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  • Updated On January 16, 2025

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Frequently Asked Questions

Amazon AIF-C01 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

An education provider is building a question and answer application that uses a generative AI model to explain complex concepts. The education provider wants to automatically change the style of the model response depending on who is asking the question. The education provider will give the model the age range of the user who has asked the question.Which solution meets these requirements with the LEAST implementation effort?

A. Fine-tune the model by using additional training data that is representative of the various age ranges that the application will support.
B. Add a role description to the prompt context that instructs the model of the age range that the response should target.
C. Use chain-of-thought reasoning to deduce the correct style and complexity for a response suitable for that user.
D. Summarize the response text depending on the age of the user so that younger users receive shorter responses.

Question # 2

A company wants to build an ML model by using Amazon SageMaker. The company needs to share and manage variables for model development across multiple teams.Which SageMaker feature meets these requirements?

A. Amazon SageMaker Feature Store
B. Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler
C. Amazon SageMaker Clarify
D. Amazon SageMaker Model Cards

Question # 3

A social media company wants to use a large language model (LLM) for content moderation. The company wants to evaluate the LLM outputs for bias and potential discrimination against specific groups or individuals.Which data source should the company use to evaluate the LLM outputs with the LEAST administrative effort?

A. User-generated content
B. Moderation logs
C. Content moderation guidelines
D. Benchmark datasets

Question # 4

How can companies use large language models (LLMs) securely on Amazon Bedrock?

A. Design clear and specific prompts. Configure AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies by using least privilege access.
B. Enable AWS Audit Manager for automatic model evaluation jobs.
C. Enable Amazon Bedrock automatic model evaluation jobs.
D. Use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to make models explainable and to monitor for bias.

Question # 5

A company wants to create an application by using Amazon Bedrock. The company has a limited budget and prefers flexibility without long-term commitment. Which Amazon Bedrock pricing model meets these requirements?

A. On-Demand
B. Model customization
C. Provisioned Throughput
D. Spot Instance

Question # 6

A medical company is customizing a foundation model (FM) for diagnostic purposes. The company needs the model to be transparent and explainable to meet regulatory requirements.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Configure the security and compliance by using Amazon Inspector.
B. Generate simple metrics, reports, and examples by using Amazon SageMaker Clarify.
C. Encrypt and secure training data by using Amazon Macie.
D. Gather more data. Use Amazon Rekognition to add custom labels to the data.

Question # 7

An AI practitioner is building a model to generate images of humans in various professions. The AI practitioner discovered that the input data is biased and that specific attributes affect the image generation and create bias in the model. Which technique will solve the problem?

A. Data augmentation for imbalanced classes
B. Model monitoring for class distribution
C. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
D. Watermark detection for images

Question # 8

A student at a university is copying content from generative AI to write essays. Which challenge of responsible generative AI does this scenario represent?

A. Toxicity
B. Hallucinations
C. Plagiarism
D. Privacy

Question # 9

A law firm wants to build an AI application by using large language models (LLMs). The application will read legal documents and extract key points from the documents.Which solution meets these requirements?

A. Build an automatic named entity recognition system.
B. Create a recommendation engine.
C. Develop a summarization chatbot.
D. Develop a multi-language translation system.

Question # 10

An e-commerce company wants to build a solution to determine customer sentiments based on written customer reviews of products.Which AWS services meet these requirements? (Select TWO.)

A. Amazon Lex
B. Amazon Comprehend
C. Amazon Polly
D. Amazon Bedrock
E. Amazon Rekognition

Question # 11

A company is using a pre-trained large language model (LLM) to build a chatbot for product recommendations. The company needs the LLM outputs to be short and written in a specific language.Which solution will align the LLM response quality with the company's expectations?

A. Adjust the prompt.
B. Choose an LLM of a different size.
C. Increase the temperature.
D. Increase the Top K value.

Question # 12

A company is using few-shot prompting on a base model that is hosted on Amazon Bedrock. The model currently uses 10 examples in the prompt. The model is invoked once daily and is performing well. The company wants to lower the monthly cost.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Customize the model by using fine-tuning.
B. Decrease the number of tokens in the prompt.
C. Increase the number of tokens in the prompt.
D. Use Provisioned Throughput.

Question # 13

A company is developing a new model to predict the prices of specific items. The model performed well on the training dataset. When the company deployed the model to production, the model's performance decreased significantly.What should the company do to mitigate this problem?

A. Reduce the volume of data that is used in training.
B. Add hyperparameters to the model.
C. Increase the volume of data that is used in training.
D. Increase the model training time.

Question # 14

A company wants to display the total sales for its top-selling products across various retail locations in the past 12 months.Which AWS solution should the company use to automate the generation of graphs?

A. Amazon Q in Amazon EC2
B. Amazon Q Developer
C. Amazon Q in Amazon QuickSight
D. Amazon Q in AWS Chatbot

Question # 15

A company is building a large language model (LLM) question answering chatbot. The company wants to decrease the number of actions call center employees need to take to respond to customer questions.Which business objective should the company use to evaluate the effect of the LLM chatbot?

A. Website engagement rate
B. Average call duration
C. Corporate social responsibility
D. Regulatory compliance

Question # 16

A company wants to create a chatbot by using a foundation model (FM) on Amazon Bedrock. The FM needs to access encrypted data that is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.The data is encrypted with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3). The FM encounters a failure when attempting to access the S3 bucket data.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Ensure that the role that Amazon Bedrock assumes has permission to decrypt data with the correct encryption key.
B. Set the access permissions for the S3 buckets to allow public access to enable accessover the internet.
C. Use prompt engineering techniques to tell the model to look for information in AmazonS3.
D. Ensure that the S3 data does not contain sensitive information.

Question # 17

A company wants to use a large language model (LLM) on Amazon Bedrock for sentiment analysis. The company wants to know how much information can fit into one prompt.Which consideration will inform the company's decision?

A. Temperature
B. Context window
C. Batch size
D. Model size

What our clients say about AIF-C01 Certification Prep Material

flags     Marijn Scholtens     Jan 17, 2025

The AIF-C01 prep from Dumpspool.com matched the exam structure, helping me score 700 and master AWS AI concepts with technical precision.

AWS Certified AI Practitioner Beta Exam Passed – Thanks to Amazonawsdumpsma

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