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CFA Institute ESG-Investing Sample Question Answers
Question # 1
The offering of indexes and passive funds with ESG integration by asset managers
A. preceded the offering of actively managed ESG funds
B. occurred at the same time as the offering of actively managed ESG funds. C. followed the offering of actively managed ESG funds
Answer: C Explanation: Initial Focus on Active Management:
Early ESG investing efforts were concentrated in actively managed
funds, where managers could apply detailed ESG analysis and make
discretionary investment decisions based on ESG criteria.Development of ESG Indexes:
As ESG data and methodologies improved, index providers began creating
ESG-focused indexes. This allowed for the development of passive
investment products that track these indexes, offering investors broad
ESG exposure.Market Demand and Growth: The growing
interest in ESG investing led to the expansion of passive ESG funds,
providing a cost-effective way for investors to integrate ESG factors
into their portfolios. These funds have since gained significant
traction in the market. References: MSCI ESG
Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the evolution of ESG investing
and the initial focus on active management before the introduction of
passive ESG funds??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary (2022) -
Highlights the timeline of ESG fund offerings and the subsequent growth
of passive ESG investment products??.
The offering of indexes
and passive funds with ESG integration by asset managers followed the
offering of actively managed ESG funds. Initially, ESG investing was
primarily driven by active management strategies, with passive ESG funds
emerging later as demand grew.
Question # 2
For a board to be successful the most important type of diversity needed is:
A. age
B. gender C. thought
Answer: C Explanation: Emphasizing
the importance of diverse perspectives in governance and
decision-making is consistent with principles found in ESG and
sustainable investing frameworks????.
Diversity of thought is
crucial for a board's success as it brings in varied perspectives,
innovative ideas, and a holistic approach to problem-solving. While age
and gender diversity are important, diversity of thought ensures that
the board benefits from a range of experiences and viewpoints, leading
to better decision-making and governance.References:
Question # 3
Globalization has led to a reduction in:
A. regulation
B. market efficiency C. social structural inequality
Answer: C Explanation: Reduction in social structural inequality (C):
Globalization has enabled the transfer of technology, capital, and
skills across borders, leading to job creation and economic development
in less developed regions. This has helped to reduce structural
inequalities by providing more equal opportunities for people in
different parts of the world.Regulation (A): Globalization
has often led to an increase in regulation, particularly in areas such
as trade, finance, and environmental standards, as countries cooperate
to manage global issues.Market efficiency (B):
Globalization typically enhances market efficiency by increasing
competition, improving resource allocation, and fostering innovation. References:
CFA ESG Investing PrinciplesEconomic studies on the impacts of globalization
Globalization has
contributed to a reduction in social structural inequality. By
integrating economies and increasing access to global markets,
globalization has created opportunities for economic growth and
development in many regions, helping to reduce poverty and inequality.
Question # 4
Globalization has led to a reduction in:
A. regulation
B. market efficiency C. social structural inequality
Answer: C Explanation: Reduction in social structural inequality (C):
Globalization has enabled the transfer of technology, capital, and
skills across borders, leading to job creation and economic development
in less developed regions. This has helped to reduce structural
inequalities by providing more equal opportunities for people in
different parts of the world.Regulation (A): Globalization
has often led to an increase in regulation, particularly in areas such
as trade, finance, and environmental standards, as countries cooperate
to manage global issues.Market efficiency (B):
Globalization typically enhances market efficiency by increasing
competition, improving resource allocation, and fostering innovation. References: CFA ESG Investing PrinciplesEconomic studies on the impacts of globalization =================
Globalization has
contributed to a reduction in social structural inequality. By
integrating economies and increasing access to global markets,
globalization has created opportunities for economic growth and
development in many regions, helping to reduce poverty and inequality.
Question # 5
In ESG integration, which of the following best describes a
data-informed analytical opinion designed to support investment
A. ESG screening
B. Integrated research C. Voting and governance advice
Answer: B Explanation: Integrated Research:
This involves combining ESG data with traditional financial analysis to
form comprehensive insights that support investment decisions.
Integrated research considers both qualitative and quantitative ESG
factors and their potential impact on financial performance.Purpose:
The goal of integrated research is to provide a nuanced, data-informed
perspective that helps investors identify risks and opportunities
associated with ESG issues, thereby enhancing the decision-making
process.ESG Screening and Voting Advice: ESG screening (A) is the
process of filtering investments based on ESG criteria, and voting and
governance advice (C) involves guidance on shareholder voting and
governance practices. While these are important, they do not encompass
the full scope of analytical opinion provided by integrated research.
CFA ESG Investing References:The
CFA Institute’s ESG Integration Framework emphasizes the role of
integrated research in incorporating ESG factors into investment
analysis, providing a holistic view that informs better investment
Question # 6
The role of auditors is to assess the financial reports prepared by management and to provide assurance that:
A. the numbers are correct
B. there is no fraud within the business. C. the reports fairly represent the performance and position of the business
Answer: C Explanation: Audit Opinion: Auditors provide an independent opinion on whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.Reasonable Assurance: Auditors aim to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. This involves evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies and the reasonableness of significant estimates made by management.Stakeholder Confidence: By providing assurance on the fairness of financial reports, auditors enhance the confidence of stakeholders, including investors, creditors, and regulators, in the financial information provided by the company. References: MSCI ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the role of auditors in providing assurance on financial statements and enhancing stakeholder trust??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary (2022) - Highlights the importance of auditors in ensuring the fair representation of a company's financial performance and position??.
The role of auditors is to assess the financial reports prepared by management and to provide assurance that the reports fairly represent the performance and position of the business. Auditors do not guarantee that the numbers are correct or that there is no fraud; rather, they provide an opinion on the overall fairness and accuracy of the financial statements.
Question # 7
Which of the following statements about ESG integration in fixed income is most accurate?
A. ESG factors cannot affect credit risk at geographic level
B. Equity investors generally focus more on the risk of default than fixed-income investors C. Municipal bonds have ESG integration considerations similar to those of sovereign debt
Answer: C Explanation: Municipal
Bonds and Sovereign Debt: Both types of bonds are issued by public
entities (municipal governments and national governments, respectively)
and are influenced by similar ESG factors, such as governance quality,
environmental policies, and social services.ESG Factors in Fixed
Income: For municipal and sovereign debt, ESG integration involves
assessing the issuer's ability to manage ESG risks and opportunities
that could affect creditworthiness. This includes evaluating fiscal
policies, social infrastructure, and environmental regulations.Credit
Risk: ESG factors are crucial in determining the long-term financial
stability and credit risk of public issuers, influencing both municipal
and sovereign bond markets. CFA ESG Investing References:The
CFA Institute’s guidance on ESG integration in fixed income underscores
the importance of considering ESG factors in public debt instruments.
It notes that the evaluation of municipal bonds shares similarities with
sovereign debt analysis, particularly regarding governance and social
The most accurate
statement about ESG integration in fixed income is that municipal bonds
have ESG integration considerations similar to those of sovereign debt.
Question # 8
When searching for an asset manager with an ESG approach, in the request
for proposal (RFP) an institutional asset owner would most
appropriately ask:
A. which broad market index the asset manager tracks.
B. detailed questions on specific portfolio holdings of the asset manager. C. if the asset manager aims for positive, measurable ESG outcomes beyond financial returns.
Answer: C
When institutional asset owners
are searching for an asset manager with an ESG approach, it is
important to understand whether the manager aims for positive,
measurable ESG outcomes beyond just financial returns. This ensures that
the asset manager is committed to integrating ESG considerations in a
meaningful way, rather than merely tracking a broad market index or
focusing solely on financial metrics. Detailed questions on specific
portfolio holdings are less relevant at this stage compared to
understanding the overall ESG commitment and strategy of the
Question # 9
Interest by retail investors in responsible investing has:
A. been declining over time
B. remained stable over time C. been growing over time
Answer: C Explanation: Growth in interest: Surveys and market
data consistently show that more retail investors are considering ESG
factors in their investment decisions. This trend is supported by the
increasing availability of ESG-related investment products and greater
transparency from companies regarding their ESG practices.Drivers:
Factors contributing to this growth include heightened awareness of
environmental and social issues, the impact of regulatory changes
promoting ESG disclosures, and the perception that ESG investing can
mitigate risks and uncover opportunities. References: CFA ESG Investing PrinciplesMarket surveys and reports on trends in responsible investing ================= Interest by retail
investors in responsible investing has been growing over time. This
trend is driven by increased awareness of ESG issues and the recognition
that sustainable investing can align with both personal values and
financial goals.
Question # 10
When screening individual companies, a practice of avoiding the worst ESG performers best defines:
A. positive screening
B. negative screening C. norms-based screening
Answer: B Explanation: Negative
screening is the practice of excluding companies or sectors that
perform poorly on ESG criteria from an investment portfolio.It focuses on avoiding the worst performers in terms of environmental, social, and governance practices. ? Application in ESG Investing: Investors
use negative screening to mitigate risks associated with poor ESG
performance, such as regulatory penalties, reputational damage, and
financial losses.Common exclusions include industries like tobacco, fossil fuels, and weapons manufacturing. ? Comparison with Other Screening Methods: Positive screening involves selecting the best-performing companies on ESG criteria.Norms-based screening applies international standards and norms to exclude companies that do not comply. ? References: The
concept of negative screening is detailed in ESG investment frameworks
and is widely recognized as a primary method for integrating ESG
considerations into investment processes??. =================
? Negative Screening Definition:
Question # 11
In contrast to engagement dialogues, monitoring dialogues most likely involve:
A. a two-way sharing of perspectives.
B. discussions intended to understand the company, its stakeholders and performance. C. conversations between investors and any level of the investee entity including non-executive directors.
Answer: B
Explanation: Engagement and Monitoring:
The CFA Institute outlines the differences between engagement and
monitoring dialogues, emphasizing that monitoring is primarily about
understanding and assessing the company's ESG performance and
stakeholder interactions.Investor-Company Interactions:
Understanding the nature of these interactions helps investors
effectively manage their ESG integration strategies and ensures that
they are well-informed about the investee company's practices. In
conclusion, monitoring dialogues most likely involve discussions
intended to understand the company, its stakeholders, and performance,
making option B the verified answer.
In responsible
investment, engagement dialogues and monitoring dialogues are two
distinct approaches used by investors to interact with investee
companies regarding ESG issues.1. Engagement Dialogues:
Engagement dialogues are proactive and involve a two-way sharing of
perspectives between investors and the investee company. The objective
is to influence and improve the company's ESG practices and performance.
These dialogues often focus on specific ESG issues and seek to bring
about change through constructive feedback and recommendations.2. Monitoring Dialogues:
Monitoring dialogues, on the other hand, are more about gathering
information and understanding the company's operations, stakeholders,
and overall performance. These dialogues are intended to provide
investors with insights into how the company is managing ESG risks and
opportunities. The focus is on ensuring that the company adheres to its
stated ESG policies and commitments.3. Nature of Monitoring Dialogues:
Monitoring dialogues are typically more passive compared to engagement
dialogues. They involve discussions that aim to understand the company's
approach to ESG matters, its interactions with stakeholders, and its
performance metrics. These conversations can occur at any level of the
investee entity, including with non-executive directors, but are
primarily focused on information gathering rather than influencing
change.References from CFA ESG Investing:
Question # 12
Which of the following sectors has the highest percentage of corporate profits at risk from state intervention?
A. Banking
B. Consumer goods C. Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Answer: A Explanation: Regulatory Environment:
Banks operate under strict regulatory frameworks established by
governments to ensure financial stability, consumer protection, and
market integrity. These regulations can significantly affect banking
operations and profitability. Changes in capital requirements, lending
limits, and other regulatory policies can have immediate and substantial
impacts on banks' profit margins.Government Policies:
Governments often implement policies aimed at influencing economic
activity, such as monetary policy changes, interest rate adjustments,
and fiscal policies. Banks are directly impacted by these policies as
they influence lending rates, deposit rates, and overall financial
market conditions.State Intervention: During financial
crises or economic downturns, governments may intervene in the banking
sector to stabilize the economy. This can include measures like
bailouts, nationalization, or imposing stricter controls on banking
activities. Such interventions can disrupt normal business operations
and affect profitability.Systemic Importance: Banks are
considered systemically important to the economy. Their failure can lead
to widespread economic repercussions. As a result, governments closely
monitor and regulate the sector, often intervening to prevent
instability, which can affect banks' financial performance. References: MSCI
ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - This document outlines the factors
affecting the ESG risks and opportunities for companies, emphasizing the
regulatory and governance aspects that significantly impact the banking
sector??.Energy Technology Perspectives (2020) - Although this
document primarily focuses on energy technologies, it highlights the
broader implications of state intervention in critical industries,
including finance, for achieving policy objectives??.
In evaluating which
sector has the highest percentage of corporate profits at risk from
state intervention, it is crucial to consider the exposure of various
industries to regulatory changes, government policies, and state
interventions. The banking sector, in particular, is highly sensitive to
such interventions due to the following reasons:
Question # 13
The Kyoto Protocol established emissions targets that are:
A. binding on all countries.
B. voluntary for all countries. C. binding only on developed countries.
Answer: C
Explanation: Kyoto Protocol Overview:
The CFA Institute explains that the Kyoto Protocol's binding targets
apply only to developed countries, with the aim of addressing climate
change through legally mandated emissions reductions.Principle of Differentiated Responsibilities:
This principle is highlighted in the CFA curriculum as a fundamental
aspect of international climate agreements, ensuring that countries'
responsibilities are aligned with their contributions to the problem and
their capacity to address it. In conclusion, the Kyoto
Protocol established emissions targets that are binding only on
developed countries, making option C the verified answer.================
Kyoto Protocol Emissions Targets:The
Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty that commits its Parties to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the scientific consensus that
global warming is occurring and that human-made CO2 emissions are
driving it.1. Binding Targets for Developed Countries: The
Kyoto Protocol established legally binding emissions reduction targets
specifically for developed countries, known as Annex I countries. These
targets required these countries to reduce their collective greenhouse
gas emissions by an average of 5.2% below 1990 levels during the first
commitment period (2008-2012).2. Differentiated Responsibilities:
The principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" underpins
the Kyoto Protocol. This principle recognizes that developed countries
have historically contributed the most to greenhouse gas emissions and
thus have a greater responsibility to lead in emissions reduction
efforts.3. Voluntary Participation for Developing Countries:
Developing countries, referred to as non-Annex I countries, were not
subject to binding emissions reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol.
Their participation in emissions reduction efforts was voluntary,
reflecting their lower historical contribution to global emissions and
their need for economic development.References from CFA ESG Investing:
Question # 14
According to the McKinsey framework which of the following elements of
sustainable investing is allocated to the investment dimension of tools
and processes?
A. Proactive engagement
B. Review of external managers C. Integration with investment teams
Answer: C Explanation: Investment Integration:
This involves embedding ESG factors into the traditional investment
process, ensuring that ESG considerations are integrated into all stages
of investment analysis and decision-making.Collaboration with Investment Teams:
Effective ESG integration requires close collaboration between ESG
specialists and traditional investment teams. This ensures that ESG
insights are incorporated into portfolio construction, risk assessment,
and performance evaluation.Tools and Processes:
Integration with investment teams involves developing tools and
processes that facilitate the incorporation of ESG data and analysis
into investment workflows. This includes ESG scoring models, data
analytics platforms, and reporting frameworks. References: MSCI
ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Highlights the importance of
integrating ESG factors with investment teams to enhance
decision-making??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary (2022) -
Discusses the role of integration in sustainable investing frameworks,
emphasizing tools and processes??.
According to the
McKinsey framework, the element of sustainable investing that is
allocated to the investment dimension of tools and processes is
integration with investment teams.
Question # 15
Which of the following emphasizes that short-term investment performance
will be of limited significance in evaluating the manager?
A. Brunel Asset Management Accord
B. International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) Model Mandate C. Principals for Responsible Investment’s (PRI) Practical Guide to ESG Integration for Equity Investing
Answer: B Explanation: ICGN Model Mandate: The
ICGN Model Mandate is designed to align the interests of asset owners
and asset managers with a focus on long-term value creation rather than
short-term performance metrics.According to the CFA Institute,
the ICGN Model Mandate sets out principles and practices that encourage
long-term investment strategies and de-emphasize the significance of
short-term performance. Focus on Long-Term Performance: The
Model Mandate highlights that evaluating investment managers based on
short-term performance can lead to suboptimal investment decisions and
may encourage behaviors that are not aligned with the long-term
interests of asset owners.The CFA Institute notes that the ICGN
Model Mandate promotes a longer-term perspective in investment
evaluation, which is crucial for sustainable value creation. Investment Principles: The
ICGN Model Mandate includes guidelines for performance assessment,
stating that short-term underperformance should not be a primary concern
if the investment process and long-term strategy are sound.The
Brunel Asset Management Accord echoes this sentiment by emphasizing that
short-term performance will be of limited significance in evaluating
the manager, aligning with the principles set forth by the ICGN. Implementation: Asset
owners are encouraged to adopt the ICGN Model Mandate to ensure that
their investment mandates and manager evaluations reflect a commitment
to long-term performance and sustainable investing.The CFA
Institute suggests that integrating these principles into investment
mandates helps mitigate the risks associated with short-termism and
supports the alignment of investment strategies with long-term goals. CFA Institute, "Environmental, Social, and Governance Issues in Investing: A Guide for Investment Professionals."ICGN Model Mandate documents, which outline the emphasis on long-term performance over short-term metrics. References:
Question # 16
In France, shareholders eligible for being awarded double voting rights are:
A. founding shareholders during an IPO
B. long-standing shareholders of at least two years C. minority shareholders that are employee representatives
Answer: B Explanation: Long-standing shareholders of at least two years (B):
French law grants double voting rights to shareholders who have held
their shares for a minimum of two years, incentivizing long-term
investment and stability in the company's shareholder base.Founding shareholders during an IPO (A):
Founding shareholders may have significant voting power initially, but
double voting rights based on duration of shareholding are specifically
granted to those holding shares for at least two years.Minority shareholders that are employee representatives (C):
While employee representatives can have certain rights and influence,
double voting rights are explicitly tied to the duration of
shareholding. References: French Commercial CodeCFA ESG Investing Principles =================
In France, shareholders eligible for being awarded double voting rights are long-standing shareholders of at least two years.
Question # 17
The EU Paris-Aligned Benchmarks and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks both:
A. prohibit investments in fossil fuels
B. impose green-to-brown ratios to restrict “brown" investments C. use a relative approach by comparing a company's performance to its sector average
Answer: C
Explanation: Paris-Aligned Benchmark (PAB): Designed to align with a 1.5°C temperature rise scenario.Climate Transition Benchmark (CTB): Allows for a broader alignment with climate transition objectives, aiming for a less stringent pathway than the PAB. Step 3: Common FeaturesBoth benchmarks: Require reductions in carbon intensity compared to a standard benchmark.Aim to support the transition towards a low-carbon economy.Use
a sector-relative approach, meaning companies’ performances are
compared to their sector averages to account for differences in sectoral
emission profiles. Step 4: Verification with ESG Investing ReferencesBoth
the EU PAB and CTB use a relative approach to compare a company's
performance to its sector average, ensuring that high-emission sectors
still contribute to the transition: "These benchmarks use
sector-relative decarbonization approaches, comparing companies within
the same sector to ensure fair and achievable targets across different
industries"????.Conclusion: The EU Paris-Aligned
Benchmarks and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks both use a relative
approach by comparing a company's performance to its sector average.=================
Step 1: Understanding EU Paris-Aligned and Climate Transition BenchmarksThe
EU Paris-Aligned Benchmarks (PAB) and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks
(CTB) were established to help investors align their portfolios with the
Paris Agreement goals. They aim to guide investments towards a
low-carbon economy and provide standards for climate-related financial
products.Step 2: Key Characteristics of the Benchmarks
Question # 18
Which of the following organizations is not a provider of both ESG-related and non-ESG-related products and services?
A. S&P
B. Factset C. RepRisk
Answer: C Explanation: S&P (Standard & Poor's):
Provides both ESG-related and non-ESG-related products and services,
including credit ratings, indices, and analytical services across
various sectors.Factset: Offers a range of financial data
and analytics, including ESG data, ratings, and insights, along with
other financial products and services.RepRisk: Specializes
in ESG data, focusing on identifying and assessing ESG risks. It does
not offer a broad range of non-ESG financial products and services. Step 2: Understanding the Scope of Services S&P: Known for comprehensive financial market data, including credit ratings and ESG evaluations.Factset: Provides integrated financial information and analytical applications, including ESG datasets.RepRisk: Focuses exclusively on ESG risks and related analytics, providing services like risk assessments and monitoring.Step 3: Verification with ESG Investing ReferencesRepRisk
is highlighted as an organization that focuses primarily on ESG-related
products and services without extending its offerings to non-ESG
financial data or analytics: "RepRisk is a leading research and business
intelligence provider, specializing in ESG and business conduct
risk"????. Conclusion: RepRisk is not a provider of both ESG-related and non-ESG-related products and services.=================
Step 1: Identifying ESG and Non-ESG Providers
Question # 19
What type of provider of ESG-related products and services is CDP (formerly known as Carbon Disclosure Project)?
A. Nonprofit
B. Large for-profit C. Boutique for-profit
Answer: A Explanation: Nonprofit Organization: CDP
is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that supports companies,
financial institutions, and cities in disclosing and managing their
environmental impacts. It runs a global environmental disclosure system,
which involves nearly 10,000 companies, cities, states, and regions
reporting on their risks and opportunities related to climate change,
water security, and deforestation????. CFA ESG Investing References: The
CFA ESG Investing curriculum recognizes CDP as a key player in
environmental disclosure and management, emphasizing its role as a
nonprofit organization facilitating transparency and accountability in
environmental impacts????.
CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) is a nonprofit organization. Here’s a detailed explanation:
Question # 20
Which of the following is part of the ASEAN Taxonomy for an economic activity to be considered environmentally sustainable?
A. Contributing substantially to at least one of the six environmental objectives
B. Complying with minimum, ASEAN-specified social and governance safeguards C. A principles-based Foundation Framework, which is applicable to all ASEAN member states
Answer: A Explanation: ASEAN Taxonomy: The ASEAN
Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance provides a classification system to
determine which activities can be considered environmentally
sustainable.Environmental Objectives: These six environmental
objectives typically include areas such as climate change mitigation,
climate change adaptation, sustainable use and protection of water and
marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention
and control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and
ecosystems.Contribution Requirement: An activity must make a
significant contribution to at least one of these objectives to be
classified as sustainable. This ensures that the activity aligns with
broader environmental goals and promotes sustainability across the
region. CFA ESG Investing References:The CFA
Institute’s materials on sustainable finance frameworks highlight the
importance of substantial contributions to specific environmental
objectives to classify an activity as sustainable. This approach ensures
clarity and consistency in sustainable finance across different
For an economic activity
to be considered environmentally sustainable under the ASEAN Taxonomy,
it must contribute substantially to at least one of the six
environmental objectives.
Question # 21
When assessing credit and ESG ratings, which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. The correlation between country ESG risk and credit ratings is high
B. The correlation between ESG ratings among rating providers is high C. The correlation between credit ratings among credit rating agencies (CRAs) is low
Answer: A Explanation:
There is a high
correlation between country ESG risk and credit ratings. Countries with
higher ESG risks typically face higher borrowing costs and lower credit
ratings due to the perceived increased risk associated with
environmental, social, and governance factors. This correlation reflects
the importance of ESG factors in assessing the overall creditworthiness
and financial stability of countries????.
Question # 22
The perpetual compound annual rate that a company’s cash flow is assumed
to change by after the discrete forecasting period is referred to as
A. discount rate
B. terminal growth rate C. required rate of return
Answer: B Explanation: The
terminal growth rate is the perpetual compound annual rate at which a
company’s cash flow is assumed to grow after the discrete forecasting
period.It is a critical input in the discounted cash flow (DCF) model used to estimate the present value of a company. ? Usage in DCF Analysis: After
forecasting free cash flows for a specific period, typically 5-10
years, a terminal value is calculated to capture the value of the
business beyond the forecast period.The terminal growth rate is applied to the final year’s cash flow to estimate this terminal value. ? Importance of Terminal Growth Rate: It represents the expected long-term growth rate of the company and significantly impacts the valuation.Assumptions about this rate must be reasonable and aligned with long-term economic growth projections. ? References: The
terminal growth rate is a well-established concept in financial
analysis and valuation, particularly within the context of the DCF
model, as outlined in various CFA Institute materials on valuation and
financial analysis??. =================
? Terminal Growth Rate Definition:
Question # 23
A discount retailer facing high employee turnover due to poor working conditions will most likely experience:
A. significant liabilities
B. greater operating costs. C. an adverse impact on revenues
Answer: B Explanation: Recruitment and Training Costs:
High turnover rates necessitate frequent recruitment and training of
new employees. These activities incur significant costs in terms of
time, resources, and money.Productivity Losses: Frequent
turnover can lead to disruptions in operations and lower productivity.
New employees may take time to reach the productivity levels of their
predecessors, leading to inefficiencies.Quality and Customer Service:
Poor working conditions and high turnover can negatively affect the
quality of service and customer satisfaction. Consistent service quality
is critical in retail, and turnover can result in inconsistent customer
experiences, potentially reducing revenue. References: MSCI
ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the financial impact of high
employee turnover on operating costs and overall business
A discount retailer
facing high employee turnover due to poor working conditions will most
likely experience greater operating costs. High employee turnover can
lead to several cost-related challenges that impact the overall
efficiency and profitability of the business.
Question # 24
Which of the following is a form of individual engagement?
A. Generic letter
B. Soliciting support C. Informal discussions
Answer: C Explanation: Direct Interaction:
Informal discussions involve direct communication between the investor
and the company. This can be through meetings, phone calls, or casual
conversations, providing a platform for open and candid dialogue.Specific and Personalized:
These discussions are tailored to the specific company and the
investor’s concerns. Unlike generic letters, which are broad and
non-specific, informal discussions allow for detailed and nuanced
conversations.Relationship Building: Informal discussions
help build and strengthen relationships between investors and company
representatives. This can lead to more effective communication and
collaboration on ESG matters. References: MSCI
ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Highlights the importance of direct
engagement and relationship building in effective ESG integration??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary
(2022) - Discusses various forms of engagement, emphasizing the value
of personalized and informal interactions??.
Individual engagement
refers to direct and personal interactions between investors and
companies. Informal discussions are a form of individual engagement
where investors engage directly with company representatives to discuss
specific concerns, insights, or feedback related to ESG issues.
Question # 25
Which of the following is one of the five main drivers of nature change
described by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
A. Ecosystem services
B. Invasive alien species C. Transmission channels
Answer: B Explanation:
The Taskforce on Nature-related
Financial Disclosures (TNFD) identifies invasive alien species as one
of the five main drivers of nature change. These species can
significantly disrupt ecosystems, outcompete native species, and lead to
biodiversity loss. Understanding and managing the impact of invasive
alien species is crucial for maintaining ecosystem health and
Question # 26
Applying ESG screens to quantitative strategies directs the portfolio on:
A. an asset basis.
B. a top-down basis. C. an individual issuer basis.
Answer: B Explanation:
Applying ESG screens to
quantitative strategies typically directs the portfolio on a top-down
basis. This approach involves integrating ESG factors into the overall
portfolio construction and management process, rather than evaluating
individual issuers or assets in isolation. This method ensures that ESG
considerations are systematically incorporated into the investment
strategy, aligning with broader portfolio goals????.=================
Question # 27
Which of the following factors is most relevant to the performance outlook of a military equipment manufacturer?
A. Offshoring
B. Gender equality C. Artificial intelligence
Answer: C Explanation: Technological Advancements: AI
is pivotal in developing advanced military technologies such as
autonomous vehicles, drones, surveillance systems, and cybersecurity
solutions. These advancements can significantly impact the performance
and growth prospects of a military equipment manufacturer.Operational Efficiency:
AI can enhance manufacturing processes, improve supply chain
management, and optimize maintenance and logistics. These improvements
can lead to cost savings and increased production capabilities.Competitive Edge:
Incorporating AI into military equipment provides a competitive edge by
offering cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of defense
customers. Staying ahead in technological innovation is crucial for
maintaining market leadership and securing contracts. References: MSCI
ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the impact of technological
factors, including AI, on the performance outlook of companies in
various sectors, including defense??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary
(2022) - Highlights the importance of AI in driving innovation and
competitiveness in the defense industry??.
The factor most relevant
to the performance outlook of a military equipment manufacturer is
artificial intelligence (AI). AI plays a critical role in the defense
sector, influencing product development, operational efficiency, and
competitive advantage.
Question # 28
An unfavorable corporate governance assessment would most likely be incorporated in valuation through reduced:
A. discount rates.
B. risk premia in the cost of capital. C. levels of confidence in the valuation range.
Answer: B Explanation:
An unfavorable corporate
governance assessment would most likely be incorporated in valuation
through increased risk premia in the cost of capital. Poor governance
practices can increase the perceived risk of a company, leading
investors to demand higher returns for taking on that risk. This results
in a higher cost of capital for the company, which can negatively
affect its valuation. Adjusting the discount rate to reflect governance
risks is a common practice in valuation models??????.=================
Question # 29
Under the UK listing regime, Class 1 transactions:
A. must be approved via shareholder vote
B. can be completed at management's discretion C. require additional disclosures to shareholders but no approval via shareholder vote
Answer: A Explanation: UK Listing Regime: Under
the UK listing regime, significant transactions by listed companies are
categorized into different classes based on their size relative to the
company. Class 1 Transactions: Class 1
transactions are substantial transactions that exceed 25% of any of the
class tests (assets, profits, value, or capital).These transactions are significant enough to potentially alter the company's risk profile and financial position materially. Approval Requirements: Due to their significance, Class 1 transactions require shareholder approval.The company must seek approval through a shareholder vote before proceeding with the transaction.This requirement ensures that shareholders have a say in major corporate decisions that could impact their investment. Additional Disclosures: Companies
must provide detailed justifications and information about the
transaction to shareholders to facilitate informed voting.This
includes comprehensive disclosures about the nature and terms of the
transaction, its strategic rationale, and its financial impact. Conclusion: The
requirement for shareholder approval of Class 1 transactions is a key
aspect of shareholder protection under the UK listing regime, ensuring
that significant changes to the company's structure or operations are
subject to shareholder scrutiny. The
requirement for shareholder approval of Class 1 transactions is
outlined in the UK listing regime, which mandates that any transaction
affecting more than 25% of a company’s assets, profits, value, or
capital must be approved via a shareholder vote??. ================= References:
Question # 30
An ESG scorecard for sovereign debt issuers has the following information:Country 1No carbon policy and high corruption riskCountry 2High-level carbon policy and low corruption riskCountry 3Detailed carbon policy and low corruption riskBased only on this information, the country with the lowest ESG risk is:
A. Country 1.
B. Country 2 C. Country 3
Answer: C Explanation: Carbon Policy and Corruption Risk: A
high-level or detailed carbon policy indicates a strong commitment to
addressing climate change, which reduces environmental risk.Low corruption risk indicates good governance, which further reduces overall ESG risk.Therefore,
Country 3, which has both a detailed carbon policy and low corruption
risk, presents the lowest ESG risk compared to the others????. CFA ESG Investing References: The
CFA ESG Investing curriculum emphasizes the importance of robust carbon
policies and low corruption risks in assessing the ESG profiles of
sovereign debt issuers. Strong environmental and governance practices
are key indicators of low ESG risk????. Based on the provided
information, Country 3, with a detailed carbon policy and low corruption
risk, has the lowest ESG risk. Here’s the reasoning:
Question # 31
When employing an ESG integration strategy, asset managers are most likely to
A. corroborate ESG data with multiple sources
B. include only verified ESG data that have been audited C. use a multi-decade time horizon to backtest ESG data
Answer: A Explanation: Data
Verification: To ensure the accuracy and reliability of ESG data, asset
managers typically verify information from multiple sources, including
third-party data providers, company disclosures, and independent
research.Comprehensive Analysis: Corroborating data from various
sources helps asset managers build a comprehensive and nuanced
understanding of a company's ESG performance, reducing the risk of
relying on potentially biased or incomplete information.Investment
Decisions: This thorough approach supports more informed investment
decisions, as managers can cross-check data points and identify any
discrepancies or red flags. CFA ESG Investing References:The
CFA Institute’s materials on ESG integration emphasize the importance
of using multiple data sources to validate ESG information, ensuring
robust and credible analysis in the investment process????.=================
When employing an ESG integration strategy, asset managers are most likely to corroborate ESG data with multiple sources.
Question # 32
Which of the following would most likely see its estimate of intrinsic value increased by analysts?
A. A company with high climate-related risk
B. A company facing significant environmental regulations C. A company having launched a service that reduces customers’ electricity usage
Answer: C Explanation:
A company that has
launched a service to reduce customers' electricity usage is likely to
see its intrinsic value increased by analysts. This is because such a
service directly addresses the growing demand for energy efficiency and
sustainability. The MSCI ESG Ratings Methodology highlights that
companies which can capitalize on opportunities related to environmental
efficiency and innovation are likely to benefit from a better risk and
return profile. This aligns with the broader trend towards
sustainability and the reduction of energy consumption, making the
company more attractive to investors focused on long-term value
Question # 33
Which of the following is an example of a climate adaptation measure?
A. Investment in wind energy
B. Increased use of public transport C. Use of more drought-resistant crops
Answer: C Explanation: Climate
Adaptation: Climate adaptation refers to adjustments in practices,
processes, and structures to mitigate potential damage or take advantage
of opportunities associated with climate change.Drought-Resistant
Crops: Using more drought-resistant crops is a direct adaptation
measure that helps agriculture withstand periods of reduced rainfall,
thereby maintaining productivity and food security in the face of
changing climate conditions.Other Examples: While investment in
wind energy (A) and increased use of public transport (B) are important
climate actions, they are primarily considered climate mitigation
measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions rather than adapting
to existing climate impacts. CFA ESG Investing References:The
CFA Institute’s materials on climate risk management highlight various
adaptation strategies that businesses and investors can adopt to reduce
vulnerability to climate change impacts. Using drought-resistant crops
is specifically mentioned as a vital adaptation practice in the
agricultural sector????.=================
An example of a climate adaptation measure is the use of more drought-resistant crops.
Question # 34
Which of the following statements about quantitative ESG analysis is most accurate?
A. Quantitative ESG analysis is only based on third-party data
B. The length of the timeseries for ESG data is shorter than for financial data C. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are used to bring structure to the ESG dataset
Answer: B Explanation: The most accurate
statement about quantitative ESG analysis is that the length of the
timeseries for ESG data is shorter than for financial data. ESG data is
relatively newer compared to traditional financial data, resulting in
shorter historical datasets. Historical Data: Financial
data has been collected and reported for many decades, providing long
timeseries that are essential for trend analysis and financial modeling.
In contrast, comprehensive ESG reporting is a more recent development,
leading to shorter timeseries.Data Availability: The
availability of ESG data has increased significantly in recent years as
companies and regulators have placed greater emphasis on ESG
disclosures. However, this data typically does not extend as far back as
financial data.Analysis Implications: Shorter timeseries
for ESG data can limit the ability to perform long-term trend analysis
and may impact the robustness of certain quantitative models. Analysts
need to account for this limitation when incorporating ESG factors into
their analyses. References: MSCI ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the challenges of shorter timeseries in ESG data compared to financial data??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary
(2022) - Highlights the relatively recent focus on ESG data collection
and its implications for analysis??.
Question # 35
Which of the following is the most important type of diversity in a boardroom
A. Diversity of skill
B. Diversity of gender C. Diversity of thought
Answer: C Explanation: Diversity
of Thought: This encompasses a range of perspectives and approaches to
problem-solving and decision-making. It is driven by different
backgrounds, experiences, skills, and viewpoints.Enhanced
Decision-Making: Diversity of thought leads to more robust discussions
and better decision-making as it prevents groupthink and encourages
innovative solutions to complex problems.Other Types of
Diversity: While diversity of skill (A) and gender (B) are crucial and
contribute to diversity of thought, the overarching goal is to bring a
variety of perspectives to the boardroom to enhance governance and
strategic decision-making. CFA ESG Investing References:The
CFA Institute’s materials on corporate governance emphasize the value
of diversity of thought in the boardroom, highlighting that it leads to
more effective oversight and better organizational outcomes by
incorporating a wide range of perspectives and expertise????.=================
The most important type of diversity in a boardroom is diversity of thought.
Question # 36
When portfolio managers upload their portfolios onto third-party ESG
data provider online platforms, most of these platforms are capable of:
A. producing a measure of the portfolio's relative carbon exposure
B. calculating an exact overall controversy or risk score for the portfolio C. illustrating the portfolio's weighting to high-scoring companies on ESG metrics
Answer: A Explanation: Carbon
Exposure Measurement: ESG data platforms typically offer tools to
measure the carbon footprint of a portfolio, providing insights into the
portfolio’s exposure to carbon-intensive companies.ESG Metrics:
These platforms use company-level data on greenhouse gas emissions and
other related metrics to calculate and compare the carbon exposure of
different portfolios relative to benchmarks or peer groups.Risk
and Controversy Scores: While platforms may offer some insights into
controversies or risk scores, these are often estimates and not exact
calculations. The primary focus is usually on relative exposure measures
like carbon intensity. CFA ESG Investing References:The
CFA Institute’s guidance on ESG data providers highlights the
importance of carbon exposure metrics as a key component of portfolio
analysis, enabling managers to understand and manage their environmental
When portfolio managers
upload their portfolios onto third-party ESG data provider online
platforms, most of these platforms are capable of producing a measure of
the portfolio's relative carbon exposure.
Question # 37
Under the disclosure guide for public equities published by the Pension
and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA), fund managers are expected to
report on:
A. ESG integration only
B. stewardship activities only C. both ESG integration and stewardship activities
Answer: C Explanation: Introduction to the Disclosure Guide: The
Pension and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) has developed a
disclosure guide for public equities which outlines expectations for
fund managers regarding their reporting practices. Key Reporting Requirements: The guide explicitly states that fund managers are expected to report on both ESG integration and stewardship activities. ESG Integration: This involves the identification, management, and monitoring of ESG risks and opportunities.Fund managers should provide specific disclosures on how they incorporate ESG factors into their investment processes.Examples
include identifying long-term ESG trends, providing quantitative and
qualitative examples of material ESG factors, and explaining how these
factors influence stock selection and portfolio management. Stewardship Activities: Stewardship refers to the responsible management and oversight of investments.Fund
managers are expected to engage with investee companies on ESG issues
and to exercise their voting rights at shareholder meetings to influence
corporate behavior positively.Reporting on stewardship activities should include detailed disclosures of engagement activities and voting records. Conclusion: The
dual focus on ESG integration and stewardship ensures that fund
managers are not only considering ESG risks and opportunities in their
investment decisions but are also actively engaging with companies to
promote sustainable practices and good governance. The
requirements for reporting on both ESG integration and stewardship
activities are outlined in the disclosure guide developed by the
PLSA????. =================
Question # 38
An asset manager considering environmental risks would most likely use:
A. qualitative analysis only
B. quantitative analysis only C. both qualitative and quantitative analyses
Answer: C Explanation: Qualitative Analysis: This involves
evaluating non-numerical information, such as company policies,
management practices, and environmental impact reports. It helps assess
the company's approach to managing environmental risks and its
commitment to sustainability.Quantitative Analysis: This
involves analyzing numerical data, such as carbon emissions, energy
consumption, water usage, and waste generation. It provides measurable
metrics that can be compared over time and against industry benchmarks.Holistic Assessment:
Using both qualitative and quantitative analyses allows asset managers
to gain a complete picture of a company's environmental performance. It
helps identify potential risks and opportunities, leading to more
informed investment decisions. References: MSCI
ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Highlights the importance of
integrating both qualitative and quantitative analyses in evaluating
environmental risks??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary (2022)
- Discusses the benefits of a holistic approach to environmental risk
assessment using diverse analytical methods??.
An asset manager
considering environmental risks would most likely use both qualitative
and quantitative analyses. Combining these approaches provides a
comprehensive understanding of the environmental risks associated with
Question # 39
With respect to ESG integration in private equity, which of the following is most likely a challenge an investor may face?
A. Lack of strategy and long-term orientation from private equity managers
B. Lack of capacity within the investee company to fulfill ESG reporting requirements C. Reporting frameworks that do not account for the relative lack of transparency found in private markets relative to public markets
Answer: B Explanation: Strategy and Long-Term Orientation (Option A):
Private equity managers typically focus on long-term value creation,
which aligns with the objectives of ESG integration. Therefore, the lack
of long-term orientation is less likely to be a significant challenge.Reporting Frameworks (Option C):
While reporting frameworks may pose challenges, the primary issue is
often the lack of capacity within investee companies to meet these
requirements. References from CFA ESG Investing: ESG Reporting Capacity:
The CFA Institute discusses the challenges related to the capacity of
private equity investee companies to fulfill ESG reporting requirements.
This includes the lack of dedicated resources and expertise necessary
to implement robust ESG reporting systems.Private Equity ESG Integration:
Understanding the specific challenges faced in private equity ESG
integration helps investors develop strategies to address these issues,
such as providing support and resources to investee companies. In
conclusion, the lack of capacity within the investee company to fulfill
ESG reporting requirements is most likely a challenge an investor may
face in ESG integration in private equity, making option B the verified
Integrating ESG factors
into private equity investments can be challenging due to various
factors, including the capabilities and resources of the investee
companies.1. Capacity for ESG Reporting: Private equity
investee companies often lack the capacity to fulfill ESG reporting
requirements. These companies may not have the necessary resources,
expertise, or infrastructure to collect, analyze, and report on ESG
metrics, making it difficult for private equity investors to obtain
reliable ESG data.2. Long-Term Orientation and Transparency:
Question # 40
Jurisdictions are most likely to impose extraterritorial laws in relation to:
A. bribery and corruption
B. paying suppliers appropriately and promptly. C. upholding high standards in health and safety
Answer: A Explanation: Global Standards:
Countries impose extraterritorial laws to ensure that their nationals
and corporations comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption standards,
regardless of where they operate. This helps maintain ethical business
practices internationally.Regulatory Frameworks: Prominent
examples of extraterritorial laws include the U.S. Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act, which apply to activities
conducted abroad by U.S. and UK entities, respectively. These laws aim
to prevent and penalize bribery and corruption on a global scale.Enforcement and Compliance:
By implementing extraterritorial anti-corruption laws, jurisdictions
can enforce compliance and hold companies accountable for corrupt
practices in foreign countries, promoting transparency and integrity in
international business. References: MSCI ESG
Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the role of extraterritorial
laws in combating bribery and corruption and their impact on global
business practices??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary (2022) -
Highlights the significance of extraterritorial regulations in
maintaining ethical standards and preventing corruption in international
Jurisdictions are most
likely to impose extraterritorial laws in relation to bribery and
corruption. Extraterritorial laws are those that have legal force beyond
the borders of the issuing country, and they are often applied to
combat global issues such as corruption.
Question # 41
Which of the following social factors most likely impacts a company's external stakeholders?
A. Working conditions, health, and safety
B. Employment standards and labor rights C. Product liability and consumer protection
Answer: C Explanation: Social factors that impact a
company's external stakeholders include those that affect customers,
local communities, and governments. Product liability and consumer
protection directly influence external stakeholders by ensuring the
safety, quality, and reliability of products, which in turn affects
consumer trust and regulatory compliance. Working conditions, health and
safety, and employment standards primarily impact internal
stakeholders, such as employees????????.=================
Question # 42
Which of the following statements about the assessment of ESG risks is most accurate?
A. Manageable risks that are managed well can be eliminated
B. Management gap refers to risks inherent in the business model C. Unmanageable risks cannot be addressed by company initiatives
Answer: C Explanation: Manageable
Risks: These are risks that a company can address through effective
management strategies, policies, and practices. Proper management can
mitigate the impact of these risks, but they cannot be entirely
eliminated as they are inherent to business operations.Management
Gap: This term refers to the gap between a company's current risk
management practices and what is required to effectively manage those
risks. It does not refer to risks inherent in the business model but
rather the ability of the management to handle those risks.Unmanageable
Risks: These are risks that are beyond the control of the company and
cannot be mitigated through internal initiatives. These include external
factors such as regulatory changes, natural disasters, or global market
shifts. Since these risks cannot be controlled or eliminated by the
company's initiatives, they are considered unmanageable????. =================
The assessment of ESG risks
involves identifying and managing various types of risks that can impact
a company's financial performance and reputation. These risks are
generally categorized into manageable and unmanageable risks.
Question # 43
Exclusionary screening:
A. reduces portfolio tracking error and active share.
B. is the oldest and simplest approach within responsible investment. C. employs a given ESG rating methodology to identify companies with better ESG performance relative to its industry peers.
Answer: B Explanation: Exclusionary Screening:
The CFA Institute describes exclusionary screening as the process of
excluding certain sectors, companies, or practices from a portfolio
based on specific ethical, moral, or religious criteria. This method has
historical roots and is considered the simplest and most traditional
form of responsible investment.Positive/Best-in-Class Screening:
The CFA curriculum differentiates exclusionary screening from positive
screening, where investments are made in companies with superior ESG
performance within their sectors, using ESG rating methodologies to
guide the selection process. In conclusion, exclusionary
screening is correctly identified as the oldest and simplest approach
within responsible investment, making option B the verified answer.=================
Exclusionary screening, also
known as negative screening, is a responsible investment strategy where
certain companies, sectors, or practices are excluded from an investment
portfolio based on specific ethical guidelines or criteria. It is
widely regarded as the oldest and simplest approach within the realm of
responsible and sustainable investing.1. Oldest and Simplest Approach:
Exclusionary screening is indeed the oldest and simplest approach
within responsible investment. This method has been used for decades,
with early examples including the exclusion of companies involved in
controversial activities such as tobacco, alcohol, or weapons
production. The simplicity of this approach lies in its straightforward
criteria: if a company or sector falls within the excluded category, it
is not considered for investment.2. Reducing Portfolio Tracking Error and Active Share:
Contrary to option A, exclusionary screening does not necessarily
reduce portfolio tracking error and active share. In fact, it can
increase tracking error and active share by deviating from the benchmark
index. This is because excluding certain companies or sectors means
that the portfolio may differ significantly from the benchmark,
potentially increasing both tracking error and active share.3. ESG Rating Methodology:
Option C describes a different approach known as positive or
best-in-class screening, where a given ESG rating methodology is
employed to identify and invest in companies with better ESG performance
relative to their industry peers. This is distinct from exclusionary
screening, which is based on predefined ethical or moral criteria rather
than relative ESG performance.References from CFA ESG Investing:
Question # 44
Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of a ‘just’ transition?
A. A region transitioning to solar power subsidizes businesses to install solar arrays
B. A region transitioning to a smaller public sector workforce funds outplacement programs for displaced office workers C. A region transitioning away from iron ore mining helps displaced miners to work in the safe decommission of abandoned mines
Answer: C Explanation: Just transition (C):
Helping displaced miners transition to safe decommissioning of
abandoned mines ensures that these workers are provided with new
employment opportunities that utilize their skills, while also
addressing environmental remediation. This approach highlights the
social responsibility of managing the transition's impacts on workers
and communities.Subsidizing businesses for solar arrays (A): While beneficial for promoting renewable energy, this does not directly address the social impacts on displaced workers.Funding outplacement programs for public sector workers (B):
While important, this example does not specifically address the
environmental aspects of a just transition, which encompasses both
social and environmental justice. References: CFA ESG Investing PrinciplesJust Transition Centre and International Labour Organization (ILO) guidelines on just transition =================
The concept of a ‘just’
transition refers to ensuring that the shift towards a sustainable and
low-carbon economy is fair and inclusive, addressing the social and
economic impacts on workers and communities.
Question # 45
Compared to an optimal portfolio that does not have any ESG restrictions
a portfolio that optimizes for multiple ESG factors will most likely
A. lower active risk
B. higher active risk. C. lower tracking error
Answer: B Explanation: Constraints and Limitations:
Applying multiple ESG factors imposes constraints on the investment
universe. This limitation can lead to deviations from the benchmark, as
the portfolio may exclude certain stocks or sectors that are present in
the benchmark.Sector and Stock Exclusions: By optimizing
for ESG factors, the portfolio may exclude high-performing stocks or
entire sectors that do not meet ESG criteria. This exclusion can
increase the portfolio’s active risk compared to a traditional optimal
portfolio.Potential for Divergence: The focus on ESG
factors can lead to a different composition of the portfolio relative to
the benchmark, resulting in potential performance divergence and higher
active risk. References: SCI ESG Ratings
Methodology (2022) - Highlights the potential for increased active risk
when integrating multiple ESG factors into portfolio optimization??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary
(2022) - Discusses the impact of ESG constraints on portfolio
performance and tracking error??.
Compared to an optimal
portfolio that does not have any ESG restrictions, a portfolio that
optimizes for multiple ESG factors will most likely experience higher
active risk. Active risk, also known as tracking error, measures the
deviation of a portfolio’s returns from its benchmark.
Question # 46
An investor requires a social return and will tolerate a sub-market financial return. This best characterizes:
A. social investing.
B. impact investing. C. sustainable and responsible investing.
Answer: B Explanation:
Impact investing is
characterized by the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial
social or environmental impact alongside a financial return. Investors
engaged in impact investing are often willing to accept sub-market
financial returns to achieve their social or environmental goals. This
differentiates impact investing from social investing, which may focus
more on avoiding negative impacts, and sustainable and responsible
investing, which seeks to balance financial returns with ESG factors??.=================
Question # 47
Natural language processing (NLP) is employed as a tool in ESG investing to:
A. backtest short time series of ESG data.
B. quantify online text relating to ESG risk areas. C. interpret satellite imagery to assess deforestation.
Answer: B
Explanation: NLP in ESG Investing: NLP helps investors
process and analyze large volumes of textual data to identify trends,
risks, and opportunities associated with ESG factors. This capability is
crucial for assessing the sentiment and context of ESG-related
information, which can impact investment decisions????.Quantifying
Online Text: NLP quantifies online text by identifying and categorizing
relevant ESG risk areas. This includes monitoring media sources,
regulatory filings, and corporate disclosures to capture real-time data
on ESG issues. By quantifying these texts, investors can better
understand the potential impact of ESG risks on their investments????. =================
Natural Language Processing
(NLP) is a tool used in ESG investing to analyze and quantify large
amounts of textual data related to environmental, social, and governance
(ESG) factors. The technology involves the automatic manipulation of
natural language by software, enabling the extraction of meaningful
information from unstructured text such as news articles, reports, and
social media posts.
Question # 48
A drawback of ESG index-based investment strategies is that they:
A. focus only on environmental factors
B. cannot accommodate factor-based investing styles C. rely on established datasets for construction that lack historical data
Answer: C Explanation: Rely on established datasets for construction that lack historical data (C):
ESG indices are often based on datasets that have only recently started
to be compiled comprehensively. This lack of long historical data can
make it challenging to perform back-testing and historical performance
analysis, which are crucial for investment strategies.Focus only on environmental factors (A): ESG indices typically encompass environmental, social, and governance factors, not just environmental ones.Cannot accommodate factor-based investing styles (B): ESG indices can be designed to accommodate various factor-based investing styles, including value, growth, and others. References: CFA ESG Investing PrinciplesLimitations and considerations in ESG index construction and usage =================
A drawback of ESG
index-based investment strategies is that they rely on established
datasets for construction that lack historical data.
Question # 49
Which of the following statements about voting is most accurate?
A. Voting is a necessary but not a sufficient element of good stewardship
B. Concerns about the diversity of a company's board cannot be reflected in voting decisions C. If there are concerns about the financial viability of a business, investors need to pay close attention to voting decisions on the reappointment of members of the audit committee
Answer: C Explanation: Voting
on resolutions at shareholder meetings is a fundamental aspect of
stewardship, enabling investors to influence corporate governance and
strategy.It ensures that management is accountable to shareholders and aligns with long-term interests. ? Focus on Audit Committee: The
audit committee oversees financial reporting and the audit process,
which are critical to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of financial
statements.Reappointing members of the audit committee is
crucial when there are concerns about a company's financial viability,
as this committee plays a key role in maintaining financial integrity. ? Concerns about Board Diversity: Investors can reflect concerns about board diversity through their voting decisions, particularly during director re-elections. ? References: The
importance of voting, particularly on issues related to financial
viability and audit committee reappointments, is emphasized in corporate
governance and ESG stewardship guidelines????. =================
? Importance of Voting in Stewardship:
Question # 50
low risk exposure to this factor in the short run
A. With reference to data security and customer
privacy issues a technology company in the research and development
stage with no commercially marketed products is most likely to have:
B. medium risk exposure to this factor in the short run. C. high risk exposure to this factor in the short run.
Answer: A Explanation: Limited Customer Data: Since the company is still in the R&D stage and has no commercially marketed products, it is less likely to handle significant amounts of customer data, reducing the immediate risk of data security and privacy issues.Focus on Development: The primary focus during the R&D stage is on product development and innovation rather than on managing and protecting customer data. This stage involves less exposure to operational risks associated with data breaches or privacy violations.Short-term Horizon: In the short run, the company’s activities are centered on creating and testing new technologies. While data security and privacy will become critical as the company moves towards commercialization, the immediate risk exposure is relatively low. References: MSCI ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the varying risk exposures to data security and privacy issues based on a company's stage of development??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary (2022) - Highlights the lower risk exposure of companies in early development stages regarding customer data security and privacy??
With reference to data security and customer privacy issues, a technology company in the research and development stage with no commercially marketed products is most likely to have low risk exposure to this factor in the short run.
Question # 51
When searching for an asset manager with an ESG approach, in the request
for proposal (RFP) an institutional asset owner would most
appropriately ask:
A. which broad market index the asset manager tracks
B. detailed questions on specific portfolio holdings of the asset manager C. if the asset manager aims for positive, measurable ESG outcomes beyond financial returns
Answer: C Explanation:
When searching for an asset
manager with an ESG approach, it is essential for an institutional asset
owner to understand whether the asset manager's strategy aligns with
their sustainability objectives. The most appropriate question to ask in
the RFP is whether the asset manager aims for positive, measurable ESG
outcomes beyond financial returns. This question assesses the commitment
to achieving concrete ESG results, which is a critical factor in
evaluating the manager's integration of ESG factors into their
investment process. Detailed questions about portfolio holdings or which
broad market index the manager tracks are less relevant to assessing
the ESG integration??.
Question # 52
Which of the following asset classes has the lowest degree of ESG integration?
A. Sovereign debt
B. Investment grade corporate debt C. Emerging markets corporate debt
Answer: A Explanation: Limited ESG Data: There is generally less ESG
data available for sovereign issuers compared to corporate issuers.
Sovereign ESG assessments rely on country-level indicators, which may
not be as detailed or specific as corporate ESG disclosures.Complexity of ESG Factors:
The ESG factors affecting sovereign debt are more complex and broader
in scope, encompassing issues like political stability, governance,
human rights, and environmental policies. This complexity makes it
challenging to integrate ESG factors effectively.Market Practices:
The integration of ESG factors into sovereign debt investment processes
is less advanced compared to corporate debt markets. While there is
growing interest, the methodologies and frameworks for assessing
sovereign ESG risks are still developing. References: MSCI
ESG Ratings Methodology (2022) - Discusses the challenges and current
state of ESG integration across different asset classes, highlighting
the relative lag in sovereign debt??.ESG-Ratings-Methodology-Exec-Summary
(2022) - Provides insights into the varying degrees of ESG integration
in different asset classes and the factors contributing to these
differences??. Sovereign debt has the
lowest degree of ESG integration compared to investment-grade corporate
debt and emerging markets corporate debt. This is due to several
Question # 53
Formal corporate governance codes are most likely to:
A. be found in all major world markets.
B. call for serious consequences for non-compliant organizations. C. be interpreted by proxy advisory firms when corporate compliance is assessed.
Answer: A Explanation:
Formal corporate governance
codes are now found in all major world markets. These codes establish
guidelines and best practices for corporate governance, aiming to
enhance transparency, accountability, and overall governance standards
within companies. While the specifics can vary by country, the presence
of these codes globally reflects a widespread commitment to improving
corporate governance??????.Top of FormBottom of Form=================
Question # 54
Which element of EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities screening is most closely associated with social factors?
A. Do no significant harm
B. Substantially contribute C. Comply with minimum safeguards
Answer: C Explanation: EU Taxonomy and Social Factors:
The CFA Institute highlights the role of minimum safeguards within the
EU Taxonomy, emphasizing their importance in addressing social factors
such as human rights and labor standards. These safeguards ensure that
sustainable activities do not come at the expense of social well-being. EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities:The
EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities is a classification system
establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities.
It includes criteria to determine whether an activity substantially
contributes to environmental objectives, does no significant harm to any
of these objectives, and complies with minimum safeguards.1. Comply with Minimum Safeguards:
This element is most closely associated with social factors. The
minimum safeguards ensure that companies adhere to international
standards and principles related to human rights, labor rights, and good
governance. These safeguards are designed to prevent social harm and
ensure that businesses operate responsibly.2. Do No Significant Harm (Option A):
This principle ensures that economic activities do not cause
significant harm to other environmental objectives. While important, it
is primarily focused on environmental rather than social factors.3. Substantially Contribute (Option B):
This criterion ensures that economic activities make a substantial
contribution to one or more of the environmental objectives set out in
the Taxonomy. It is primarily focused on environmental contributions
rather than social factors.References from CFA ESG Investing:
Question # 55
Which of the following is a form of individual engagement?
A. Follow-on dialogue
B. Informal discussions C. Active public engagement
Answer: B Explanation: Casual
Conversations: These often happen on the sidelines of formal meetings
or during industry conferences and can be spontaneous. These discussions
allow investors to gather insights and express their concerns or
suggestions in a less structured environment.Relationship
Building: Informal discussions help build and maintain relationships
with key company stakeholders, making it easier to address concerns in a
more receptive context. This kind of engagement often facilitates a
better understanding and cooperation over time.Ongoing
Communication: Maintaining a steady line of informal communication can
keep investors informed of the company's strategies and operations and
provide a continuous feedback loop that is less formal but equally
significant. While Follow-on Dialogue (A) and Active Public
Engagement (C) are also important forms of engagement, they typically
involve more structured, ongoing conversations post-initial engagement
and public campaigns or initiatives that seek to influence broader
stakeholder groups, respectively.CFA ESG Investing References:The
CFA Institute’s guidance on ESG integration highlights the importance
of investor engagement in various forms. It underscores that informal
discussions can be a powerful tool for investors to communicate their
expectations and concerns without the formalities that might limit open
communication.Additionally, MSCI’s ESG Ratings methodology, as
outlined in the provided documents, supports the notion that engagement,
including informal discussions, is critical for effective ESG
integration and can influence company behavior and transparency????.These
informal interactions are a key part of the broader engagement strategy
that investors use to influence company practices and improve ESG
Individual engagement
refers to the direct interaction between investors and the companies in
which they invest, aimed at addressing ESG issues. This engagement can
take several forms, including formal and informal means of
communication.Informal Discussions as a form of individual engagement are characterized by:
Question # 56
In response to policy changes, several of the world’s largest automakers
made pledges to halt producing cars with internal combustion engines by
2035. Which of the following would an asset manager most appropriately
use to address this trend?
A. Factor risk asset allocation model
B. Liability-driven asset allocation model C. Regime switching asset allocation model
Answer: C Explanation:
The regime switching asset
allocation model is most appropriate for addressing the trend of major
automakers pledging to halt the production of internal combustion engine
cars by 2035. This model allows asset managers to adapt to different
market regimes, which is crucial given the significant shift in the
automotive industry due to policy changes and the transition to electric
vehicles. The ability to switch between different allocation strategies
based on prevailing economic and market conditions helps manage risks
and capitalize on emerging opportunities related to the automotive
industry's transformation.=================
Question # 57
Stock exchanges can contribute to the growth of ESG market by:
A. supporting companies to issue more ESG-oriented bonds.
B. increasing the disclosure requirements on ESG data by listed companies. C. considering ESG factors when voting on behalf of shareholders at companies' annual general meetings.
Answer: B Explanation:
Stock exchanges can contribute
to the growth of the ESG market by increasing the disclosure
requirements on ESG data by listed companies. Enhanced disclosure
requirements ensure that investors have access to comprehensive and
comparable ESG information, which is critical for making informed
investment decisions. This promotes transparency and encourages
companies to improve their ESG practices????.Top of FormBottom of Form=================
Question # 58
Corporate governance in the UK is notable for:
A. its requirement for joint auditors.
B. the existence of double voting rights for some shareholders. C. the prominence of board behavior guidelines in its Corporate Governance Code.
Answer: C Explanation: Joint Auditors: The requirement for joint auditors is more common in other jurisdictions, such as France, rather than in the UK.Double Voting Rights:
Double voting rights for some shareholders are not a feature of UK
corporate governance but can be found in other markets, like France,
where long-term shareholders may be granted additional voting rights as
an incentive for loyalty. References from CFA ESG Investing: UK Corporate Governance Code:
The CFA Institute highlights the importance of the UK Corporate
Governance Code, which includes detailed guidelines on board behavior to
ensure that directors fulfill their duties effectively and ethically.Board Responsibilities:
The UK Corporate Governance Code emphasizes the need for boards to
maintain high standards of conduct, accountability, and governance
practices, reflecting the prominence of board behavior guidelines. =================
Corporate governance in the UK
is notable for its comprehensive guidelines and principles that promote
effective board behavior and accountability.1. Board Behavior Guidelines:
The UK Corporate Governance Code places a strong emphasis on board
behavior, setting out clear guidelines for the roles and
responsibilities of directors. These guidelines aim to ensure that
boards act in the best interests of the company and its stakeholders,
promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior.2. Joint Auditors and Double Voting Rights:
Question # 59
Which of the following subclasses is most likely to have the highest level of ESG integration using Mercer's ratings?
A. Sovereign debt
B. High-yield credit C. Investment-grade credit
Answer: C Explanation: ESG Integration in Credit Markets:
The CFA Institute discusses how ESG integration varies across different
segments of the credit market. Investment-grade credit typically
exhibits higher levels of ESG integration due to better data
availability and higher investor demand for sustainable practices.Mercer’s Ratings:
Mercer's ESG ratings emphasize the importance of integrating ESG
factors into investment processes, with investment-grade credit
generally leading in ESG integration efforts. =================
ESG Integration using Mercer's Ratings:Mercer’s
ratings assess the level of ESG integration across various asset
classes and subclasses. Investment-grade credit is most likely to have
the highest level of ESG integration compared to sovereign debt and
high-yield credit.1. Investment-Grade Credit:
Investment-grade credit typically involves higher-quality issuers with
better credit ratings and stronger financial stability. These issuers
are more likely to integrate ESG factors into their operations and
disclosures, as they often face greater scrutiny from investors and
regulatory bodies. Additionally, ESG integration is more prevalent in
investment-grade credit due to the higher availability of ESG data and
metrics for these issuers.2. Sovereign Debt: While ESG
considerations are increasingly applied to sovereign debt, the level of
integration varies significantly by country. Some governments may
prioritize ESG factors, while others may not, leading to a lower overall
level of ESG integration compared to investment-grade credit.3. High-Yield Credit:
High-yield credit involves issuers with lower credit ratings and higher
risk profiles. These issuers may have less capacity or incentive to
integrate ESG factors compared to investment-grade issuers, leading to
lower levels of ESG integration.References from CFA ESG Investing:
Question # 60
According to a study of the Hermes UK Focus Fund: which of the following
engagement objectives was most likely to be achieved through
shareholder activism?
A. Renumeration policy changes
B. Improvements to investor relations C. Restructuring and financial policies
Answer: C Explanation:
According to a study of
the Hermes UK Focus Fund, engagement objectives most likely to be
achieved through shareholder activism include restructuring and
financial policies. The study found that the success rate for achieving
objectives related to restructuring and financial policies was higher
compared to other objectives such as remuneration policy changes and
improvements to investor relations. This indicates that shareholder
activism is more effective in driving changes in corporate structure and
financial strategies????.
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