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Frequently Asked Questions

iSQI CTFL-PT_D Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Base Scenario 2 : This Base Scenario 2 is used for 8 questions throughout this exam.When you refer to Base Scenario 2, you are referring to this description and only thisdescription, without any modification.Natalie works for a company that develops an online check-in management software for amajor international airline.Online check-in is available for passenger check-in from 24 to 1 hour before boarding time.Once the registration is confirmed by the customer and the system, the information must beavailable to the rest of the types of users (flight managers, among others) in a maximumtime of 3 seconds (it is expected that this temporal constraint is met in 90% of thetransactions and that 90% of the transactions are completed at 100%).At the beginning of the check-in window, there are peaks of 100 users per minute, for oneminute.QuestionWhich of the following options is a performance-related business objective that could besuitable for this project?SELECT ONE OPTION

A. The system must be capable of supporting peak concurrent users in excess of 6,000users per hour for one minute, accessing check-in without performance degradation,considering that peaks must not exceed a value that exceeds the processing capacity ofthe system.
B. The system must be able to support peak attendance of 1,000 users, considering thatthere cannot be more than two flights with overlapping schedules.
C. The system must be able to support 200 concurrent users with a response time of onesecond for the issuance of the boarding pass, considering that the fleet is likely to have avery high percentage of medium size aircraft.
D. The system must have a completion time of up to three seconds for 2,000 concurrentusers for updating passenger check-in data

Question # 2

Inwhich activity of the testing process are specific test conditions identified for performance testing?SELECT ONE OPTION

A. Test planning.
B. Test monitoring and control.
C. Test analysis.
D. Test design.

Question # 3

Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.SELECT ONE OPTION

A. Stage of reaching the stationary state.
B. Stage of finishing the test.
C. Stage of exit from a stationary state by increasing the number of concurrent users.
D. Technique in which the load on the system is increased to a certain value in the shortest possible time.

Question # 4

Identify the correspondences between the communication protocols used most frequently(listed from 1 to 5) in performance testing and the categories to which they belong to (A toC).1.REST.2.HTTP.3.JDBC.4.SOAP.5.HTTPS.1.Web service.2.Database.3.Web.SELECT ONE OPTION

A. 1A-2B-3B-4C-5C.
B. 1C - 2C - 3B - 4A - 5A.
C. 1A-2C-3A-4A- 5B.
D. 1A-2C-3B-4A-5C.

Question # 5

If a performance test is testing the response time of an application to be connected throughremote access, which protocol is being used?SELECT ONE OPTION


Question # 6

In this question, consider that test scripts are generated from a protocol level recording. Atthe end of the recording, an attempt was made to execute the recorded scripts without any processing, and it was not possible to play them back. Question What could be the reason why it is not possible to play back the script?SELECT ONE OPTION

A. The lack of business logic.
B. The test script has not been correlated.
C. The length of the script.
D. The missing Initialization section.

Question # 7

ScenarioJames is participating in a project In which a web portal is being developed to sell ticketsfor different types of events.Once the sale has been made and confirmed by the payment channel, the informationmust be available to the rest of the types of user (for example, the managers of each event)In a maximum time of 2 seconds (It Is expected that this temporal constraint will be met in95% of the transactions and that 90% of the transactions will be completed at 100%).Ticket sales take place during a time window (start date and time, end date and time) thatis announced in advance. At the beginning of this window, there are peaks of 150 users perminute, for 5 minutes.QuestionChoose the option that enables James to meet the performance target.SELECT ONE OPTION

A. Establish the acceptance criteria for response times.
B. Create a baseline corresponding to the total number of users registered in the production database.
C. There is no need to set a baseline for the peak attendance, it is a known value.
D. Create a baseline for maximum attendance for the ticketing transaction.

Question # 8

Choose the MOST suitable description of the structure of a performance test scriptSELECT ONE OPTION

A. The Initialization section Is the section in which everything Is prepared for the main part,the main sections are executed only once, because If It is necessary to repeat any actionthe whole script or part of it must be repeated and the clean-up section Is the section wherethe necessary steps are carried out to finish the test correctly.
B. The clean-up section Is the section in which everything is prepared for the main part Inorder to comply with the preconditions, the main sections can be executed several timesand the completion section is the section that takes care of recording the results In thecorresponding repository.
C. The initialization section Is the section in which everything Is prepared for the main part,the main sections can be executed several times and the finalization section is the sectionin charge of registering the results In the corresponding repository.
D. The Initialization section is the section in which everything Is prepared for the main part,the main sections can be executed several times and the clean-up section is the sectionwhere the necessary steps are carried out to finish the test correctly.

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