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Frequently Asked Questions
Question # 1
Which of the following statements best describes how configuration management supportstesting?
A. Configuration management helps reduce testing effort by identifying a manageablenumber of test environment configurations in which to test the software, out of all possibleconfigurations of the environment in which the software will be released
B. Configuration management is an administrative discipline that includes change control,which is the process of controlling the changes to identified items referred to asConfiguration Items'
C. Configuration management is an approach to interoperability testing where tests areexecuted in the cloud, as the cloud can provide cost-effective access to multipleconfigurations of the test environments
D. Configuration management helps ensure that all relevant project documentation andsoftware items are uniquely identified in all their versions and therefore can beunambiguously referenced in test documentation
Question # 2
Consider the following user story about an e-commerce website's registration feature thatonly allows registered users to make purchases ; As a new user, I want to register to thewebsite, so that I can start shopping online"The following are some of the acceptance criteria defined for the user story[a] The registration form consists of the following fields: username, email address, firstname, last name, date of birth, password and repeat password.[b] To submit the registration request, the new user must fill in all the fields of theregistration form with valid values and must agree to the terms and conditions.[c] To be valid, the email address must not be provided by free online mail services thatallow to create disposable email addresses. A dedicated error message must be presentedto inform the new user when an invalid address is entered.[d] To be valid, the first name and last name must contain only alphabetic characters andmust be between 2 and 80 characters long A dedicated error message must be presentedto inform the new user when an invalid first name and/or the last name is entered[e] After submitting the registration request, the new user must receive an e-mail containingthe confirmation link to the e-mail address specified in the registration formBased only on the given information, which of the following ATDD tests is MOST LIKELY tobe written first?
A. The new user enters valid values in the fields of the registration form, except for theemail address, where he/she enters an e-mail address provided by a free online mailservice that allow to create disposable email addresses. Then he/she is informed by thewebsite about this issue.
B. The new user enters valid values in the fields of the registration form, except for the firstname, where he/she enters a first name with 10 characters that contains a number. Thenhe/she is informed by the website about this issue.
C. The user accesses the website with a username and password, and successfully places a purchase order for five items, paying by Mastercard credit card
D. The new user enters valid values in all the fields of the registration form, confirms toaccept all the terms and conditions, submits the registration request and then receives ane-mail containing the confirmation link to the e-mail address specified in the registrationform
Question # 3
Which TWO of the following are benefits of continuous integration?I. Allows earlier detection and easier root cause analysis of integration problems andconflicting changes.II. Removes the need for manual test analysis, design and execution.Hi. Removes the dependency on automated regression packs when integrating largersystems, or components.iv. Gives the development team regular feedback on whether the code is working.Select the correct answer:
A. i and iv
B. i and ii
C. i and iii
D. iii and iv
Question # 4
Which of the following statements is true?
A. In Agile software development, work product documentation tends to be lightweight an manual tests tend to be often unscripted as they are often produced using experiencebasedtest techniques
B. Sequential development models impose the use of systematic test techniques and donot allow the use of experience-based test techniques
C. In Agile software development, the first iterations are exclusively dedicated to testingactivities, as testing will be used to drive development, which will be performed in thesubsequent iterations
D. Both in Agile software development and in sequential development models, such as theV-model, test levels tend to overlap since they do not usually have defined entry and exitcriteria
Question # 5
As a tester, as part of a V-model project, you are currently executing some tests aimed atverifying if a mobile app asks the user to grant the proper access permissions during theinstallation process and after the installation process. The requirements specification statesthat in both cases the app shall ask the user to grant access permissions only to thecamera and photos stored on the device. However, you observe that the app also asks theuser to grant access permission to all contacts on the device. Consider the following items:[I]. Test environment[ii]. Expected result[iii]. Actual result.[IV] Test level.[V]. Root cause.Based on only the given information, which of the items listed above, are you able toCORRECTLY specify in a defect report?
A. [l] and [IV]
B. [ii] and [III].
C. [ii], [iii] and [v]
D. [ii], [IV] and [V].
Question # 6
Which of the following is a role that is usually responsible for documenting the findings(e.g., action items, decisions, recommendations) made by the review team as part of atypical formal review?
A. Review leader
B. Facilitator.
C. Recorder.
D. Moderator
Question # 7
Which sequence of stated in the answer choices is correct in accordance with the following figure depicting the life-cycle of a defect?
A. S0->S1->S2->S3->S5->S1
B. S0->S1->S2->S3->S5->S1->S2->S3
C. S0->S1->S2~>S3->S4
D. S0->S1 ->S2->S3->S5->S3->S4
Question # 8
Which of the following statements about the shift-left approach is FALSE?
A. The shift-left approach can only be implemented with test automation
B. The shift-left approach in testing is compatible with DevOps practices.
C. The shift-left approach can involve security vulnerabilities
D. The shift-left approach can be supported by static analysis tools.
Question # 9
An alphanumeric password must be between 4 and 7 characters long and must contain atleast one numeric character, one capital (uppercase) letter and one lowercase letter of thealphabet.Which one of the following sets of test cases represents the correct outcome of a two-valueboundary value analysis applied to the password length? (Note: test cases are separatedby a semicolon)
A. 1xA;aB11;Pq1ZZab;7iDD0a1x
B. aB11;99rSp:5NnN10;7iDD0a1x
C. 1xB: aB11: 99rSp: 5NnN10; 4NnN10T; 44ghWn19
D. 1RhT;rSp53;3N3e10;8sBdby
Question # 10
Which one of the following statements correctly describes the term 'debugging'?
A. There is no difference between debugging and testing.
B. Debugging is a confirmation activity that checks whether fixes resolved defects.
C. Debugging is the development activity that finds, analyses and fixes defects.
D. Debugging is of no relevance in Agile development.
Question # 11
Which of the following statements describes regression testing?I. Retesting of a fixed defectII. Testing of an already tested programIII. Testing of new functionality in a programIV. Regression testing applies only to functional testingV Tests that do not nave to be repeatable, because They are only used once
A. II, IV, V
D. I, IV
Question # 12
In which of the following test documents would you expect to find test exit criteriadescribed9
A. Test design specification
B. Project plan
C. Requirements specification
D. Test plan
Question # 13
Which of the following statements about error guessing is true?
A. Error guessing is a system that adopts artificial intelligence to predict whether software components are likely to contain defects or not
B. Experienced testers, when applying error guessing, rely on the use of a high-level list of what needs to be tested as a guide to find defects
C. Error guessing refers to the ability of a system or component to continue normaloperation despite the presence of erroneous inputs
D. Experienced testers, when applying error guessing technique, can anticipate whereerrors, defects and failures have occurred and target their tests at those issues
Question # 14
Can "cost" be regarded as Exit criteria?
A. Yes. Spending too much money on test ng will result in an unprofitable product, and having cost as an exit criterion helps avoid this
B. No. The financial value of product quality cannot be estimated, so it is incorrect to use cost as an exit criterion
C. Yes. Going by cost as an exit criterion constrains the testing project which will hello achieve the desired quality level defined for the project
D. No The cost of testing cannot be measured effectively, so it is incorrect to use cost as an exit criterion
Question # 15
Which of the following statements about retrospectives is TRUE?
A. Only developers and testers should be involved in retrospectives, as involving people inother roles is very likely to prevent developers and testers from having open andconstructive discussions that really help identify process improvements.
B. Retrospectives can be very effective in identifying process improvements and can alsobe very efficient and cost-effective especially since, unlike reviews, they do not require anyfollow-up activities
C. On Agile projects, well-conducted retrospectives at the end of each iteration can helpthe team reduce and sometimes even eliminate the need for dairy stand-up meetings.
D. During retrospectives, in addition to identifying relevant process improvements,participants should also consider how to implement these improvements and retain thembased on the context of the project, such as the software development lifecycle.
Question # 16
Exploratory testing is an experience-based test technique
A. Where a developer and a tester work together on the same workstation while thedeveloper actively writes code, the tester explores the code to find defects.
B. That can be organised into sessions guided by test charters outlining test objectives thatwill guide the testers' exploration
C. Where a team of testers explores all possible test techniques in order to determine themost suitable combination of these techniques to apply for a test project.
D. That aims at finding defects by designing tests that exercise all possible combinations of input values and preconditions
Question # 17
A system has a self-diagnostics module that starts executing after the system is reset. Thediagnostics are running 12 different tests on the systems memory hardware. The followingis one of the requirements set for the diagnostics module:'The time taking the diagnostics tests to execute shall be less than 2 seconds' Which of thefollowing is a failure related to the specified requirement?
A. The diagnostic tests fail to start after a system reset
B. The diagnostic tests take too much time to execute
C. The diagnostic tests that measure the speed of the memory, fail
D. The diagnostic tests fail due to incorrect implementation of the test code
Question # 18
An application is subjected to a constant load for an extended period of time as part of aperformance test While running this test, the response time of the application steadily slowsdown, which results in a requirement not being met This slowdown is caused by a memoryleak where the application code does not properly release some of the dynamicallyallocated memory when it is no longer needed. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The slowdown is a failure while the memory leak is a defect
B. The slowdown is a defect while the memory leak is an error.
C. The slowdown is an error; the memory leak is a defect.
D. The slowdown is a defect; the memory leak is a failure.
Question # 19
Which of the following statements is true?
A. Functional testing focuses on what the system should do while non-functional testing on the internal structure of the system
B. Non-functional testing includes testing of both technical and non-technical quality characteristics
C. Testers who perform functional tests are generally expected to have more technical skills than testers who perform non-functional tests
D. The test techniques that can be used to design white-box tests are described in the ISO/IEC 25010 standard
Question # 20
For the same financial institution in Question 12, with the same requirements andexpectations, what would be the most likely investment values used in testing if two-pointboundary value analysis is used to design test cases specific to the 13% interest rateequivalence partition?
A. R100 000, R100 001, R500 000, R500 001.
B. R99 999, R100 000, R499 999, R500 000.
C. R100 000. R500 000.
D. R99 000, R500 001.
Question # 21
Which of the following statements about the shift-left approach is true?
A. Shift-left in testing can be implemented only in Agile/DevOps frameworks, as it relies completely on automated testing activities performed within a continuous integration process
B. Performance testing performed during component testing, is a form of shift-left in testingthat avoids planning and executing costly end-to-end testing at the system test level in a production-like environment
C. Shift-left in testing can be implemented in several ways to find functional defects early inthe lifecycle, but it cannot be relied upon to find defects associated with non-functional characteristics
D. Continuous integration supports shift-left in testing as it can reduce the time between theintroduction of a defect and its detection, thereby reducing the cost to fix it
Question # 22
Which of the following applications will be the MOST suitable for testing by Use Cases
A. Accuracy and usability of a new Navigation system compared with previous system
B. A billing system used to calculate monthly charge based or large number of subscribers parameters
C. The ability of an Anti virus package to detect and quarantine a new threat
D. Suitability and performance of a Multi media (audio video based) system to a new operating system
Question # 23
Metrics can be collected during and at the end of testing activities to assess which of the following?i. Progress against the planned schedule and budget.II. Current quality of the test object.Hi. Adequacy of the test approach.iv. Effectiveness of the test activities with respect to the objectives.v. All the above.Select the correct answer:
A. Only i and ii.
B. Only i and iii.
C. Only I, ii and iv.
D. Only v.
Question # 24
Which of the following statements about exploratory testing is true?
A. Exploratory testing is an experience-based test technique in which testers explore therequirements specification to detect non testable requirements
B. When exploratory testing is conducted following a session-based approach, the issuesdetected by the testers can be documented in session sheets
C. Exploratory testing is an experience-based test technique used by testers duringinformal code reviews to find defects by exploring the source code
D. In exploratory testing, testers usually produce scripted tests and establish bidirectionaltraceability between these tests and the items of the test basis
Question # 25
Which of the following statements about how different types of test tools support testers is true?
A. The support offered by a test data preparation tool is often leveraged by testers to runautomated regression test suites
B. The support offered by a performance testing tool is often leveraged by testers to runload tests
C. The support offered by a bug prediction tool is often used by testers to track the bugsthey found
D. The support offered by a continuous integration tool is often leveraged by testers toautomatically generate test cases from a model
Question # 26
You are testing a room upgrade system for a hotel. The system accepts three differedtypes of room (increasing order of luxury): Platinum. Silver and Gold Luxury. ONLY aPreferred Guest Card holder s eligible for an upgrade.Below you can find the decision table defining the upgrade eligibility: What is the expected result for each of the following test cases?Customer A: Preference Guest Card holder, holding a Silver roomCustomer B: Non Preferred Guest Card holder, holding a Platinum room
A. Customer A; doesn't offer any upgrade; Customer B: offers upgrade to Gold luxury room
B. Customer A: doesn't offer any upgrade; Customer B: doesn't offer any upgrade.
C. Customer A: offers upgrade to Gold Luxury room; Customer B: doesn't offer any upgrade
D. Customer A: offers upgrade to Silver room; Customer B: offers upgrade to Silver room.
Question # 27
The following decision table is used to assist a doctor in determining the drug therapy toprescribe for a patient (aged 6 to 65 years) diagnosed with acute sinusitis. The tableconsists of three Boolean conditions and six actions Based only on the given information, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Column 7 represents an impossible situation and thus can be deleted
B. Columns 1 and 3 can be merged into a single column
C. Columns 2, 4, 6 and 8 can be merged into a single column
D. Columns 5 and 7 can be merged into a single column
Question # 28
Which one of the following statements IS NOT a valid objective of testing?
A. To build confidence in the level of quality of the test object.
B. To find all defects in a product, ensuring the product is defect free.
C. To find failures and defects
D. To evaluate work products such as requirements, user stories, design, and code.
Question # 29
After being in operation for many years, a document management system must bedecommissioned as it has reached its end of life. This system will not be replaced by anyother new system. A legal obligation provides that all documents within the system must bekept for at least 20 years in a state archive. Which of the following statements aboutmaintenance testing for decommissioning of this system is TRUE?
A. No maintenance testing is required as this system will not be replaced.
B. Data migration testing is required as part of maintenance testing
C. Confirmation testing is required as part of maintenance testing.
D. Regression testing is required as part of maintenance testing
Question # 30
You are an experienced tester on a project with incomplete requirements and under pressure to deploy.What type of testing should you do?
A. Decision-based testing.
B. Checklist-based testing.
C. Error guessing.
D. Exploratory testing.
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