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GIAC GSEC Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

John works as a Network Administrator for Perfect Solutions Inc. The company has aLinux-based network. John is working as a root user on the Linux operating system. He iscurrently working on his C based new traceroute program. Since, many processes arerunning together on the system, he wants to give the highest priority to the cc commandprocess so that he can test his program, remove bugs, and submit it to the office in time.Which of the following commands will John use to give the highest priority to the cccommand process?

A. nice -n 19 cc -c *.c &
B. nice cc -c *.c &
C. nice -n -20 cc -c *.c &
D. nice cc -c *.c

Question # 2

What is the unnoticed theft of sensitive data from a laptop owned by an organization's CEOan example of in information warfare?

A. Non-zero sum game 
B. Win-win situation 
C. Zero-sum game 
D. Symmetric warfare

Question # 3

What type of malware is a self-contained program that has the ability to copy itself withoutparasitically infecting other host code?

A. Trojans
B. Boot infectors
C. Viruses
D. Worms

Question # 4

It is possible to sniff traffic from other hosts on a switched Ethernet network byimpersonating which type of network device?

A. Switch
B. Bridge
C. Hub
D. Router

Question # 5

Your organization has broken its network into several sections/segments, which areseparated by firewalls, ACLs and VLANs. The purpose is to defend segments of thenetwork from potential attacks that originate in a different segment or that attempt to spreadacross segments.This style of defense-in-depth protection is best described as which of the following?

A. Uniform protection
B. Protected enclaves
C. Vector-oriented
D. Information-centric

Question # 6

Which of the following statements about the authentication concept of information securitymanagement is true?

A. It ensures the reliable and timely access to resources.
B. It ensures that modifications are not made to data by unauthorized personnel or processes. 
C. It determines the actions and behaviors of a single individual within a system, andidentifies that particular individual.
D. It establishes the users' identity and ensures that the users are who they say they are.

Question # 7

Against policy, employees have installed Peer-to-Peer applications on their workstationsand they are using them over TCP port 80 to download files via the company network fromother Peer-to-Peer users on the Internet. Which of the following describes this threat?

A. Firewall subversion 
B. Backdoor installation 
C. Malicious software infection 
D. Phishing attempt 

Question # 8

Which of the following TCP packet flags indicates that host should IMMEDIATELYterminate the connection containing the packet?


Question # 9

How is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack distinguished from a regular DOSattack?

A. DDOS attacks are perpetrated by many distributed hosts. 
B. DDOS affects many distributed targets. 
C. Regular DOS focuses on a single router. 
D. DDOS affects the entire Internet.

Question # 10

Which of the following works at the network layer and hides the local area network IPaddress and topology?

A. Network address translation (NAT) 
B. Hub
C. MAC address
D. Network interface card (NIC)

Question # 11

Which of the following hardware devices prevents broadcasts from crossing over subnets?

A. Bridge
B. Hub
C. Router
D. Modem

Question # 12

Which of the following tools is also capable of static packet filtering?

A. netstat.exe 
B. ipsecpol.exe 
C. ipconfig.exe 
D. net.exe

Question # 13

Which of the following statements about policy is FALSE?

A. A well-written policy contains definitions relating to "what" to do.
B. A well-written policy states the specifics of "how" to do something.
C. Security policy establishes what must be done to protect information stored on computers.
D. Policy protects people who are trying to do the right thing.

Question # 14

Your CIO has found out that it is possible for an attacker to clone your company's RFID(Radio Frequency ID) based key cards. The CIO has tasked you with finding a way toensure that anyone entering the building is an employee. Which of the followingauthentication types would be the appropriate solution to this problem?

A. Mandatory Access Controls
B. Bell-LaPadula
C. Two-Factor

Question # 15

What is the following sequence of packets demonstrating? 

A. telnet.com.telnet > client.com.38060: F 4289:4289(0) ack 92 win 1024 
B. client.com.38060 > telnet.com.telnet: .ack 4290 win 8760 (DF) 
C. client.com.38060 > telnet.com.telnet: F 92:92(0) ack 4290 win 8760 (DF) 
D. telnet.com.telnet > client.com.38060: .ack 93 win 1024

Question # 16

You work as a Network Administrator for NetTech Inc. When you enter the browser's address bar, you are able to access the site. But, you are unable to accessthe site when you enter http://www.uCertify.com. What is the most likely cause?

A. DNS entry is not available for the host name. 
B. The site's Web server is offline.
C. The site's Web server has heavy traffic.
D. WINS server has no NetBIOS name entry for the server.

Question # 17

You work as a Network Administrator for McNeil Inc. The company has a Linux-basednetwork. David, a Sales Manager, wants to know the name of the shell that he is currentlyusing. Which of the following commands will he use to accomplish the task?

A. mv $shell
B. echo $shell
C. rm $shell
D. ls $shell

Question # 18

When trace route fails to get a timely response for a packet after three tries, which actionwill it take?

A. It will print '* * *' for the attempts and increase the maximum hop count by one.
B. It will exit gracefully, and indicate to the user that the destination is unreachable. 
C. It will increase the timeout for the hop and resend the packets. 
D. It will print '* * *' for the attempts, increment the TTL and try again until the maximum hop count.

Question # 19

You work as an Administrator for McRoberts Inc. The company has a Linux-based network.You are logged in as a non-root user on your client computer. You want to delete all filesfrom the /garbage directory. You want that the command you will use should prompt for theroot user password. Which of the following commands will you use to accomplish the task?

A. rm -rf /garbage*
B. del /garbage/*.*
C. rm -rf /garbage* /SU
D. su -c "RM -rf /garbage*"

Question # 20

For most organizations, which of the following should be the highest priority when it comesto physical security concerns?

A. Controlling ingress and egress 
B. Controlling access to workstations 
C. Ensuring employee safety 
D. Controlling access to servers 
E. Protecting physical assets

Question # 21

Validating which vulnerabilities in a network environment are able to be exploited by anattacker is called what?

A. Anomaly detection 
B. Vulnerability scanning 
C. Perimeter assessment 
D. Penetration testing

Question # 22

Which of the following is the reason of using Faraday cage?

A. To prevent Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack
B. To prevent shoulder surfing
C. To prevent mail bombing
D. To prevent data emanation

Question # 23

You have been hired to design a TCP/IP-based network that will contain both Unix andWindows computers. You are planning a name resolution strategy. Which of the followingservices will best suit the requirements of the network?


Question # 24

Which of the following is a private, RFC 1918 compliant IP address that would be assignedto a DHCP scope on a private LAN?


Question # 25

You are responsible for a Microsoft based network. Your servers are all clustered. Which ofthe following are the likely reasons for the clustering?Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.

A. Reduce power consumption
B. Ease of maintenance
C. Load balancing
D. Failover

Question # 26

Your customer wants to make sure that only computers he has authorized can get on hisWi-Fi. What is the most appropriate security measure you can recommend?

A. A firewall
B. WPA encryption
C. WEP encryption
D. Mac filtering

Question # 27

Which Windows event log would you look in if you wanted information about whether or nota specific diver was running at start up?

A. Application
B. System
C. Startup
D. Security

Question # 28

What is a security feature available with Windows Vista and Windows 7 that was notpresent in previous Windows operating systems?

A. Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
B. User Account Control (UAC)
C. Encrypting File System (EFS)
D. Built-in IPSec Client

Question # 29

What type of formal document would include the following statement?Employees are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding the reasonableness ofpersonal use. Individual departments are responsible for creating guidelines concerningpersonal application of Internet/Intranet/Extranet systems. In the absence of such policies,employees should be guided by departmental policies, and if there is any uncertainty,employees should consult their supervisor or manager.

A. Company privacy statement 
B. Remote access policy 
C. Acceptable use policy 
D. Non-disclosure agreement

Question # 30

Which of the following commands is used to change file access permissions in Linux?

A. chgrp
B. chperm 
C. chmod 
D. chown

Question # 31

Which type of risk assessment results are typically categorized as low, medium, or highrisk events? 

A. Technical 
B. Qualitative 
C. Management 
D. Quantitative 

Question # 32

Which of the following is a required component for successful 802.lx networkauthentication?

A. Supplicant
B. 3rd-party Certificate Authority 
C. Ticket Granting Server (TGS) 
D. IPSec

Question # 33

Which of the following statements about Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are true? Eachcorrect answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.

A. It provides communication privacy, authentication, and message integrity. 
B. It provides mail transfer service.
C. It uses a combination of public key and symmetric encryption for security of data. 
D. It provides connectivity between Web browser and Web server.

Question # 34

A new data center is being built where customer credit information will be processed andstored. Which of the following actions will help maintain the confidentiality of the data?

A. Environmental sensors in the server room 
B. Access control system for physical building 
C. Automated fire detection and control systems 
D. Frequent off-site backup of critical databases

Question # 35

Included below is the output from a resource kit utility run against local host.  Which command could have produced this output?

A. Schtasks 
B. Task kill 
D. Task list

Question # 36

IPS devices that are classified as "In-line NIDS" devices use a combination of anomalyanalysis, signature-based rules, and what else to identify malicious events on the network?

A. Firewall compatibility rules
B. Application analysis 
C. ICMP and UDP active scanning
D. MAC address filtering

Question # 37

Which of the following should be implemented to protect an organization from spam?

A. Auditing
B. System hardening
C. E-mail filtering
D. Packet filtering

Question # 38

Which of the following is NOT a recommended best practice for securing Terminal Servicesand Remote Desktop?

A. Require TLS authentication and data encryption whenever possible.
B. Make sure to allow all TCP 3389 traffic through the external firewall.
C. Group Policy should be used to lock down the virtual desktops of thin-client users.
D. Consider using IPSec or a VPN in addition to the RDP encryption if you are concernedabout future RDP vulnerabilities.

Question # 39

What protocol is a WAN technology?

A. 802.11
B. 802.3
C. Ethernet
D. Frame Relay

Question # 40

Which of the following are examples of Issue-Specific policies all organizations shouldaddress?

A. Perimeter filtering guides, break times for employees, desktop neatness and backup procedures. 
B. Rogue wireless access points, auditing, break time for employees and organizational structure. 
C. Audit logs, physical access, mission statements and network protocols used. 
D. Backup requirements, employee monitoring, physical access and acceptable use.

Question # 41

Which choice best describes the line below?alert tcp any any -> 80 (content: /cgi-bin/test.cgi"; msg: "Attempted CGI-BIN Access!!";)

A. Tcpdump filter 
B. IP tables rule
C. Wire shark filter
D. Snort rule

Question # 42

What does the "x" character in the second field of the user account record of the/etc/passwd file indicate?

A. The user account is using a shadow password.
B. The user account is shared by more than one user. 
C. The user account is disabled.
D. The user account does not exist.

Question # 43

When considering ingress filtering, why should all inbound packets be dropped if theycontain a source address from within the protected network address space?

A. The packets are probably corrupted.
B. The packets may have been accidentally routed onto the Internet.
C. The packets may be deliberately spoofed by an attacker.
D. The packets are a sign of excess fragmentation.
E. A and B
F. B and C
G. B and D
H. A and D

Question # 44

Which of the following statements about Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) aretrue? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.

A. It uses TCP port 443 as the default port.
B. It is a protocol used in the Universal Resource Locater (URL) address line to connect toa secure site.
C. It is a protocol used to provide security for a database server in an internal network. 
D. It uses TCP port 80 as the default port.

Question # 45

During which of the following steps is the public/private key-pair generated for Public KeyInfrastructure (PKI)? 

A. Key Recovery 
B. Initialization 
C. Registration 
D. Certification 

Question # 46

Which of the following applications cannot proactively detect anomalies related to acomputer?

A. Firewall installed on the computer
D. Anti-virus scanner

Question # 47

Which of the following quantifies the effects of a potential disaster over a period of time?

A. Risk Assessment 
B. Business Impact Analysis 
C. Disaster Recovery Planning 
D. Lessons Learned

Question # 48

What is the key difference between Electronic Codebook mode and other block ciphermodes like Cipher Block Chaining, Cipher-Feedback and Output-Feedback?

A. Plaintext patterns are concealed by XO Ring with previous cipher text block but input tothe block cipher is not randomized. 
B. Plaintext patterns are concealed and input to the block cipher is randomized by XO Ringwith previous cipher text block. 
C. Plaintext patterns encrypted with the same key will always generate the same Cipher text pattern
D. Plaintext patterns are not concealed but input to the block cipher is randomized by XORing with previous cipher text block.

Question # 49

At what point in the Incident Handling process should an organization determine itsapproach to notifying law enforcement?

A. When performing analysis
B. When preparing policy 
C. When recovering from the incident 
D. When reacting to an incident

Question # 50

Which of the following authentication methods are used by Wired Equivalent Privacy(WEP)? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.

A. Anonymous authentication
B. Mutual authentication
C. Open system authentication
D. Shared key authentication

Question # 51

Which of the following BEST describes the two job functions of Microsoft Baseline SecurityAnalyzer (MBSA)?

A. Vulnerability scanner and auditing tool 
B. Auditing tool and alerting system 
C. Configuration management and alerting system 
D. Security patching and vulnerability scanner

Question # 52

You ask your system administrator to verify user compliance with the corporate policies onpassword strength, namely that all passwords will have at least one numeral, at least oneletter, at least one special character and be 15 characters long. He comes to you with a setof compliance tests for use with an offline password cracker. They are designed to examinethe following parameters of the password:* they contain only numerals* they contain only letters* they contain only special characters* they contain only letters and numerals" they contain only letters and special characters* they contain only numerals and special charactersOf the following, what is the benefit to using this set of tests?

A. They are focused on cracking passwords that use characters prohibited by thepassword policy 
B. They find non-compliant passwords without cracking compliant passwords. 
C. They are focused on cracking passwords that meet minimum complexity requirements 
D. They crack compliant and non-compliant passwords to determine whether the currentpolicy is strong enough

Question # 53

Which of the following is referred to as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)?

A. Electrical line noise
B. Spike
C. Transient
D. Brownout

Question # 54

Which of the following elements is the most important requirement to ensuring the successof a business continuity plan?

A. Disaster Recover Plans 
B. Anticipating all relevant threats 
C. Executive buy-in
D. Clearly defining roles and responsibilities 
E. Training 

Question # 55

Which of the following heights of fence deters only casual trespassers?

A. 8 feet
B. 2 to 2.5 feet
C. 6 to 7 feet
D. 3 to 4 feet

Question # 56

When Net Stumbler is initially launched, it sends wireless frames to which of the followingaddresses?

A. Broadcast address
B. Default gateway address
C. Subnet address
D. Network address

Question # 57

Which of the following is a Layer 3 device that will typically drop directed broadcast traffic?

A. Hubs
B. Bridges 
C. Routers 
D. Switches

Question # 58

Which of the following systems acts as a NAT device when utilizing VMware in NAT mode?

A. Guest system
B. Local gateway
C. Host system
D. Virtual system

Question # 59

Which of the following utilities provides an efficient way to give specific users permission touse specific system commands at the root level of a Linux operating system?

A. Snort
B. Apache

Question # 60

Which of the following protocols describes the operation of security In H.323?

A. H.239
B. H.245
C. H.235
D. H.225

Question # 61

Which of the following is required to be backed up on a domain controller to recover ActiveDirectory?

A. System state data
B. Operating System files
C. User's personal data
D. Installed third party application's folders

Question # 62

Which of the following fields CANNOT be hashed by Authentication Header (AH) intransport mode?

A. Length
B. Source IP
D. Destination IP

Question # 63

Which of the following statements would describe the term "incident" when used in thebranch of security known as Incident Handling?

A. Any observable network event
B. Harm to systems
C. Significant threat of harm to systems
D. A and C
E. A, B, and C
F. B and C
G. A and B

Question # 64

Two clients connecting from the same public IP address (for example - behind the sameNAT firewall) can connect simultaneously to the same web server on the Internet, providedwhat condition is TRUE?

A. The server is not using a well-known port. 
B. The server is on a different network. 
C. The client-side source ports are different. 
D. The clients are on different subnets.

Question # 65

What is the most secure way to address an unused Windows service so it cannot beexploited by malware?

A. Firewall it
B. Set to manual startup
C. Disable it
D. Uninstall it

Question # 66

Which of the following statements about Microsoft's VPN client software is FALSE?

A. The VPN interface can be figured into the route table.
B. The VPN interface has the same IP address as the interface to the network it's been specified to protect. 
C. The VPN client software is built into the Windows operating system. 
D. The VPN tunnel appears as simply another adapter.

Question # 67

A folder D:\Files\Marketing has the following NTFS permissions:• Administrators: Full Control• Marketing: Change and Authenticated• Users: ReadIt has been shared on the server as "MARKETING", with the following share permissions:• Full Control share permissions for the Marketing groupWhich of the following effective permissions apply if a user from the Sales group accessesthe \\FILESERVER\MARKETING shared folder?

A. No access
B. Full Control
C. Read
D. Change

Question # 68

Your system has been infected by malware. Upon investigation, you discover that themalware propagated primarily via email. The malware attacked known vulnerabilities forwhich patches are available, but due to problems with your configuration managementsystem you have no way to know which systems have been patched and which haven't,slowing your progress in patching your network. Of the following, which solution would youuse to protect against this propagation vector?

A. Encrypt the emails on the server
B. Scan and block suspect email attachments at the email server
C. Install a firewall between the email server and the Internet
D. Separate the email server from the trusted portions of the network

Question # 69

What is the name of the registry key that is used to manage remote registry sharepermissions for the whole registry?

A. regkey 
B. regmng 
C. winreg 
D. rrsreg

Question # 70

Which of the following SIP INVITE lines indicates to the remote registrar the VoIP phonethat initiated the call?

A. Via
B. To
C. From-Agent
D. User-Agent

Question # 71

What is the name of the command-line tool for Windows that can be used to manage auditpolicies on remote systems?


Question # 72

An employee attempting to use your wireless portal reports receiving the error shown below. Which scenario is occurring?

A. A denial-of-service attack is preventing a response from the portal.
B. Another access point is deauthenticating legitimate clients.
C. The encrypted data is being intercepted and decrypted.
D. Another access point is attempting to intercept the data.

Question # 73

Which of the following statements best describes where a border router is normally placed?

A. Between your firewall and your internal network 
B. Between your firewall and DNS server 
C. Between your ISP and DNS server 
D. Between your ISP and your external firewall

Question # 74

You work as a Network Administrator for Rick International. The company has a TCP/IPbased network. A user named Kevin wants to set an SSH terminal at home to connect tothe company's network. You have to configure your company's router for it. By default,which of the following standard ports does the SSH protocol use for connection?

A. 443
B. 22
C. 21
D. 80

Question # 75

Which of the following is a benefit to utilizing Cygwin for Windows?

A. The ability to install a complete Red Hat operating system Install on Windows. 
B. The ability to bring much more powerful scripting capabilities to Windows. 
C. The ability to run a production Apache server.
D. The ability to install a complete Ubuntu operating system install on Windows.

Question # 76

You have set up a local area network for your company. Your firewall separates yournetwork into several sections: a DMZ with semi-public servers (web, dns, email) and anintranet with private servers. A penetration tester gains access to both sections and installssniffers in each. He is able to capture network traffic for all the devices in the privatesection but only for one device (the device with the sniffer) in the DMZ. What can beinferred about the design of the system?

A. You installed a router in the private section and a switch in the DMZ 
B. You installed a hub in the private section and a switch in the DMZ 
C. You installed a switch in the private section and a hub in the DMZ 
D. You installed a switch in the private section and a router in the DMZ

Question # 77

How many bytes does it take to represent the hexadecimal value OxFEDCBA?

A. 12
B. 2
C. 3
D. 6

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