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  • Updated On January 21, 2025

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Frequently Asked Questions

Adobe AD0-E709 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

When creating a new payment method, the Adobe Commerce developer adds the dependency injection configuration for payment method facade in the modules etc\di.xml. What is required for the custom payment methods Value Handlers pool? 

A. A default handler must be defined. 
B. A country handler must be defined 
C. An offline payment handler must be defined. 

Question # 2

An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with creating a new cron job to run a method that has already been written. What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this? 

A. Create crontab.xml and cron_groups.xml files to assign the new job to a cron group. 
B. Create a crontab.xml file and set a schedule for the new cron job. 
C. Create a crontab.xml file and a new system configuration in system.xml for the schedule. 

Question # 3

A. Only admin users with Custom_Reports::financial resource access. 
B. Only admin users with ALL resources access. 
C. All admin users. 

Question # 4

An Adobe Commerce developer is developing a class that is executed in both the frontend and crontab areas. When executed in the frontend \Magnto\Customer\Model\session::getCu5tonteria() is called but when executed in the crontab this section of code is skipped. Keeping performance and best practices in mind, what would be the best approach to achieve this?

A. Inject the \Magento\Customer\Model\Session\Proxy class in the constructor of their class and call the getCustomer id function wherever required in the class. 
B. Declare \Magento\Customer\Model\Session in the constructor dependency of their class and declare a proxy in the di.xml. Then call the getCustomerid function wherever required in the class. 
C. Declare \Magento\Customer\Model\.session in the constructor of their class dependency and call the getCustomrid() function wherever required. 

Question # 5

Which two techniques can be used to protecta storefront POST action againstCross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks? (Choose two.) 

A. The form sending data to that action needs to include a fornjtey parameter with a valid form key and the action must instantiate \Manento\Framwork\Data\ForumKey\Formkey\Validator validate it. 
B. The action needs to implement \Mgento\Framework\App\CSrfAwareActioninterface and include the validateForCsrf method implementing the actual protection logic. 
C. The form sending data to that action needs to include a form_key parameter with a valid form key which will automatically be used in a built-in CSRF validation. 
D. The action needs to implement \Magento\Framework\App\ActionvHttpPosTActioninterface to trigger built-in CSRF validation. 

Question # 6

Question # 7

An international merchant is complaining that changes are taking too long to be reflected on the frontend after a full product import. Thinking it may be database issues, the Adobe Commerce developer collects the following entity counts; • Categories: 900 • Products: 300k • Customers: 700k • Customer groups : 106 • Orders :1600k • Invoices: 500k • Creditmemos: 50k • Websites: 15 • Stores : 45 What is a probable cause for this? 

A. The combination of the number of orders, customers, invoices and creditmemos is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the customer grid index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed.
B. The combination of the number of products, customer groups and websites is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the price index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed. 
C. The combination of the number of products, categories and stores is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the flat catalog indexes which are too large to be processed at a normal speed. 

Question # 8

An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with storing additional data for products added to the cart in the quote. A newcolumn should be added to the Quote_item table to store the value-Following best practices, how would the developer extend the database to accomplish this?A)

A. Option 
B. Option 
C. Option 

Question # 9

A customer is creating a new website, store and store view that will have a new category structure. How would an Adobe Commerce developer implement this? 

A. All stores have unique category structures, select which root category to duplicate to the new store during creation. 
B. Create a new root category in the admin and then select it when creating the website. 
C. Create a new root category in the admin and then select it when creating the store. 

Question # 10

A. option A 
B. option B 
C. option C 

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