will help to identify the root cause of thisproblem.Which of the following is the best technique to apply in this scenario?
A. Orthogonal arrays
B. Exploratory analysis
C. Static analysis
D. Data flow analysis
Question # 31
You are working on a complex systems integration project that will soon be deployed to the production environment. This system is replacing a system that was popular with the users and had no outstanding non-functional issues. There are multiple components that interact and these have been developed by various development and testing groups including some outsourced groups. You will be leading the performance testing effort. Although you would prefer to have a dedicated test system for this effort, you will have to use the production system. You can do this testing at a low usage time, but there will be some users on the system and you will be using real data for the tests. You are now planning your performance testing. Unfortunately, there are no requirements for the performance requirements of the system. How do you determine the acceptable performance levels for the various operational profiles?
A. You should check the performance of the legacy system and use that as a benchmark for the new system .
B. You should ask the users what they expect to see for the performance
C. You should go back to the business analysts and require them to update the requirements to include the performance expectations
D. You should use industry standard performance benchmarks
Question # 32
Which statement is correct regarding the use of exploratory testing for safety critical systems? SELECT ONE OPTION
A. It should be used when black-box tests cannot be automated
B. It is highly recommended for all risk levels
C. It is not recommended, as manual black-box tests should be used instead
D. It is highly recommended for low risk levels only
Question # 33
Which of the following is a true statement regarding a continuous integration environment?
A. Builds are done regularly every night
B. Automation tools are used to verify the results of the build
C. Unit testing is performed manually by the developers prior to code check in
D. Performance efficiency testing is conducted for every accepted build
Question # 34
Which of the following statements best captures the difference between data-driven and keyword-driven test automation?
A. Data-driven test automation extends keyword-driven automation by defining data corresponding to business processes.
B. Keyword-driven test automation extends data-driven automation by defining keywords corresponding to business processes.
C. Data-driven test automation is more maintainable than keyword-driven test automation.
D. Keyword-driven test automation is easier to develop than data-driven test automation. .
Question # 35
Consider the pseudo code provided below: Which of the following options provides a set of test cases that achieves 100% decision coverage for this code fragment, with the minimum number of test cases? Assume that in the options, each of the three numbers in parenthesis represent the inputs for a test case, where the first number represents variable “a”, the second number represents variable “b”, and the third number represents variable “c”.
A. (5. 3,2)
B. (5. 3, 2); (6, 4, 2); (5, 4, 0)
C. (5. 4, 0); (3, 2, 5); (4, 5, 0)
D. (4,5. 0); {5, 4, 5)
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